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WWE Wrestling/Usapang Wrestling

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among the lady wrestlers in the WWE i think Lita was the greatest champ of them all. of course the fabolous Moolahis a Hall of Famer but Lita's skills is a pure athlete, hugh flying shw reminds me of Jeff hardy. sayang nag retire na si Lita. Any infos on Umaga's background? b4 joining WWE saan nanggaling tong si Umaga? I remember years or decades ago meron ang WWF pa noon na Tonga Kid magkamag anak ba sila? Umaga & Samoa Joe of TNA will be a classic match kung nasa same organization both are samoans.

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among the lady wrestlers in the WWE i think Lita was the greatest champ of them all. of course the fabolous Moolahis a Hall of Famer but Lita's skills is a pure athlete, hugh flying shw reminds me of Jeff hardy. sayang nag retire na si Lita. Any infos on Umaga's background? b4 joining WWE saan nanggaling tong si Umaga? I remember years or decades ago meron ang WWF pa noon na Tonga Kid magkamag anak ba sila? Umaga & Samoa Joe of TNA will be a classic match kung nasa same organization both are samoans.


But when Lita gained weight due to his injury.. medyo nawala yung pagka intense wrestler nya.. I loved here when she was with the Hardy Boys.


Umaga came in the WWE a long time pa. ksma cya sa 3 minute warning yung Hip-Hop tag team. Now known as Umaga new name new look.


ito picture nila dati.. sa 3 minute warning.. Look familar?



Edited by [TWO]RERO
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WWE News: Bob Sapp close to special deal with WWE

Submitted by Brian Cantor on Tuesday, December 25, 2007 at 10:42 PM EST


The Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports that Bob Sapp is close to reaching a deal with World Wrestling Entertainment.


Unfortunately for those interested in seeing Sapp on WWE television, the deal being talked about only involves appearances during Japan house show events in February.


WWE has lost some bankability with the Japanese audience—its presence no longer guarantees a sellout—and wants to bolster its cards with a proven Japanese draw.


Negotiations to bring Sapp to WWE on a full-time basis have not advanced.

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WWE News: Steve Austin Changes His Real Name, Joey Styles Takes Aim At JBL, McCool's Black Eye

Submitted by Daniel Pena on Monday, December 24, 2007 at 6:33 PM EST


source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter


-- "Stone Cold" Steve Austin is following in the footsteps of Ultimate Warror and Chyna as he has legally changed his real name to his wrestling name. "Stone Cold" has legally changed his name from Steve Williams to Steve Austin.


-- Joey Styles' latest column has him taking aim and JBL and his broadcasting abilities, or lack thereof. Styles wrote: "Just when I thought nobody could butcher color commentary worse than Ernest "The Cat" Miller did years ago, along came JBL, tempting me to drive my pencil into my own ears at every WWE pay-per-view." He also added: "JBL spent more time talking about himself in his Foghorn Leghorn voice than he did talking about the matches he was supposed to be calling. While I have no doubt that JBL will one day be inducted into WWE's Hall of Fame as the great in-ring superstar he is, the self-professed Wall Street wizard will not be joining Gene Okerlund and Jim Ross in the announcer's wing." Styles closes his column with this parting shot: "I wish JBL the best in his future endeavors if only so I never have to suffer through him calling another match." You can read the article in it entirety at this link.


-- Michelle McCool's black eye on SmackDown happened during WWE's European tour. What happened is that she took a clothesline across the nose from Victoria during a match. The clothesline left McCool with a broken nose, not to mention two black eyes at one point.

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The Boogeyman's Future in WWE


- The Boogeyman hasn't been seen on WWE programming since the 11/5 edition of RAW where he was "inducted" by Triple H and Shawn Michaels as an honorary member of DX, after he came out from under the ring and interrupted their promo. Apparently the general feeling within WWE is that his act gets old fast and his in-ring abilities limit what he can do, not to mention the fact that he is injury prone, is why he hasn't been seen lately.


WWE writers Ed Koskey and Brian Gerwirtz are Boogey's main allies within the company as they like to write the comedy skits for him. A decision has been made to use him sparingly and seeing how his character is on ECW and Dusty Rhodes is the head booker for ECW, The Boogeyman's appearances on the show will be limited. Dusty wants the ECW show to have a bigger emphasis on wrestling and less skits and promos.

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Boogeyman is more of a thriller in WWE.


Like an "Eye Candy" similar to Khali.


Very intimidating, tons of appeal but boring in the Ring.


No unique moves in the ring. I noticed that he always slams his enemy making it seem he inflicted damage.


He is far from Shawn Micheal, HHH, Jeff Hardy or even Van Dam. Those guyz are good in selling pain.

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WWE has come to an agreement with Bob Sapp.


The deal is for Bob Sapp to appear on WWE house shows in Japan in February of 2008. Bob Sapp has not signed on to make appearances for WWE in the United States of America.


WWE hasn’t been doing as well in Japan (probably because the fans require more from wrestling there than we do) as they used to, so they’re looking for proven acts in Japan to sign.


He’s quite well known over there as he has made appearances on television programs and commercials. Bob Sapp even released a CD in Japan.


Bob Sapp is an MMA fighter who currently wrestles for HUSTLE in Japan. He was negotiating with TNA about joining up with them not too long ago (he likes the company’s shorter schedule).



Michelle McCool’s black eye from a few weeks ago was legitimate.


She received two black eyes and a broken nose after taking an errant clothesline from Victoria while the Smackdown crew was on their recent European tour.


There were reports that the black eye was created with makeup to start up a storyline where Chuck Palumbo turns heel. Those reports appeared to be true as Chuck Palumbo and Michelle McCool did a backstage segment on Smackdown where he lost his temper and punched a hole in the wall.


Nothing wrong with Chuck Palumbo turning heel, but his career can’t afford a storyline where he’s abusive to women. It’s already enough that he’s gone through several character changes (including the feminine Chuck in Billy & Chuck).

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Thus, my aversion to posting spoilers way toooo early. Besides, it was seen coming after Kennedy's name came out in the wellness investigation.


Bad idea for JBL to be in the ring again. He is such a lazy in-ring worker.


edit to add...


Just thinking. Jack TV has this ad of showing the WWE PPV titles one by one then in the end it said, "coming soon in 2008". Does that mean we don't have to go to cinemas to watch PPVs ever... agayn?



Sir yung big 4 ng WWE would still be shown on cinemas only. Yung mga minor PPVs lang ang available sa jack

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what happened to Gregory Helms & Muhammad Hassan?


Mark Copani a.k.a Muhammad Hassan



Copani was born to Italian father and Jordanian mother [1] and raised in Syracuse, New York, where he graduated from CNS (Cicero-North Syracuse) high school. Using Mark Magnus as his name, he made his professional wrestling debut in 2003 at WWE's training ground, Ohio Valley Wrestling (OVW). He was once managed by Nikita Fink.


[edit] World Wrestling Entertainment (2004-2005)


He made his WWE TV debut on RAW as Muhammad Hassan on December 13, 2004 in an in-ring segment with Mick Foley after wrestling dark matches and house shows for about two months. His introductory video and gimmick featured him and his manager, Khosrow Daivari introducing themselves. He described himself as a Middle Eastern-American wrestler wanting relief from the increased stereotypes created by the 9/11 attacks, as he enters professional wrestling. He then concluded with a controversial extension of hands and praise to Allah. He stopped praising Allah vocally due to complaints by Muslim-Americans, but still extended his hands during his ring entrance. His speech followed by a supposedly Arabic translation of his speech (in truth Persian) by Daivari. Hassan's gimmick also involved him interrupting promos by other wrestlers with his theme music and approaching the ring to cut promos of his own, typically complaining about being held back due to anti-Arab prejudice.[2]


Making his entrance into the WWE, he berated the way the media have characterized Arab-Americans after September 11. As an example, he focused his anger on RAW announcers Jerry "The King" Lawler and Jim Ross.[3] He then defeated Jerry Lawler in his debut match at New Year's Revolution.[4] In the course of his undefeated streak, Hassan defeated wrestlers such as The Hurricane,[5] Sgt. Slaughter,[6] Chris Benoit,[7] and Chris Jericho.[8]


Hassan had attracted much heat as a heel, a fact which was evident at the 2005 Royal Rumble, in the Rumble match itself. When Hassan entered at number 13, everyone who was in the ring at the time: Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Edge, Shelton Benjamin, Booker T, Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, and Luther Reigns immediately ganged up on Hassan and eliminated him.[9]. Notably, Reigns & Edge were also heels at the time.


At WrestleMania 21 on April 3, 2005, Hassan and Daivari were featured in a segment with Hulk Hogan that saw Hogan coming to the rescue of wrestler Eugene who was being attacked by the two Middle Eastern performers.[10] The next night on RAW, Hassan and Daivari came out to confront and assault fan favorite Shawn Michaels.[11] The following week, Michaels approached RAW General Manager Eric Bischoff demanding a handicap match with Hassan and Daivari. Bischoff refused but did tell Michaels to find a partner and he would grant a match. Michaels then made a plea for Hulk Hogan to come back and team with him.[12] On the April 18 episode of RAW, Hassan again led an attack on Michaels until Hogan appeared to save Michaels and accept his offer.[13]


At the WWE Backlash pay-per-view Hassan and Daivari lost to Hogan and Michaels, with Daivari being pinned.[14] Hassan would blame and attack Daivari for the loss the next evening on RAW.[15]


On May 30, 2005, Hassan faced popular World Heavyweight Champion Batista and was squashed in the biggest match of Hassan's career. While Hassan won via disqualification, he and Daivari were beaten by Batista after the match.[16]


The next week, Hassan was granted a 2-on-1 Handicap Match with Daivari for the Intercontinental Championship against Shelton Benjamin after threatening RAW General Manager Eric Bischoff with a lawsuit for Batista's actions. After Hassan initially appeared to pin Benjamin and win the title, the referee realized Benjamin was on the ropes and reversed his decision. Benjamin eventually pinned Daivari to retain his title.[17]


On June 20, Hassan and Daivari interrupted a promo by WWE Champion John Cena to complain about how Hassan was "screwed" out of the Intercontinental Title; Bischoff took the opportunity to punish Cena by booking him against Hassan in a WWE Title defense. However, Hassan's losing streak in title matches continued as Cena dominated him in a one-minute squash match, pinning him cleanly and thus ending his "unpinned" streak.[18]


On the June 23, 2005 episode of SmackDown!, it was revealed both Hassan and Daivari were drafted to SmackDown! in the 2005 WWE Draft Lottery. Hassan's move to SmackDown! would spell the beginning of the end of the Hassan character and ultimately Copani's tenure with WWE. Hassan won his first SmackDown! match, a match against the Big Show with help from Big Show's rival Matt Morgan.[19] The following week, Hassan was involved in a confrontation with The Undertaker.[20]


[edit] SmackDown! Controversy


On the episode of SmackDown! taped on July 4, General Manager Teddy Long put Muhammad Hassan in a match against The Undertaker at the Great American Bash and placed Daivari in a match that night against the Undertaker. Daivari was defeated easily, but Hassan began to "pray" on the ramp, summoning five masked men, dressed almost completely in black. Armed with clubs and a piano wire, they beat and choked the Undertaker out, and Hassan put him in the Camel Clutch. Afterward, the masked men lifted Daivari above their heads and carried him away. Three days later, hours before the episode was scheduled to air, the London bombings took place.[21] Without sufficient time to properly edit the segment out of the show, UPN showed the footage unedited in America and on The Score in Canada with an advisory warning shown several times during the broadcast. It was removed from the Australian and European (including in the UK) broadcasts.[22]


The angle elicited national attention in the New York Post, TV Guide, Variety, and other major media outlets. In response to the criticism, UPN decided that it would monitor the storyline closely and that it did not want the Hassan character on its network that week.[23] Hassan later delivered a promo to the live crowd for the July 14 airing of SmackDown!, but when UPN announced that the segment would be edited, WWE decided to host the video of the segment on its official website. In the segment, Hassan, reiterates that he is an Arab-American and that the American people automatically and unfairly assume that he is a terrorist. Despite being in character, he referred to the real-world media coverage of the storyline, singling out the New York Post's Don Kaplan by name. On the July 14 episode of SmackDown!, Hassan's absence was explained by a statement delivered by his lawyer, which said that Hassan refused to appear on the show until that month's Great American Bash due to the way he had been treated by the media and WWE fans.[24]


It was revealed in late-July 2005 that UPN had pressured WWE to keep Hassan off of their network, effectively removing him from SmackDown![25] However, Hassan had been booked as the winner in his #1 Contender's match against the Undertaker at The Great American Bash, setting up a Batista-Hassan match for the World Heavyweight Championship at SummerSlam. With no chance of having Hassan wrestle on SmackDown!, the Undertaker won the match instead. At the Great American Bash, after Hassan's loss, he was given the Last Ride through an open stage ramp onto a concrete floor where it was reported that he sustained serious injuries and had to be rushed to a nearby medical facility, apparently a solution aimed to end the Hassan character.[26] Several days later, WWE.com hosted a video of a kayfabe announcement from Theodore Long, where he reiterates the stipulation that Hassan would no longer appear on SmackDown!. He said to Hassan, "You can go to RAW, or you can go anywhere else in the world. But as far as I'm concerned, you can go to hell!!" Due to increasing public pressure, the WWE was forced to later drop the character altogether, sending Copani and Daivari to their developmental territories to alter their gimmicks. This resulted in huge fan backlash, mostly because Hassan had developed a cult following and had been booked to fight for (and possibly win) the World Title at SummerSlam.[27]


Although Daivari would report to Deep South Wrestling (and later would return to WWE), wrestling reports indicated that Copani would not, and on September 21, 2005, Copani parted ways with WWE. While the WWE article detailing his release indicated that he may return in the future (possibly in his Hassan character),[28] Copani was quoted as being eager to pursue a career in acting. However, he has left open the possibility of returning to wrestling in WWE.


there ya go dude... one example of a good talent wasted coz of poor WWE creativity :thumbsdownsmiley:

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