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WWE Wrestling/Usapang Wrestling

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what's the real deal? sept 8 and 9 dating sila beside the survivor series tour on oct 21 and 22?

if this is true... can anybody give out the place where they'll be at on sept 8 or 9?

medyo malapit na kasi ung date eh...hehehehe


gusto ko makita si batista and a picture of his left arm with the Philippine flag...


Sept 8-9 dadating si Batista, sya lang mag isa,to promote yung Smackdown Tour nila dito sa October.


Kung maaalala mo tsong, dumating din si Mick Foley last time dito to promote naman yung Raw tour nila.


Ganun din gagawin ni Batista. Check out yung ad sa taas to see kung kailan at nasan sya on the 8th and 9th of Sept.


Kita kits sa gateway. :thumbsupsmiley:

Edited by Marshall Bruce
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May prediction ako na si Randy Orton will be the next Triple H. Kasi I've noticed na inalaagaan talaga sya ni Triple H. Remember the summerslam issue with Hogan and Triple H? Nag comment kasi si Hunter na si Hogan ayaw magpatalo sa match. Siguro nainis sya dahil ayaw ni Hogan i-build up si Orton ngayon. Sana mag-DX na lang si Orton hehehe

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WWE News: Latest card for WWE Unforgiven

Submitted by Brian Cantor on Tuesday, September 5, 2006 at 12:06 AM EST


The card for WWE Unforgiven following Monday's RAW:


WWE Championship TLC Match:

Champion Edge vs. John Cena

*If Cena loses, he moves to SmackDown!


Hell In A Cell:

The McMahons & The Big Show vs. DX


Intercontinental Championship:

Champion Johnny Nitro vs. Jeff Hardy


World Tag Team Championship:

Champions The Spirit Squad vs. The Highlanders


WWE Women's Championship:

Champion Trish Stratus vs. Lita


Carlito vs. Randy Orton


Kane vs. Umaga



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The Raw Report (09/04/06): Carlito/Trish/John Cena vs. Randy Orton/Lita/Edge

Submitted by Chad Matthews on Monday, September 4, 2006 at 11:09 PM EST


The Raw Report (09/04/06)


The show opened with a recap of the events surrounding Edge and John Cena’s rivalry from last week. After it was over, the camera cut to WWE Champion Edge in the ring setting up tables, ladders, and chairs. He grabbed a mic and, surrounded by the very weapons legal in Unforgiven’s TLC championship match, said that the “John Cena gets out of my life forever countdown is on.” From atop the ladder, Edge plugged the new CW network and hyped his match with Cena, saying that Cena can’t win in the champ’s hometown of Toronto, ONT, Canada. Edge proclaimed that Cena can’t beat him in the TLC match because Edge always wins TLC matches…and the TLC doesn’t play to Cena’s limited strengths. The champ bashed the fans and Cena’s intelligence and had a video, Rated-R of course, played of his TLC and other triumphs. After the video, Edge said that it was only two weeks before Cena was off “his” show and before Edge would be free to become the greatest WWE Champion of all-time. At that point, Cena showed up and tried to knock Edge off the ladder. Edge leapt onto Cena from the top of the ladder to try and prevent the attack, but Cena caught him in body slam position, tossed him up onto his shoulders, and hit him with an FU through a table. The former champ then threw the ladder on top of the current champ and catered to the crowd with a celebration. (CMV1 note- good opening segment, good promo from Edge, and predictable, yet well-timed attack from Cena)


Backstage, Jeff Hardy painted a wall and was approached by Maria. Jeff said he was watching Nitro and Melina’s press conference from last week. Maria didn’t get it…but the point was to put over that it was like watching paint dry.



Match 1: Intercontinental Champion Johnny Nitro (w/ Melina) vs. Jeff Hardy

-(CMV1 note- what? Why is this being given away now? I hope this still makes the PPV). Nitro connected on a dropkick to get first strike points. The crowd was behind Hardy, who quickly came back with consecutive roll-up near falls and a backslide for a third close call. Hardy then hit a reverse mule kick that sent Nitro to the outside. We then got a dreaded mid-match commercial break, but that was to be expected. Back from the break, Nitro had Hardy in a modified camel clutch. During the break, Nitro knocked Hardy to the floor with a standing dropkick. Hardy got to his feet, but Nitro threw Jeff into a backbreaker via pulling his hair and tugging him backwards. Nitro followed with a back drop for a near fall and then synched in a surfboard stretch. Hardy got to his feet again, but Nitro quickly stomped him back down with several right handed blows. He went for that fancy spinning leg drop of his, but Hardy dodged it and hit a jawbreaker. Hardy tried to keep the offense going, but Nitro hung him up on the top rope. Nitro continued to dominate from there, focusing on the lower back with shoulder thrusts in the corner. Hardy again fought back, but couldn’t sustain the offense, as Nitro hit a Rock Bottom into a backbreaker and immediately followed with a Side Russian Leg sweep. The champ then locked in a rear bear hug before shoving Hardy into the corner and placing him on the top rope. Nitro followed suit and went for a superplex, but Hardy countered, flipped over Nitro, landed on his feet, and caught Nitro in the electric chair. The ref got to nine before both men made it to their feet. Hardy began his babyface comeback with flying forearms and a back drop. He followed with a Side Russian sweep of his own and scored a near fall with a unique pinning combo. Nitro came back eventually with a standing shooting star press. Hardy came back quickly and tossed Nitro chest first into the turnbuckle before connecting on the Whisper in the Wind spinning corkscrew for a near fall. He tried to follow with the Swanton Bomb, but Nitro regained his footing in time to knock him off the top rope. Nitro couldn’t get back on the offensive, though, and Hardy came right back with the Twist of Fate. 1…2…No! Melina interfered, causing a DQ. Hardy defeated Nitro via DQ at 12:25. (CMV1 rating- ** ½) (CMV1 note- good match featuring some solid spots, but a little sloppy at times. It got the time it needed and this could end up being a really good match on PPV)


JR and King hyped Trish’s farewell speech for later tonight.


WWE 24/7’s presented this week’s moment in wrestling history, which featured WCW Monday Nitro’s first broadcast opposite Monday Night Raw.


Backstage, Women’s champion Lita bumped into Trish Stratus, who said it was nice that they bumped into each other because she was going to call her out to challenge her to a Women’s title match at Unforgiven. Trish told her to bring everything she had and “just bring it, bitch”…Lita slapped her in response, prompting a brawl. Carlito tried to break it up but got attacked Randy Orton. They had a short brawl of their own and they ended up yelling at each other as they were being pulled apart by several referees. (CMV1 note- that’s two good matches for the Unforgiven card, and nice to see Trish get a fond farewell in a last hurrah against her biggest rival)


More hype for the “The Marine”…


Backstage, Lita complained to Shane McMahon about Trish attacking her. Shane made Trish, Carlito, and John Cena vs. Lita, Randy Orton, and Edge. Coach proceeded to kiss Shane’s ass…



Match 2: Chris Masters vs. Super Crazy

-(CMV1 note- Crazy answered an open challenge). Masters pushed Crazy to the mat to start the match. He did it again and posed to no crowd reaction. Masters followed with a body slam, but Crazy came back with a running dropkick. Chris came right back with a big boot before tossing Crazy shoulder-first into the ring post. Masters proceeded to latch on a key lock, but soon after took the newcomer down with a power slam. Crazy made a comeback with a springboard dropkick and a Senton splash to the outside. He then went to the top rope and connected on a sunset flip for a near fall. He tried to keep it up with another high risk, but missed. Masters tried for the Master Lock, but Crazy escaped and got a near fall with a reverse rolling clutch pin. The finish came when Crazy surprised Masters with another quick dropkick and got the pin following a top rope moonsault. Crazy defeated Masters at 3:58. (CMV1 rating- * ¼). (CMV1 note- well done while it lasted and nice to see the newcomer get the win over the just returner)


A recap aired of last week’s events surrounding DX and the McMahons/Big Show.


Vince and Shane McMahon came to the ring, which was surrounded by a lot of security. The ECW World Champion Big Show, in very large street clothes, came to the ring to join them. Shane took the mic first, reminding DX that their sophomoric pranks would no longer be tolerated, as evidenced by the s@%t kicking they received to close the show last week. He said that they’d further learn in HIAC that they never should’ve messed with the McMahons. Show took the mic, after Shane reminded the world that DX would meet the ECW champion tomorrow night, and said that DX just wasn’t funny. Big Show hyped the handicap match, but said that HBK and HHH would be handicapped after the match tomorrow night. He concluded and introduced Vince, who asked what was wrong with the people in the crowd tonight. He said something was missing…it was laughter at the expense of the McMahons. Vince said that they had laughed in the past when DX did all those heinous things to him and his family, but they weren’t laughing this week or at the end of the show last week. Now it was the McMahons and Big Show laughing…and at Hell in the Cell, DX would be dismembered and defeated at their hands. Vince said they had no chance in hell against their threesome, but DX responded, coming to the top of the ramp with a steel chair and a sledgehammer. They were bandaged and bruised, but ready to fight. Vince didn’t look worried. Trips, mic in hand, was all business as he said that it had been a long time since someone had made them taste their own blood…and with that, he said that they had two words for them: Thank You. Trips thanked them for reminding DX who the hell they were. At that point, HBK and Trips headed toward the ring, laid out security and went after their Unforgiven opponents. Show and the McMahons scattered up the ramp as the security tried to fight off DX. HBK and HHH cleaned house with all of them, though, and taunted their PPV opponents. (CMV1 note- good segment to hype the match. Show adds a new and much needed element to the DX-McMahons feud. My interest in this storyline, for what it’s worth, has been reinvigorated).



Match 3: The Highlanders vs. Cade and Murdoch vs. Haas and Viscera

-(CMV1 note- the winner receives a championship match at Unforgiven. The Spirit Squad came down to watch). Cade and Murdoch dominated early with Total Elimination and an inverted atomic drop- big boot combo on Rory. Haas came into break it up and hit a shaky exploder suplex on Cade. Murdoch came back with a back elbow on Haas before working over Rory in the corner. Viscera came in and hit a Black Hole Slam on Murdoch. The big man proceeded to work over Rory, eventually hitting a tossing slam. He and Haas then hit a drop toe hold-leg drop combo. Murdoch broke up the ensuing pin attempt, but ended up being tossed into his partner by Rory. Viscera followed by splashing both of them in the corner. The finish came when Robby tagged in and caught Charlie Haas in a sunset flip as he German suplexed Murdoch right onto his head. The Highlanders became #1 contenders to the World tag titles at 3:15. (CMV1 rating- *) (CMV1 note- entertaining match, albeit short).


Backstage, Trish asked Carlito if he was ready. Carlito said he was sick of Randy Orton and all his talk and poses. He made fun of Randy’s pose and said he was going to spit in Orton’s face tonight.


Maria did her little Kiss Cam thing that is normally confined to Heat…


Ric Flair came to the ring, where Maria was still standing around smiling. Maria flirted with him a little, but Flair took the mic and said how good it was to be back in ATL. He said the only thing that could make this moment better would be a kiss from Maria on the lips of the Nature Boy. They made out, and then he did the famous Flair flop. He gathered himself and gave a “Woo.” He reminded everyone that despite him making Foley say I quit at Summerslam, the Hardcore Legend didn’t deserve what happened to him a couple weeks ago. At that point, Armando Alejandro Estrada came to the ring and taunted Flair, even going as far as to ask him to officially declare Umaga, “The Man” since the Samoan Bulldozer had beaten the Nature Boy several months ago. Flair said no can do, prompting AAE to call him loony tunes. Umaga came to the ring to wipe the floor with Flair, but Kane made his return before Flair and the big man could battle it out. Kane pummeled Umaga in the ring and hit him with a big boot that sent the undefeated Samoan to the outside. (CMV1 note- good…Umaga has got himself a legit PPV feud. How good the match will be remains to be seen is, in my opinion, very much in question…BUT it’s a feud for Umaga nonetheless).


A vignette for Cryme Tyme, a new tag team coming to Raw, was shown and it featured two African American males trying to rob a fast food place in a record amount of time. (CMV1 note- oh boy, that could get some backlash)


Teddy Long got a nice welcome when he showed up in his skybox…


Backstage, the McMahons and Big Show hyped the handicap match for tomorrow night on ECW. Vince announced he’d face Triple H in the main-event next week on Raw, live from MSG.



Match 4: WWE Champion Edge, Women’s Champion Lita, and Randy Orton vs. John Cena, Trish Stratus, and Carlito

-The competitors from each of the three feuds stared each other down as the opening bell neared. In a preview of a future Wrestlemania main-event, Orton and Cena started off the match for their respective teams. Orton got first strike points, but Cena got sustained offense first, hitting Randy with a diving shoulder tackle and the seldom used Throwback. Carlito tagged in and maintained control until Orton poked him in the eye. Orton tagged Edge, but Carlito connected on a missile dropkick and tagged Cena. Edge quickly scurried away and tagged Lita, which meant Trish had to tag. The two divas brawled, but Trish took control and actually slapped Randy Orton. The Legend Killer and Edge headed into the ring to retaliate on her, but Carlito and Cena were quick to even the odds, sending the heels scattering from the ring as we went to a dreaded mid-match commercial break. Back from the break, Lita pulled Trish by the hair to keep her grounded and continue her dominance over the soon to retire former champion. Trish came back with a neckbreaker and tried to get to her corner for a tag. Carlito and Orton both tagged, with CCC gaining the advantage with a knee lift, clothesline, and springboard back elbow. He then mounted Orton in the corner, but Edge’s interference allowed Randy to dump CCC over the top rope. Edge and Lita stomped away on Carlito as Orton distracted the ref. Back in the ring, Orton scored with a jumping knee drop and tagged Edge. Edge and Orton played the heels, well, w/ one distracting the ref while the other cheaply got in some offense. The champion hit a standing dropkick and followed with a running shoulder thrust in the corner. Orton tagged back in and kicked Carlito in the gut. Randy continued to work over the mid-section as the crowd tried to rally behind CCC. Orton proceeded to drag him to the apron on his stomach, leave his neck exposed, and hit a European uppercut. Edge tagged back in and tried to maintain the heel advantage, but Carlito fought back. The champion regained control, though, and tagged Randy Orton. Orton locked in an abdominal stretch, while simultaneously punching away at Carlito’s mid-section. He used the ropes for leverage, but the ref was distracted. Edge tagged yet again and took Carlito down with a snapmare. He locked in a choke hold. Carlito tried to fight back, but Edge punched him and tagged Orton. CCC fought back, nonetheless, catching Randy with an enziguiri. Cena hyped Carlito up, trying to will him back to the babyface corner. Edge, though, crept over and pulled him off the apron. Lita and Trish ended up in the ring and they brawled. Cena got in the ring and took out Orton and Edge with a double clothesline. As the men battled outside the ring, Lita snap suplexed Trish and went to the second rope. Trish recovered quick and took Lita off the top. Edge looked to Spear Trish, but Carlito made the save. Orton came in and hit Trish with the RKO, following with Edge’s idea. The ref didn’t see it, so Lita made the cover and got the pin. Edge, Orton, and Lita defeated Trish, Cena, and Carlito at 15:08. (CMV1 rating- ** ¾) (CMV1 note- damn good main-event…certainly the best Raw main-event in many, many weeks. The only problem I could find was that there were parts that were sloppy, including parts of the end where Carlito, Orton, and Edge all got mixed up on particular sequences. Still, a good main-event that hyped all three matches for Unforgiven)



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