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What Words Can Hurt You?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm sure that all of us have many of these.


It's those times that your mind blanks and you suddenly say or do the stupidest thing ever. These are the things that are hard or impossible to recover from and no amount of apologizing or back pedalling can change the outcome of what you did.


mine (personally I have a lot of these, because I think I'm missing the smart gene)


1) After learning that GF did not pass an interview for stewardess because of her weight:


Me: Screw those guys if they don't want to hire beautiful chubby women


Her: CHUBBY!?!?!?




GF by KO Rd 1 0:10


Lesson: Never tell a woman she's fat


2) I had just went through a terrible breakup with a girl who I had stayed with for two years, and I had just recently started seeing exclusively this new girl (this was about 2 mos. after said breakup). Apparently my stupid button was stuck as I kept calling my new gf, by my ex's name which was Sam. Needless to say that I tried my damndest to make it sound like "San!?" everytime I did it, for about 150 more times afterward.


3)Was hooking up with this hottie at a bar in a malate. I was pretty excited as she obviously was bi, because she had just finished making out with this other girl at the bar. Chatted her up (i never do this, but this was Nakpil during the late 90s and it was a very different atmosphere then), had her laughing and doing the flirty hand slap thing, until it progressed to me and her semi cuddling by the bar. Surely, SURELY this was a done deal:


Me: We really should do this some other time, you know get out and stuff


Her: We really should, well you can always call me.


Me: Cool I do that.


I turn away from the bar, say goodbye and leave.


SO, I find my friends and recount the story of my absolute pimpage:


Me: Yeah man she was really hot and she told I could just call her anytime....


Friend: AWESOME! Where'd you put her number (this was way before everyone had cellphones)?


Me: What?


Friend: NUM-BER....


Me: F*ck


Never did it occur to me that you actually needed a numbe to make a phone call.


your turn






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