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Philadelphia 76ers

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then i would say they got lucky with a cheap FA signing .... pls dont push a theory where it dont belong ..


im the first to say that they suck .. they might make the p'offs bec of a still weak East .. but thats that .. for them to get a lottery theyll have to tank big time ... and i dont think theyll do that

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then i would say they got lucky with a cheap FA signing .... pls dont push a theory where it dont belong ..


that is why i need to learn more from you about this thing called rebuilding... and how it differs from sucking.



in my book, sucking is the same as rebuilding... it is just semantics at work.... its like instead of calling a kid a "retard", we to call him a "special child".


coz, like you, i intend to amend my book should i learn something new.




im the first to say that they suck .. they might make the p'offs bec of a still weak East .. but thats that .. for them to get a lottery theyll have to tank big time ... and i dont think theyll do that


so, are you saying that it is a person's own call if it is rebuilding and/or sucking?





i think it is unfair to call the 76ers move as sucking, when you can call it rebuilding.

Edited by jopoc
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rebuilding started with the sixers selling of iverson to free cap room ... and supposedly finished with the Elton Brand signing ...


like say Orlando ... when they let go Shaq .. that pretty much started their rebuilding .. they then went on to get young players to fill their core .. and ended with the signing of Tmac and Grant Hill .. they saw some forms of success by having a couple of p'off stints... then repeated that cycle .. eventually landing Dwight Howard ....


why keep insisting that i call it rebuilding ... you got the wrong guy with this rebuilding crap .. the sixers cant rebuild bec they have no money ... they can only suck ... and hopefully suck so bad to get quality draft picks

Edited by denimhead
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rebuilding started with the sixers selling of iverson to free cap room ... and supposedly finished with the Elton Brand signing ...


like say Orlando ... when they let go Shaq .. that pretty much started their rebuilding .. they then went on to get young players to fill their core .. and ended with the signing of Tmac and Grant Hill .. they saw some forms of success by having a couple of p'off stints... then repeated that cycle .. eventually landing Dwight Howard ....



so, you said it, it is a cycle... a cycle of winning and sucking (or, as other call it, rebuilding). like the 76ers, they had good years with barkley, then they lost him, they "sucked" or started "rebuilding", then they later got AI, where they had good years until AI wanted out, so they started losing it again, and they had brand, whom they taught will be the next big this, only to benched most of last year..... now they are working on kappono and hoping that jrue can do good (not to mention luo williams who made andre miller dispensable).... whether it is sucking or rebuilding, it does not matter. a team plays 82 games per regular season, and if their record falls within the top 8, they get to the playoffs.






why keep insisting that i call it rebuilding ... you got the wrong guy with this rebuilding crap .. the sixers cant rebuild bec they have no money ... they can only suck ... and hopefully suck so bad to get quality draft picks


so rebuilding now comes with money?

my, the definition is really complicated.


anyway, you are right, you are not the right guy to discuss this rebuilding crap.... but at least you showed me that you have a definition different from others with respect to rebuilding.


thanks for you time.

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ehhhh how can u rebuild without money or valuable players/assets? not every team is the Knicks who'll take the financial hit ... or Lakers ....


imagine a restaurant a cafe .. it gets old u need to establish a new look, menu concept even ... so u make the move .. like say from cafe to fine dining .. it works for a while but after a while u start getting less people eating .. so u change it to a bar ... all of those moves will cost you money .. how can u renovate/change if u dont have any capital? <--- my best real life analogy

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ehhhh how can u rebuild without money or valuable players/assets? not every team is the Knicks who'll take the financial hit ... or Lakers ....



so, you are saying that the knicks are rebuilding now that they retained lee and nate despite having the big money?



imagine a restaurant a cafe .. it gets old u need to establish a new look, menu concept even ... so u make the move .. like say from cafe to fine dining .. it works for a while but after a while u start getting less people eating .. so u change it to a bar ... all of those moves will cost you money .. how can u renovate/change if u dont have any capital? <--- my best real life analogy



but there are restos or cafe that can continue success even if it is old.

some even renovate and come up with new looks and concepts and still remain floating.


teams will always change players no matter what happens. restos change concepts and menus only on a case to case basis

in other words, players definitely change in a team (with or without the owner's will), but menu and concepts change depending on the owners' will.



so why compare restos to nba teams? apples and oranges, my dear friend.

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the knicks have been rebuilding since 2000/01 .. but keep getting it wrong .. now they look to be on track .. mebbe next year when the much publicized FA class of 2010 comes out theyll finish the job


actually 2010 is shaping up to be a real intriguing FA off season .. will teams spend or will they buy cheap?


like i said resto was my best real life analogy ... both are businesses .. both are consumer driven .. u dont fill the seats u fail .... they have difft rules .. but same nuances ...

Edited by denimhead
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the knicks have been rebuilding since 2000/01 .. but keep getting it wrong .. now they look to be on track .. mebbe next year when the much publicized FA class of 2010 comes out theyll finish the job


actually 2010 is shaping up to be a real intriguing FA off season .. will teams spend or will they buy cheap?



so, when does rebuilding start and end?

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yung hypothesis mo ba ay resulta ng scientific method or hallucination method?

please, that's more of a pipe dream than a hypothesis..


give a hypothetical statement that has a basis and not concocted from some twisted imagination..

is there any year in kapono's nba career he averaged close to 17ppg? if yes, i will accept your hypothesis..

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