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WWE Wrestling/Usapang Wrestling

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anybody knows how old are these old time warriors: Hulk Hogan, Macho Man Randy Savage, Jake the Snake Roberts. Sgt. Slaughther, Dusty Rhodes, Sting, Lwx Luger, Scott Hall???


A little bit younger than Rick Flair, a little bit older than Shawn Micheals.


I guess mga 40 - 50 yrs old na sila. Kasabay po sila ni Warrior eh, last time I read mid 40's na si Warrior.

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WWE Best of RAW 15th Anniversary (2008)




For fifteen years fans have looked forward to the over-the-top sports entertainment every Monday night, and WWE Raw has always delivered. The longest-running original entertainment show in television history, with more than 700 episodes, the show has had its share of wild and unforgettable moments, both inside and outside the ring, including Brian Pillman pulling a gun on Stone Cold Steve Austin, Edge and Lita's live sex show, D-Generation X's invasion of WCW, the shocking McMahon purchase of WCW, and more. This 3-disc DVD set shares those moments with fans of all ages. Get ready for sports entertainment history, including:




# First RAW January 11, 1993

# Mr. Perfect vs. Ric Flair Loser Leaves WWE Match January 18, 1993

# Parking Lot Brawl May 10, 1993

# Razor Ramon vs. The Kid May 17, 1993

# Shawn Michaels vs. Marty Jannetty Intercontinental Championship Match May 17, 1993

# Gorilla Monsoon Fires Bobby Heenan December 6, 1993

# Bret Hart vs. 1-2-3 Kid WWE Championship Match July 11, 1994

# The Search for The Undertaker August 1994

# Kings Court with William Shatner January 9, 1995

# Shawn Michaels vs. Owen Hart November 20, 1995

# Vader attacks WWE President Gorilla Monsoon January 22, 1996

# A Touch of Goldust May 27, 1996

# Pillmans Got a Gun November 4, 1996

# Mankind vs. The Undertaker No Holds Barred December 9, 1996

# Shawn Loses His Smile February 13, 1997

# The Ninth Wonder of the World February 17, 1997

# Original ECW Invasion February 24, 1997

# Owen Hart vs. British Bulldog WWE European Championship Match-March 3, 1997

# Bret Speaks His Mind March 17, 1997

# Flag Match United States vs. Canada July 21, 1997

# Stone Cold Stuns the Boss September 22, 1997

# Bret Screwed Bret November 17, 1997

# Sable in a Sack December 8, 1997

# Gold Meets Water December 15, 1997

# Christmas with DX December 22, 1997




# Tyson and Austin!- January 19, 1998

# DX Special Report February 2, 1998

# Dumpster Diving February 2, 1998

# Formation of the New DX- X-Pac Returns March 30, 1998

# Stone Cold vs. Vince McMahon April 13, 1998

# DX Invades WCW April 27, 1998

# DX Nation July 6, 1998

# Zamboni 3:16 September 28, 1998

# The Debut of Mr. Socko October 5, 1998

# McMahons Cement Corvette October 12, 1998

# Bang 3:16 October 19, 1998

# Mankind wins the WWE Championship January 4, 1999

# Stone Cold Beer Truck March 22, 1999

# Monster Truck vs. Town Car April 19, 1999

# Mean Street Posse vs. the Stooges May 10, 1999

# The Greater Power Revealed June 7, 1999

# Y2J August 9, 1999

# Rock: This is Your Life September 27, 1999

# Bossman Sympathy November 8, 1999

# What Happens in Vegas November 29, 1999

# Jericho not the new Champion April 17, 2000

# Shane Purchases WCW March 26, 2001

# Milk-o-Mania August 20, 2001

# Triple H Returns January 7, 2002

# Past Meets Present February 18, 2002

# Worlds Unite- Bischoff Hugs Vince July 15, 2002




# The Rock Concert March 24, 2003

# Kane Unmasks June 23, 2003

# Musical Chairs with Eugene July 5, 2004

# Evolution Turns on Randy Orton August 16, 2004

# Are you ready for some wrestling? November 22, 2004

# Batista Turns on Triple H February 21, 2005

# Shelton Benjamin vs. Shawn Michaels Gold Rush Tournament Match May 2, 2005

# John Cena Drafted # 1 to RAW June 6, 2005

# Edge / Lita Wedding June 20, 2005

# Shawn Michaels turns on Hulk Hogan July 4, 2005

# Jericho is Fired August 22, 2005

# Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle - WWE Iron Man Match October 3, 2005

# A Stone Cold Homecoming October 3, 2005

# Eric Bischoff Trial December 5, 2005

# Edge / Lita Live Sex Celebration January 9, 2006

# DX Impersonates Shane and Mr. McMahon June 26, 2006

# Edge vs. Rob Van Dam vs. John Cena Triple Threat Match for the

WWE Championship - July 3, 2006

# Edge vs. Shawn Michaels Street Fight January 22, 2007

# Shawn Michaels Returns! October 8, 2007
























































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ARGH! long time no post crappy change of sched 9 work days straight :thumbsdownsmiley:





Updated Royal Rumble PPV Card & Rumble Participants


- Below is the updated card for WWE's Royal Rumble pay-per-view this month:


WWE Title Match

Jeff Hardy vs. Randy Orton


World Heavyweight Title Match

Rey Mysterio vs. Edge


Chris Jericho vs. JBL


Royal Rumble Match

Winner receives a Title shot of his choice at WrestleMania 24. Confirmed names so far as a result of Royal Rumble qualifying matches: Umaga, Snitsky, Hardcore Holly, Jimmy Wang Yang, Shannon Moore, John Morrison and The Miz

Edited by psyc0dud3
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dun sa mga hindi nakapanood ng smackdown nung friday jan 4, 2008


Source: Amy Spears


FRIDAY NIGHT SMACKDOWN – Friday, January 4, 2008


8:00 – SmackDown opens with Teddy Long wheeling Vickie out.


“Good evening and Happy New Year. Welcome to the first Friday Night SmackDown of 2008.


I just want to set the record straight. If Batista or Undertaker so much as lays a finger on your World Heavyweight Champion, their chances of regaining the Championship will go up in smoke.


Now, I’ve been consulting with the love of my life, and in the spirit of competition, I’ve decided to make a beat the clock challenge. Tonight’s winner of the beat the clock challenge will go one on one with your Champion at the Royal Rumble.


Among the participants, will be the man who loves to fight, Finlay, Rey Mysterio, Batista and the Undertaker.


Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my sincere pleasure to introduce to you, a man of extraordinary credentials, a keen sense of fairness. Please help me welcome SmackDown’s new color commentator, Jonathan Coachmen.”


Coach comes out and stands on the announce table and waves.


FINLAY vs. MVP – First Beat the Clock Challenge


The bell rings and the pair lock up. Finlay gets MVP to the mat and the do some mat wrestling. Both men get to their feet and Finlay quickly drops down and kicks MVP’s legs out from underneath him. Finlay goes for the cover. 2 count.


Finlay slaps MVP and MVP slaps back. MVP gets Finlay down and goes for the cover. 1 count.


MVP kicks Finlay in the head. Finlay knocks MVP out of the ring. Finlay comes out after him and MVP gets up and punches Finlay. MVP takes Finlay down with a clothesline.




8:16 – Back from commercial break with Finlay working on MVP’s leg. MVP starts punching Finlay and Finlay rolls on top of MVP. 2 count.


MVP picks up Finlay and slams him down hen goes for another cover. 1 count. MVP gets Finlay in a series of small covers.


MVP gets Finlay in a headlock. Finlay finally gets to his feet and gets MVP in the corner. MVP kicks Finlay in the head and goes for a cover. 2 count.


MVP gets Finlay back into a submission hold. MVP starts punching then goes for a cover. 1 count.


Finlay gets on top of MVP and works on his arm. Finlay les go and picks up MVP. Finlay whips MVP into the ringpost and runs at him. MVP moves and Finlay hits the ringpost.


MVP takes down Finlay and goes for his cover. Finlay gets his foot on the rope.


Hornswaggle gets the shillelagh and throws it in. Finlay hits MVP and goes for the cover.




Vince makes his way to the ring and hugs Hornswaggle and gives him a thumbs up. Vince then heads out. Vince tosses Hornswaggle his had then heads backstage.




8:29 – Back from commercial break with Chuck Palumbo riding out to the ring.




Chuck and Kenny started the match and chuck took Kenny down right away and went for the cover. 1 count. Chuck drives Kenny into the corner. Kenny moves and gets Chuck in the corner and punches him.


Kenny then tags in Victoria. Victoria jumps on Chuck and Chuck knocks her down. Michelle kicks her and works on Victoria’s arm, twisting it.


Michelle and Victoria exchange kicks. Victoria slams Michelle’s head into the ringpost. Victoria drags Michelle to the ring and goes for the cover. 2 count.


Victoria flips Michelle to the mat and goes for the cover again. 2 count.


Michelle gets free and takes Victoria down. Michelle tags in Chuck and Victoria tags in Kenny.


Chuck slams Kenny to the mat twice in a row and goes for the cover. 2 count.


Palumbo gets Kenny in the corner and runs at him but Kenny moves and Chuck gets tangled in the ropes.


Kenny takes that chance to beat on Chuck and goes for the cover. 2 count.


Palumbo climbs the ropes and flips Kenny off the top rope. Both men lay on the mat struggling to make the tag. They make the tag and Chuck helps Michelle fly onto Victoria. Michelle takes Victoria down and she goes to use the ropes but Kenny grabs her.


Michelle knocks Kenny off the ropes but Victoria comes up behind her, takes her down and goes for the cover.




Chuck looks angry and he starts yelling at Michelle that he’s sick of her and she can’t do anything right. Chuck says she cost him the match. He tells her that she can stay there he’s riding home alone.


Backstage Teddy is being told to take Vickie’s coffee back. Teddy leaves and Chavo storms in, “Do you understand what you’re doing? What you’re doing to the Guerrero family?! This relationship that you’re having is tearing the family apart.”


“What do you want? I put you in the challenge.”


“You know what I want? I want to roll back the hands of time. That’s what I want. I want something that I guess I just can’t have. That’s what I want.” Chavo then leaves.




8:41 – Back from commercial break with Chavo heading to the ring.


CHAVO GUERRERO vs. FUNAKI – Second beat the Clock Match


The bell rings and the pair circle each other and finally lock up. Chavo whips Funaki into the ropes and kicks him down. Chavo goes for the cover. 1 count.


Chavo takes Funaki down again and goes for another cover. 1 count.


Chavo uses the ropes to stop on Funaki. Funaki goes for another cover. 1 count.


Chavo picks up Funaki and punches him and goes for the cover. 1 count.


Chavo flips Funaki to the mat. Funaki takes Chavo down and goes for the cover but Chavo gets to the ropes.


Chavo takes control again and goes for the cover. 1 count. Chavo picks up Funaki and punches him again and goes for another cover. 1 count.


Funaki quickly rolls up Chavo and goes for the cover. 1 count.


Chavo slams Funaki to the mat and goes for the cover again and again, just a 1 count.


Chavo circles Funaki and kicks him then holds his shoulders down. 2 count.


Funaki gets up and whips Chavo into the ropes, Chavo holds the ropes so Funaki’s drop kick does nothing.


Chavo stalks Funaki and kicks him. Chavo rolls Funaki up for a cover. 2 count.


Funaki rolls Chavo up and again Chavo grabs the ropes.


Chavo punches Funaki. Funaki hooks Chavo’s arms and goes for a cover. 2 count.


Funaki takes Chavo down again and goes for another cover. 2 count.


Funaki punches Chavo then jumps off the ropes onto Chavo and goes for the cover. 2 count.


Chavo gets whipped into the corner and Funaki tries to roll him up for the cover but Chavo holds onto the ropes.


Chavo hits Funaki with the Gory Bomb and goes for the cover.


WINNER – CHAVO GUERRERO – Chavo beats Finlay’s time


Backstage the show Batista walking.




8:55 – Back from commercial break with Batista making his way to the ring.


BATISTA vs. THE EDGEHEADS – Third Beat the Clock Match


Curt heads out and Vicki interrupts, Teddy announces that by order of Vicki, Batista will not only be facing Curt but also Zack in a handicapped match.


Batista goes back and forth between Curt and Zack kicking and punching each of them.


Batista slams one down to the mat then the other starts punching him. Curt and Zack double team Batista in the corner and kick him.


One of the Edgeheads dives off the ropes, Batista catches him flips him into the mat.


The Edgeheads double team Batista and one goes for the cover. 1 count. The second goes for the cover. 1 count again.


Zack goes for a foot to the throat. The Edgeheads pick up Batista and together whip him across the ring.


One Edgehead goes for the cover. 2 count. Both Edgeheads start kicking Batista. One holds Batista up while the other kicks him out of the ring.


The Edgeheads follow Batista out of the ring and start beating on him. Batista fights back and slams one Edgehead into the railing and then Batista throws the other Edgehead into the ring.


The pair double team Batista and go for the cover. 2 count.


The Edgeheads alternate between punches and kicks on Batista and then flip him to the mat and goes for a leg drop then a cover. 2 count.


One of the Edge heads starts chocking Batista. The ref separates them and scolds one while the other stats choking Batista.


The pair go for a cover. 1 count.


The start punching Batista and then slam him down to the mat. They pick him up and Batista flips both men to the mat.


Batista whips one Edgehead into the corner then the other. Batista runs into them both then grabs one and slams him to the mat then power bombs the other.


Batista tries for a Batista bomb but one Edgehead holds onto the others leg so Batista can’t. The buzzer rings and the match is over.


Batista drops to his knees and punches the mat looking miserable.




9:10 – Back from commercial break with MVP yelling on the phone that he had Finlay beat until Finlay cheated. He’s yelling that he’s better and he’s going to make his mark, he’s going to make history. MVP then decides he’s going to be the one to retire Ric Flair.


They then flash to Rey Mysterio who cuts a promo about how he’s not the biggest man around here and he wants to study his opponent. But he can’t do that because he has to beat the clock and he’s got to be fast and furious. He’s worn the title once and he’ll do anything to wear it again.




9:17 – Back from commercial break with Deuce and Domino heading to the ring.




Deuce and Jimmy start the match. Deuce takes Jimmy down and roll shim up for a quick cover. 1 count.


Deuce whips Jimmy across the ring. Jimmy counters and kicks Deuce and takes him down. Deuce gets up and shoves Jimmy out of the ring. Jimmy bumps into Cherry and knocks her over. Jimmy helps her up and Domino gets mad.


Jimmy gets back in the ring and Deuce goes for the cover. 2 count. Deuce gets Jimmy in a headlock, then lifts him onto the top rope and tags in Domino.


Domino jumps onto Jimmy then gets him in a headlock. Jimmy gets free and tries to tag in Shannon but Domino holds his leg. Domino let’s go of Jimmy and shoves Shannon off the apron the grabs Jimmy again.


Jimmy finally tags in Shannon. Shannon jumps off the ropes onto Domino and goes for the cover. 2 count.


Jimmy gets in the ring and Deuce grabs Jimmy and tosses him out. Deuce climbs the ropes and Domino holds Shannon.


Shannon counters and flips Domino to the mat and goes for the cover.






9:30 – Back from commercial break with Undertaker heading out to the ring.


UNDERTAKER vs. MARK HENRY with Matt Striker as special guest ref – Fourth Beat the Clock match


The bell rings and Mark Henry takes Undertaker down. Undertaker gets up and punches Mark Henry, slamming him into the corner and slamming his head into the ringpost.


Mark Henry counters and gets Undertaker in the opposite corner and starts punching him. Mark Henry whips Undertaker across the ring and kicks Undertaker.


Mark Henry takes Undertaker down and goes for the cover. 2 count.


Mark Henry gets Undertaker against the ropes and chokes him then punches Undertaker out of the ring.


Mark Henry gets out of the ring and follows Undertaker. The pair exchange punches and then Undertaker whips Mark Henry in the steel steps.


Undertaker picks up Mark Henry and gets him back into the ring. Undertaker sets up Mark Henry and hits his leg drop off the apron. Undertaker gets back into the ring and headbutts Mark Henry then starts punching him. Undertaker holds Mark Henry’s arm working on his arm.


Undertaker tires for Old School but Mark Henry stops him and whips him across the ring and goes for the cover. 2 count.


Mark Henry starts punching Undertaker. Undertaker kicks Mark Henry. Mark Henry whips Undertaker and then Mark Henry follows up with a DDT.


Undertaker grabs Mark Henry’s arm and hits hold school but Mark Henry catches Undertaker and gets him in a bear hug.


Undertaker punches Mark Henry freeing himself. Undertaker continues to punch Mark Henry.


Undertaker hits the chokeslam and goes for the cover. Striker counts until 2 then stops and lets the time run out.


Matt Striker runs out of the ring and goes backstage. Undertaker slams Mark Henry to the mat twice getting out his frustration.




9:44 – Back from commercial break with a recap of the ending of Undertaker’s match.


They then show Matt Striker being interviewed. Striker says that Undertaker failed to beat the clock, and if he ever threatens to put his hands on him again, Big Daddy V will go after him.




9:50 – Back from commercial with Rey Mysterio heading out.


REY MYSTERIO vs. EDGE with the EDGEHEADS – Fifth Beat the Clock match


The bell rings and the pair circle. Edge gets into the ropes to stall for time. Edge looks at Rey and laughs.


Rey dives at Edge but Edge sidesteps and gets out of the ring, standing there taunting him. Edge gets back in the ring briefly then gets out again.


Edge gets back in the ring and Rey runs at him and Edge gets right out of the ring again.


Edge gets in the ring and Rey takes him down with a hurricanranna.


Rey jumps off the ropes onto Edge and goes for the cover. 2 count.


Edge gets up and kicks Rey in the head. Edge picks up Rey and throws him out of the ring. The Edgeheads taunt Rey.


Rey rolls into the ring. Edge stomps on him and slams Rey into the ringpost.


Batista comes running out and takes out the Edgeheads. Edge looks stunned. Rey takes advantage and kicks Edge and rolls Edge up for the cover. 2 count.


Rey takes Edge down with a cross body and goes for the cover. 2 count.


Rey kicks Edge in the head. Rey runs at Edge, Edge catches him and slams him into the ringpost then starts stomping on him.


Undertaker appears on the ramp and glares at Edge. The lights go out, when the lights come back on Edge is set up in the ropes for the 619.


Rey hits the 619 followed by the West Coast Pop and goes for the cover.




Rey Mysterio is now the Number #1 contender at the Royal Rumble.

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