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WWE Wrestling/Usapang Wrestling

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Shane McMahon Taking Over

As of late, Shane McMahon has been making his presence more known backstage at events and in the creative department.


The Chosen One


If you were to tell a group of wrestling fans that Stephanie McMahon is the most likely candidate to take over WWE when Vince McMaon leaves, the majority of them will say they would prefer Shane McMahon.


Granted, 99% of those fans that prefer Shane McMahon aren't really using logic to come to that opinion.


Fact is, Shane McMahon is a lot more popular than Stephanie McMahon.


A lot of fans give him a lot of credit for going out to the ring and putting on entertaining performances. They also give him credit because he's not married to Triple H.


Most wrestling fans will allow their personal feelings to overrule their sense of logic.


Being popular doesn't necessarily mean that Shane McMahon is going to be able to run the company the best. In fact, reports from within have been saying that Shane McMahon has been showing very litte interest in the role.


There's even talks of the company setting things up so Shane McMahon's children can take over some day. If you believe that there's a plan like that in place, then we have some XFL and WBF stocks to sell you.


We'll even sell you those stocks at half the price. What do you say?





Anyways, the reports coming out are stating that Shane McMahon has been taking more of a hands on role as of late.


He's been throwing out more ideas to the creative department. Shane McMahon has also been instrumental in the entire Floyd Mayweather storyline. Not only was Shane McMahon the lead guy in getting a deal signed, but he's also been heavily involved in writing out the storyline itself.


This has led to speculations that he's making a power play to take over WWE. There's even those that point out that Stephanie McMahon, who basically is in charge of the creative department right now, will be taking some time off soon to have her second baby.


That's pure speculation. Shane McMahon will probably go back to doing his regular routine after Wrestlemania ends. By the time Stephanie McMahon has her baby, most of us will already have forgotten that Shane McMahon was even dropping ideas to creative.


Besides, as long as Vince McMahon has air in his lungs, he's going to be in charge of the entire product. He'll probably still be in charge long after his last breath has left his body. We all know how obsessed he is with the wrestling business. He's not going to let a little thing like his own mortality take away his passion.


Closing Thoughts


Don't read too much between the lines here. Shane McMahon is just stepping on to the field to make sure his pet project goes well.




Rey Mysterio may miss the rest of 2008 after having surgery.


Dr. David Chao, who happens to be the team doctor for the San Diego Chargers, performed the surgery. He stated that it was a complete rupture of the tendon. He was able to bring the tendon back down to the elbow.


There are also reports floating out there about Dr. David Chao being sued by several patients. Those reports shouldn’t be taken too seriously because doctors get sued pretty frequently, especially high profile doctors. If Dr. David Chao wasn’t a competent doctor, the San Diego Chargers wouldn’t utilize him.


According to WWE, Rey Mysterio will miss the rest of 2008. However, he could return a lot sooner. John Cena was supposed to be out a lot longer than he actually was.




Congress has contacted Bobby Lashley and Chris Masters.


Congress has contacted Chris Masters and Bobby Lashley in an attempt to gather more information about drug testing and drug use in professional wrestling.


Someone in Congress has been paying attention to the wrestling industry.


Targeting Chris Masters and Bobby Lashley is a smart move for them because there’s obviously hard feelings between those two guys and WWE. Bobby Lashley walked away from the company after being angered by management, so he might be willing to reveal some things. Chris Masters was fired last year, so he has animosity as well.


Also, Congress actually asked Chris Masters about how WWE was making fun of him on camera for losing weight and muscle mass.


This is an interesting development. Just when you think that Congress was fading away on this issue, they come back with a pretty strong blow to WWE.






WWE diva Maria Kanellis becomes the latest to go from the wrestling ring to the cover of Playboy Magazine. Below is the cover from that magazine. It's going to be revealed on Monday Night Raw next week.



Edited by hitman531ph
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The Godfather will be making another appearance soon.


According to the Godfather, he will be making another appearance in WWE soon. The Godfather, whose real name is Charles Wright, is currently the general manager of a strip club in Las Vegas called Cheetahs.






WWE will be posting TNA news on their website now.


In a rather interesting move, WWE has decided to post news from various wrestling websites. Some of the news being posted on WWE.com now has news concerning TNA, Ring of Honor, and other wrestling companies.


In the past, WWE has ignored other wrestling companies and websites.


The reason for WWE doing this is because they are concerned about their declining website traffic. The traffic is still higher than it has been over the last few years, but it has recently started to go down. WWE did this move in an attempt to gain more website visitors.





Jake “the Snake” Roberts will be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame this year.


Jake Roberts will be allowed some time away from the rehab center that he has been staying at in order to attend the WWE Hall of Fame induction ceremony this year. There’s no word yet on who will induct him.


A few weeks ago, Jake Roberts was checked into a rehab center in Georgia. His stay in rehab has been paid for in full by WWE.


There’s also talks that Scott Hall may be allowed time away from the rehab center as well to attend the WWE Hall of Fame. He’s not going to be inducted. Scott Hall has been staying at the same rehab center as Jake Roberts. WWE is also paying for his rehab as well.

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