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Writings of the Heart

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One hour is all that I have

To look at you and smile while it lasts


One hour is all that you need

To feel me and listen to what my heart sings


Now I realized that an hour is not enough

How I wish I could have lived another life

So I dont have to worry about time

And prove to you how badly I want you to be mine


I dont know if we would ever get to see

What is true and what if its not meant to be

But I will take my chances even if its an hour that is all I have

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You make me happy
You fill my world with hope
You’ve changed my life
In ways you’ll never know

You have a special way
Of making me feel
More valuable than I believe I am
Your soft and gentle smile
Speaks to my heart
As if you truly understand

When something is on my mind
Or weighs heavy on my heart
You always seem to know
What I want to say
Before I ever start

When I just need to talk
To sort through my emotions
Or to clarify my thoughts
You listen with ease and devotion
And I no longer feel distraught

I’m so lucky to have you in my life
Every day that you’re with me
Is another day that I’m thankful
And so incredibly happy

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I confess that my staff who looks like my ex. A beautiful and clever woman that possesses an ample bosom. She was bitching around the office blaming me for being too strict and pushy and I was also frustrated for how she behaved during heated discussions. Few months have passed and she's beginning to get comfortable with me but I can still sense a bit of shyness and awkwardness for what she did to me, though I didn't take it personally. She is a strong-willed, competitive, young woman who knows what she wants, enjoys challenges and able to shine under pressure. Despite possessing a strong outward demeanor, she is gentle, warm and compassionate in the inside.

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Our project is about to conclude and you'll be soon leaving my team for another. You'll be working with a new team for a different project. I relished the time we had with the team and the challenges we had encountered along the way. During her first few months, she was hysterical about how I ran things in my department and were antagonistic about the appointed tasks you received. Things turned out fine when the project began but her bullheadedness persisted and thought that she hated my guts. Suddenly I had an epiphany and realized that she just wanted to be appreciated. I frequently asked myself whether she was suffering from ADD but I guess was wrong. Frankly speaking, she is one of my best staff and it was a pleasure to have her in my department and would like her to work with me again. My staff were responsible for the success of my department and for that same reason why our department remained competitive.


In a few weeks, she will be transferred to another department for a different project and probably spend the rest of her career in that department.


My staff will always remember you.

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All kinds of relationship should be intersubjective...


We treat other fellow human beings as subject.. not an object.


No one is supposed to be used up nor be a user.


Nowadays it's a matter of using and consuming someone's energy and then vanish like nothing happened.


In that case then we should go back to what Plato believes in "we're not supposed to be here" that our life is just an accident....




I value therefore I exist!

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I suffered from a terrible headache that gave me a difficulty to think, speak and recall information. The pain was so excruciating that I wanted leave the office but I couldn't. There I was seated on my chair discussing the diminished market with my associates about our once best selling product. There you were staring right through me with your enchanting eyes, then hearing your euphonious voice was intoxicating and your glowing complexion started to illuminate the dimmed room... You just made my day. To be continued.

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