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Dreaming To Be A Famous Photographer


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30thousand is good.

Maybe you meant a Canon EOS300D?

If I were you, I'd go to the hidalgo sale and look for sir Ramon in Mayers and with the budget you have, if a Nikon D50 or Canon EOS350D (there is a 400d but thats above your budget) is available... snag it!



thank u very much sir, i really appreciate it.. so mang ramon is the MAN to find!

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noziuk, very nice shot :) been trying to shoot pics of sunrise, sunset and evening shots lately.. but cant get up early enough for the sunrise, or stay awake that long :)


question guys, how do you minimize blur and shakes without using a tripod?



thanks man! :)


im no expert man, pros please correct me if im wrong. one useful guideline:


when shooting handheld, a useful guideline is to set a minimum shutter speed that is the reciprocal of the focal length in mm. in plain terms, this means when shooting for example at 300mm, you set the shutter speed at no slower than 1/300 secs. this is only a guideline though.


i hope this helps.

Edited by noziuK
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question guys, how do you minimize blur and shakes without using a tripod?

I guess a stable surface (table, platform, chair, stool, etc.) to place the camera on would help. Also, if shooting a low speed or low light conditions, a hatshoe (did I spell it right?) or a remote control trigger will improve the shot vs blurring due to camera movement.

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thanks for all the advice dudes :)


yep shooting at a fast speed reduces blur, and ive tried leaning on walls, it works, and that's wat i usually do hehehe, but when i have nothing to lean on or prop the camera with or need to shoot at a slow speed, i try to do the tucking of the arms, but i still cant get it right.. guess i need to practise that more... and work on reducing my tummy a bit i guess.. :)

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Rule of thirds




you've probably read the term "rule of thirds" in this forum, photography books or magazines. the rule of thirds is a guideline in photography for better composition. I'll try to explain it as much as I can and hopefully you'll be able to compose your images better.


the rule of thirds is basically dividing your viewfinder or LCD into three rows and three columns. and then, put your subject on any of the intersections that were created as shown in the image above.


when i took this silhouette of Cueshe guitarist Jovan, you will notice that while his head does not meet the intersection, his elbow does. I chose to hit his elbow because it is an extended part of his body being attached to the arm holding the guitar. I could've also had his head meet the upper intersection and it would still be a good composition. It's a matter of personal choice.


when following the rule of thirds, you are not obligated to hit only one intersection, you can hit as many as two.




i hope this little tip helps you in composing your shots. next, i'll post another guideline, "lines and patterns".




naks,ang galing!naintindihan ko ng mas mabuti ang rule of thirds!beginner lng po e,sensya n..hehe.. :thumbsupsmiley: thank u!thank u!

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