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Women To Avoid - merged thread

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Women who are manipulators. They tell you what they think you want to hear. They feed of your weaknesses. Be careful of women who tell you things you like to hear. Use your head as much as your heart.


And be open to the observations of friends. They may see things you may be blind to. They don't have the emotional attachment that you do, making their observations more objective.

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A ground for marriage annulment is "psychological incapacity." It's a very broad and catch-all phrase. However, you will really never know what psychological malady a person has until s/he is professionally assessed by someone in the know.


But there are signs, and there are symptoms. A person who is the easy-come-easy-go type is one such. S/he may not be even aware of his/her predicament.


I still believe anyone who has a string of failed relatiinships should be in your watchlist. They, most orobably, have some for of psychological problem. Look also into the intervals of how soon or how quick they enter into a relationship, how long they stay in it, and how soon they leave. Mind also the reasons why the relationships don't last.


Of course, you have to be wary also of the answers given you. More likely than not, these persons wouldn't be very honest.


Would subconscious cheats have many failed relationships? Of course! How can they keep and maintain a relationship when they are, essentially, cheats?

Sorry for the very late reply. I only noticed your post now. Anyway I took note of the things you wrote about and I have to agree with the thinks you stated. Looking at the symptoms (such as an easy-come, easy-go mindset) is definitely a dead give-away.

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One type of woman to avoid: the one who claims "madali siyang ma-inlove."


I am not saying I am a master at hooking women, but alarm bells always ring when I hear a woman say "madali siyang ma-inlove." That, for me, initially says "she likes me," and that, if I push a little bit more, she can easily fall in love with me. The next thing I know is that, she would be ready to "make love" since she's already "in-love." (Or, "in-lust" as the case may be.)


Beware of such a woman, not unless you just want to play/fool around. This is the type who will fall in love with you quickly, and will fall in love with someone else at the speed faster than it took to fall in love with you. This is also the type who is the "out of sight, out of mind" kind of individual. You get separated for some time, and her eyes will get attracted to the guy who gives her some added attention. The chances of you and her surviving a long distance love affair is close to nil.


Agree!! And very innocent looking, you will think that shes just an adorable girl and very friendly. Yun pala just plain stupid that falls in love with someone at work (which she fell because "theyre always together at work" )- a very stupid reason if i may say. For me, if you dont entertain, youll never fall.

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Women who are more interested in your money than they are about you.


Totally agree with you, those types of women are just out for your money -- pure and simple. They are so high maintenance. She expects a man to finance her entire life just because she is biologically female. To her, a man should pay for drinks, dinners, trips, flowers, and jewelry, while she feels absolutely no guilt or compulsion to reciprocate. She is nothing but a whitewashed prostitute. Miss Take thinks her vagina is plated with gold and is worth a million dollars. She is greed personified. Since she has no concept of someone else's feelings, her only interest is in getting what she wants. And don't be fooled -- some apparently very "nice" girls are the greediest of them all.

Edited by Djteku
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Women who are so attached to their cellphones, they spend more time checking texts, email, their fb accounts, instagram, etc. than they do with you...even if you're together. It's like you can't compete with that damned gadget. They totally ignore you and pay attention to what you're saying in between texts and instant messages. Then you have to wait for them to finish replying to whoever they're chatting with.


For me this is extremely rude. Makes me feel i don't even exist as far as they're concerned.

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Totally agree with you, those types of women are just out for your money -- pure and simple. They are so high maintenance. She expects a man to finance her entire life just because she is biologically female. To her, a man should pay for drinks, dinners, trips, flowers, and jewelry, while she feels absolutely no guilt or compulsion to reciprocate. She is nothing but a whitewashed prostitute. Miss Take thinks her vagina is plated with gold and is worth a million dollars. She is greed personified. Since she has no concept of someone else's feelings, her only interest is in getting what she wants. And don't be fooled -- some apparently very "nice" girls are the greediest of them all.

I hear you bro. Sounds like you've had your fair share of these types of women.

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1377508238[/url]' post='8845881']



These figures are fairly new considering they are dated 9.8.2012. The percentage of men and wome who have ADMITTED to infidelity in any relationship are 57%-54% respectively. That's pretty close, and considering there is a margin of error, it means it's practically equal.




This article dated June 21, 2011 says women and men cheat at the same rate.




Note Fact No. 6: "Women cheat just as much as men, and their affairs are more dangerous."


That guys are more prone to cheat than girls is already an old stereotype. The playing field has practically levelled out.

You replied to a Filipina, I guess. The stats you quoted we're taken from foreign samples? Two different demographics. Asians are far more conservative. Just my view on the matter.

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