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Wrestling Chismaks


Rumors regarding Wade Barrett: WWE is planning to move him to Smackdown and possibly start a feud with the Undertaker, which will bring upon a Taker-Barrett match at Wrestlemania. Another rumor is that he'll turn face.


John Cena sustained an injury after a match with Barrett in a steel cage during one of their tours. Cena landed awkwardly after Barrett hit his finisher and may have hurt his hip.


Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin are back together as a tag team and are currently working for the Ring of Honor promotion.


Nunzio briefly returned to the WWE after officials asked him to help out as a referee at a show in NY, since Charles Robinson was the only referee available and he resided in the area. Other referees and wrestlers were not able to make the event due to terrible weather conditions.


Kaval was released because the WWE creative team had no plans for him. Needless to say, a lot of people aren't happy with his release. TNA's Jeremy Borash took a swipe at WWE via Twitter, saying "Very grateful to be working for a company that gives out bonus checks at Christmas instead of walking papers." After his release, he has resumed using Low-Ki and will begin competing in independent circuits again after WWE's 90-day no-compete clause expires.


Michael Cole will also start working as a guest referee in several Raw shows.


MMA star Roy Nelson claims he's currently in talks with WWE & TNA.


There are plans to produce a film about the life & death of Chris Benoit. If producers get the needed budget, filming starts next year.

Edited by tamago
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Kaval was released because the WWE creative team had no plans for him. Needless to say, a lot of people aren't happy with his release. TNA's Jeremy Borash took a swipe at WWE via Twitter, saying "Very grateful to be working for a company that gives out bonus checks at Christmas instead of walking papers." After his release, he has resumed using Low-Ki and will begin competing in independent circuits again after WWE's 90-day no-compete clause expires.


must've gotten on the dynamic dude's bad side...

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Wrestling Chismaks


Rumors regarding Wade Barrett: WWE is planning to move him to Smackdown and possibly start a feud with the Undertaker, which will bring upon a Taker-Barrett match at Wrestlemania. Another rumor is that he'll turn face.



Kaval was released because the WWE creative team had no plans for him. Needless to say, a lot of people aren't happy with his release. TNA's Jeremy Borash took a swipe at WWE via Twitter, saying "Very grateful to be working for a company that gives out bonus checks at Christmas instead of walking papers." After his release, he has resumed using Low-Ki and will begin competing in independent circuits again after WWE's 90-day no-compete clause expires.



- according to wrestling news world, there's a negotiation between wwe and brock lesnar for a possible taker-lesnar wm xxvii match up... sana matuloy to... :)




- i also watched one of kaval's former tna match (as senshi) and he was great... sayang hindi sya na-push...

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- according to wrestling news world, there's a negotiation between wwe and brock lesnar for a possible taker-lesnar wm xxvii match up... sana matuloy to... :)

As much as all of sports entertainment wants to see this, this will never happen. Brock still has a contract with the UFC and his only way out is to fight or have Dana White's blessings (which in reality has ZERO chance).


Sure he can make his appearance without Dana and UFC's blessings but he will get his ass sued for sure.


Brock should learn from Randy Couture and Roger Huerta that there is no way out of a UFC binding contract but to fight.


So it's his poison to pick, make an appearance and get sued, or fight and get his ass kicked again.

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^ yep something like that... member sila ng immortals faction being led by bischoff and hogan although hogan is out due to surgery... lolo na talaga! :D



@ tamago, yep before sya nag tna balita ko lumabas pa sya dito sa Sydney for a few appearances sa Aus Wrestling Federation... and pati sa comment dito, yung tiyan ang napansin, hahaha!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

2011 Royal Rumble results:


Alberto del Rio won the Royal Rumble


Edge defeated Dolph Ziggler to retain the World Heavyweight Championship


The Miz defeated Randy Orton to retain the WWE Championship


Eve Torres defeated Natalya, Michelle McCool and Layla in a Fatal Fourway match to win the WWE Divas Championship


Booker T & Big Daddy Cool Diesel! Yeh, baby!

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