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Writings of the Heart

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I'm not strong enough to stay away from you
No matter how much I want to
No matter how bad you've hurt me in the past
My anger with you can never last
I keep running right back to your open arms
Keep asking myself what's the harm
I know with the pleasure comes the pain
Nothing ventured nothing gained
I try to make my heart grow cold
Keep my feelings under control
I'm not strong enough to stay away
You’re gonna be the death of me
All those lonely nights
Filled with endless fights
With you I lose all control
Embrace the ache to feel whole
What have we become
Into your trap I succumb
It feels so wrong it feels so right
I just want you to hold me tight



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just because no words were said

it doesn't mean, i have totally forgotten you

i always think of you

wondering how your day went

hear your crazy stories of how it made your day

listen you rant when things didn't go well

and wrap you in my arms

and sing this song to you:

"you think i'd leave your side baby

you know me better than that

you think i'd leave you down when you're down on your knees

i wouldn't do that"

please know, i miss you....

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  • 2 weeks later...

if one day, you feel like crying... call me.

i dont' promise that i will make you laugh..

but i can cry with you.


if one day, you want to run away..don't be afraid to call me.

i dont' promise to ask you to stop..

but i can run with you.


if one day, you don't want to listen to anyone...call me.

i promise to be there for you..

and i promise to be very quiet.


but if one day you call me..and there is no answer

come fast to see me

perhaps i need you.



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A hi, a hello, a good morning text.

A kiss and second base on the first date.

Almost getting laid on the second date.

You can barely pronounce my name.

You don't even know my favorite color. Nor my favorite food. Nor what makes me melt. Nor my favorite music.

We fill our facebook page with photos of our happy faces. Having no idea on what went through on those nights I cant reach you on your phone. They never see the sad faces

And you said you can't understand me. You said I am complicated.

I say we just don't open up.

Then we begin to feel we are losing grip. And we decide to let go.

And the cycle goes on again.

With another face. With another name.

But same fate...

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A Post Valentine poem:


The cupid is out there playing,
whose lives out there will now be changing,
the feeling of being in love is always great,
you forget everything specially the hate.
The flowers are everywhere,
scents and colors for the love you share,
the atmosphere is always almost perfect,
no lies, no arguments and no secret.
The chocolates are all so sweet and caring,
everything you both desire is happening.
Those sweet kisses and that beautiful stare,
holding each others arms everywhere.
Oh dear valentine you make everyone smile,
you make all lovers forget all problems for a while,
i wish i can be one, is there someone out there?
to celebrate with me on this day - forever...
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You made me want you.


Because you made my body paralyzed over wanting you so badly. The obsession seething through my bones unparalleled by your ruthless candor.


Go away. Leave me alone.

You will have me always, it's inevitably so. I will wrap my arms around you again and accept you again as lunacy engulfs us and ebbed when you break up with me again.


come back, come back, let me have you again.


One last time i kiss you till lunacy comes and taking us away

Edited by nightwriter
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