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1. How long should I wait, how long should "I hang in there"? Is asking for a timeline to much from my part?


It is fair to ask for a timeline or a projection from your employer.


But more than that, it is more important that you give yourself a timeline. How long are you willing to wait? Are you willing to risk other potentially good employment opportunities elsewhere for your old company?


It is also fair to be honest with your employer that you are willing to wait for ___ days/weeks/months and then you will have to accept/pursue other job offers.



2. I mentioned they gave me a very good seperation pay computation, since I might be starting with a new project with them will I be able to get it?? ( admit it everyone needs money.. hihihi :boo: )


No, you will not be able claim the separation pay if you were transferred to another program since technically, you haven't separated from the company yet.



3. Since I might be considred as a re-hire, can I ask for salary adjustments since my asking was not naman given in the first place and it figures did not move naman even if I was regularized.


You will have to look into your contract, as well as your company policies on salary adjustments. Some companies adjust salaries if you are transferred to another program, or if the program you will be with require a more extensive set of skills. Some companies adjust salaries, depending on how well you have performed.

Edited by DarkAngel
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Good Day!


Pre-employment refers to the activities prior to your hiring, you can also call this as the step before hiring. This is done when an applicant has passed all the evaluations i.e. interview and examination wether theoritical or practical.


What are pre-employment activities? These includes but not limited to background check and physical examination because some companies have other programs for this effect. When an applicant passed this stage, he or she would be given an employment offer by the company. This is the part when an applicant would review the rate offered and if agreeable would be signing a contract. Once an applicant signed the contract he or she would become an employee and would undergo a series of training that includes company and job orientation which are paid.




oic..thankyou very much for info....thanks for giving me a clear definition abt the topic..thanks..it was a big help.

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In a Call Center-Does anyone really failed on a training? Does anyone experienced failing on a training program sa call center?

Just liked to asked abt the training is because it's my first day on the training..same training schedule that i'll be having a two week accent training 1and 1/2 month product training. I really find it hard on the accent training so i'm really curious if someone do really failed on a training? Just incase you failed? what do they do to those peeps failing on the training? Will they be able to get another training or are they really subject for termination? pls help... thx in adv!

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In a Call Center-Does anyone really failed on a training? Does anyone experienced failing on a training program sa call center?

Just liked to asked abt the training is because it's my first day on the training..same training schedule that i'll be having a two week accent training 1and 1/2 month product training. I really find it hard on the accent training so i'm really curious if someone do really failed on a training? Just incase you failed? what do they do to those peeps failing on the training? Will they be able to get another training or are they really subject for termination? pls help... thx in adv!


I'm not from a call center but let me share you my idea about training and development. The training you refer to is about accent which I believe is a major requirement of the job. When I say major requirement, you have to have this "accent" in order to effectively perform your functions. Call center caters to people primarily from the english speaking country therefore having an accent is a must. Now, companies have different training practices but I still have to know a company who terminate an employee because he/she fails from a training. I always believe that trainings are created to boost individual productivity. It's also a way of making an employee at ease with his/her job. This may involve exams and other forms of review but all is gauge to make an employee equip to handle his/her tasks.


Now, let me ask you. Do you really want this job? Because if you do, then failing is not a problem. Do your best, have focus and forget about failing. Remember, in this part of the world you are very lucky to have a job. Others outhere are still looking for one. Goodluck!

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I'm not from a call center but let me share you my idea about training and development. The training you refer to is about accent which I believe is a major requirement of the job. When I say major requirement, you have to have this "accent" in order to effectively perform your functions. Call center caters to people primarily from the english speaking country therefore having an accent is a must. Now, companies have different training practices but I still have to know a company who terminate an employee because he/she fails from a training. I always believe that trainings are created to boost individual productivity. It's also a way of making an employee at ease with his/her job. This may involve exams and other forms of review but all is gauge to make an employee equip to handle his/her tasks.


Now, let me ask you. Do you really want this job? Because if you do, then failing is not a problem. Do your best, have focus and forget about failing. Remember, in this part of the world you are very lucky to have a job. Others outhere are still looking for one. Goodluck!



Oic..again thanks for your info and response, yup I've just been offered a job in a call center, I'm on my 2ndweek of training and honestly I'm really surprised and happy abt having this job but I'ts that in the training I've just realized/found out that I really have weak in communication skills and grammar,and my observation is that I'm always last on standing/ranking in the group. I really wants this job so I'm doing my best,but just really like to know if people failed do they get terminated? Or if the company didn't find you improving in your training will they terminate you even your contract is not yet expired? anyway thanks for your info and also for your tips/advice. I'll do my best and again thanks.

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Question to our HRD specialists here: is it mandated in our labor laws that if you voluntary resign from a company, that the company is obliged to give you a separation package which is computed based on how long you have been with the company? Or is this for just retrenched employees? Or just a prerogative of the company?


I was just wondering because before I joined the work force, parang ganito yung nangyari sa friend ko na nag-resign - his company gave him a considerable separation pay package since he was with them for 10 years na ata. However, when I joined the work force (call center) and seen a lot of people come and go, parang ang ipini-pay out lang sa last pay was the withheld last salary, pro-rated 13th month pay, unused leaves and any pending performance bonuses.

Edited by Immortal666
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Question to our HRD specialists here: is it mandated in our labor laws that if you voluntary resign from a company, that the company is obliged to give you a separation package which is computed based on how long you have been with the company? Or is this for just retrenched employees? Or just a prerogative of the company?


If you voluntarily resign, the the Company is NOT obligated to give you anything except:


1. Final Salary

2. 13th month pay

3. Tax Refund

4. Leave conversion (if in policy) or Service Incentive Leave of 5 days


Separation pay (as a broad term) is mandatorily given only in the following cases:


1. retrenchment (1/2 month for every year of service)

2. redundancy (1 month for every year of service)

3. retirement (at least 5 years in service, and 60 years old -- this is the retirement law)


Anything given by the company outside these premises are prerogative or discretion of the company.


Best to check Articles 283-284 (and thereabouts) of the Labor Code.

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there are some companies that have retirement plans in place (which may be non-contributory -- sagot ng Company lahat, or with shares by the employee -- such as a provident fund).


As an example, when I was working for ABC Company (name withheld), we had the following plan:


1. less than 5 yrs in service - 0% benefit

2. 5, less than 10 - 25% of monthly salary for every year of service

3. 10, less than 15 - 50% of monthly salary for every year of service

4. 15, less than 20 - 75% of monthly salary for every year of service

5. 20 or more years of service - 100% of monthly salary for every year of service


This was tax-free, paid in lump sum upon the employee's separation from the Company.

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  • 2 weeks later...

about leaves and team-building...


i cannot understand why leaves--especially sick leaves -- are forfeited when unused for a certain period of time. basically you can't consume your leaves bec there simply was no opportunity to do so because of workload. and because there is no program that would enable employees to use and enjoy their leaves.


as for sick leaves, they should not be forfeited but should be converted to cash. because forfeiture is like punishing an employee who has stayed healthy all year round. he should be rewarded --by converting his leaves into cash -- instead of punshing him. in fact, many employees -- the martyr or committed ones -- go to work even when they are not feeling well. so they forego their right to take sick leaves in favor of going to the office to to do impt works.


this i cannot understand considering that we take pride of our country as being advanced in labor standards and rights and thus ahead of other countries. well, middle east countries-- which we thought are not labor friendly-- have fared bettter. they have allowed our ofws take their one-full month paid vacation per year. those who don't go on vacation are able to convert these vacation leaves to cash.


another matter: is non-attendance to a team-building seminar a valid ground for disciplinary action or suspension of an employee? what if the employee is a committed and a team-player one but does not believe in said activity would bring about positive change in the workplace? is his/her suspension or any da ironic because it runs contrary to the purpose of team-building seminar which is to build a bridge between employees and management?


do you think team building seminars would create better team players and productive employees given the bad situation remain unchanged. this situation consists of a stressful work environment, top mgt powerplays, terrorizes and treats staff as vassals who could be shouted at anytime in front of everybody else, welfare of management always comes first, and there is double standard in policies (ex: managers were able to raise their per diem while cutting staff's per diem into half).


so what is a better team-builder, a workplace conducive to working happily and productively where there is mutual respect between the staff and management, where staff welfare is given attention, and where policies are fair to all, or a vacation-type, short-lived team-building seminar?


the bottomline for workers is their well-being and welfare. is there a better substitute to a happy and contented worker in a happy workplace?


no wonder companies are now trying to imitate google's or other techie companies' ways of making their workers creative and productive. no wonder too, these companies are profitable.

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about leaves and team-building...


i cannot understand why leaves--especially sick leaves -- are forfeited when unused for a certain period of time. basically you can't consume your leaves bec there simply was no opportunity to do so because of workload. and because there is no program that would enable employees to use and enjoy their leaves.


as for sick leaves, they should not be forfeited but should be converted to cash. because forfeiture is like punishing an employee who was able to stay healthy all year round. he should be rewarded instead of punishing him--by converting his unused leaves into cash. in fact, many employees -- the martyr or committed ones -- go to work even when they are not feeling well just to attend to or finish important tasks. this itself is an act of sacrifice, foregoing their right to take sick leaves and showing concern for the company or organization.


i cannot understand this practice considering that we take pride of our country as being advanced in labor standards and rights and thus ahead of other countries. well, middle east countries-- which we thought are not labor friendly-- have fared bettter. they have allowed our ofws take their one-full month paid vacation per year. those who don't go on vacation are able to convert these vacation leaves to cash.


is their a provision in the labor code which says unused sick leaves shall be forfeited? what i know is that the labor code is clear about the right of the workers to be granted leave credits after a certain period.


another matter: is non-attendance to a team-building seminar a valid ground for disciplinary action or suspension of an employee? what if the employee is a committed one and a team-player (he delivers and productive in the midst of a demoralizing situation) but does not believe in said activity would bring about positive change in the workplace? is his/her suspension or any DA ironic because it runs contrary to the purpose of team-building seminar which is to build a bridge between employees and management to improve productivity?


do you think team building seminars would create better team players and productive employees given the bad situation would remain unchanged after the seminar?


this situation consists of:

  • a stressful work environment;

  • top mgt powerplays, terrorizes and treats staff as vassals who could be shouted at anytime in front of everybody else;

  • welfare of management always comes ahead that of staff's;

  • and there is double standard in policies (ex: managers were able to raise their per diem while cutting staff's per diem into half).

so which is the better team-builder, a workplace conducive to working happily and productively where there is mutual respect between the staff and management, where staff welfare is given attention, and where policies are fair to all, or a vacation-type, short-lived team-building seminar?


the bottomline always for workers is their well-being and welfare. is there a better substitute to a happy and contented worker in a happy workplace in attaining better productivity?


no wonder companies are now trying to imitate google's or other techie companies' ways of making their workers creative and productive. no wonder too, these companies are profitable.

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about leaves and team-building...


i cannot understand why leaves--especially sick leaves -- are forfeited when unused for a certain period of time. basically you can't consume your leaves bec there simply was no opportunity to do so because of workload. and because there is no program that would enable employees to use and enjoy their leaves.


as for sick leaves, they should not be forfeited but should be converted to cash. because forfeiture is like punishing an employee who has stayed healthy all year round. he should be rewarded --by converting his leaves into cash -- instead of punshing him. in fact, many employees -- the martyr or committed ones -- go to work even when they are not feeling well. so they forego their right to take sick leaves in favor of going to the office to to do impt works.


this i cannot understand considering that we take pride of our country as being advanced in labor standards and rights and thus ahead of other countries. well, middle east countries-- which we thought are not labor friendly-- have fared bettter. they have allowed our ofws take their one-full month paid vacation per year. those who don't go on vacation are able to convert these vacation leaves to cash.


your first and second paragraphs above seem to be generalizations.


anyway, these matters of leaves are the company's prerogative as long as it meets the requirements set by the labor code with regard to the Service Incentive Leave.


In my PERSONAL opinion Unused vacation leaves should be carried over to the next year, subject to maximum limits set. While I see Sick Leaves should be converted to cash, but upon his separation from the company.


Teka medyo late na. I'll try to expound on these maybe tomorrow or on Wednesday.

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another matter: is non-attendance to a team-building seminar a valid ground for disciplinary action or suspension of an employee? what if the employee is a committed one and a team-player (he delivers and productive in the midst of a demoralizing situation) but does not believe in said activity would bring about positive change in the workplace? is his/her suspension or any DA ironic because it runs contrary to the purpose of team-building seminar which is to build a bridge between employees and management to improve productivity?


do you think team building seminars would create better team players and productive employees given the bad situation would remain unchanged after the seminar?


good day


allow me to focus on the purpose of a team-building seminar. ideally, this activity is intended to harmonize the existing forces (i would always use this term - force) within a particular organization or a team and to harness this to achieve greater goals or reach higher altitudes (to translate that it's productivity both individual and as a team). the program is composed of series of structured and non-structured activities that is geared to enhance the teamwork by focusing on the individual team member, each capacity to include strengths and weaknesses (forces) and how all these contributes to team success.


the participation of this activity should be 100% to achieve its purpose, meaning there should be an attendance of 100% among the committed/non-committed individuals. remember, the activity was done to unify both forces or shall i say to make a common ground for those committed and non-committed. question, can you call an employee a committed team player if he fails to attend this activity? yes or no? we should always remember that the success or failure of a team building program is primarily attributed to the participants itself. this is a tool an employee can use to air his/her concerns. change would not happen overnight especially from bad to good but if someone wants a change that someone needs to do something to achieve it. a team building seminar could be one of the step so missing it would mean foregoing a chance to change.


here is one thing i want to emphasize, we may have problem with personalities in the management but please be objective, the organization does not only speak of these people it encompasses everyone. i know how annoyed we are of these managers but like everyone they are still a signature away from termination. so think broadly, continue to do good and never give these people a basis to institute DA (failure to attend to company sanctioned activity could be one).


remember this "Tough times never last tough people do"



Edited by Tokoy
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