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Who Is Into Scale Modelling?


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i used to busy myself with scale modeling back when i was younger. things got hectic so i had to stop. any advice that anyone can give to a returning modeler? ^_^



my advice......just continue to assemble/build.....a scale modeller does nothing but to build......he may stop for a while when he's just too busy....... but he can resume anytime, on his liking..... :thumbsupsmiley:

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thanks for the replies sirs.


aside from the tamiya paints, what other options are there?

[/quote as for paints, well i can't give you any advice co'z i haven't tried painting all my builds.....i prefer it raw or unpainted......you can ask Doc Pepper or Boelcke or anybody here who knew more on painting. :thumbsupsmiley:

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thanks for the replies sirs.


aside from the tamiya paints, what other options are there?



As to paints, I believe I've used just almost anything. Tamiya, Model Master, Gunze, Testors, Humbrol either their acrylic or enamel line. I've also used home spray paint, automotive car spray paint, watercolors, poster color, artists acrylics and oil paints, india ink, pentel pen, pastel chalks, future, wipe and shine, food coloring, water color pencils, colored pencils, nail polish, hot tea... used as primers, washes, filters, drybrushing, detail painting and seal everything with a flat coat. As you can see I like to experiment.


Incidentally this is what I worked on this Holy Week:







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what color scheme do you have planned for the abrams sir?


I plan to use a modified NATO tricolor camo, using lighter colors sir. I already eliminated the turret basket and filled the positioning holes, since European tanks do not have external stowage and I wanted to see what the Abrams would look like if the turret was 'clean'. It's a what-if build anyway so I could take certain 'artistic liberties'.

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Ey Doc! Thats my favorite tank! Looking forward to your build.


Did the mineplough come in a different color mold, or did you pre-paint it?




The mineplow is the alternate mine detonator plow (tank width) in the Trumpeter M2 Panther kit. I decided to kitbash it to the Academy Abrams to add some character to this highly criticized kit (a Tamiya copy with an inaccurate turret and oversized gun barrel). I'm doing this as a what-if abrams and I sincerely hope I don't disappoint you sir.

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As to paints, I believe I've used just almost anything. Tamiya, Model Master, Gunze, Testors, Humbrol either their acrylic or enamel line. I've also used home spray paint, automotive car spray paint, watercolors, poster color, artists acrylics and oil paints, india ink, pentel pen, pastel chalks, future, wipe and shine, food coloring, water color pencils, colored pencils, nail polish, hot tea... used as primers, washes, filters, drybrushing, detail painting and seal everything with a flat coat. As you can see I like to experiment.


Incidentally this is what I worked on this Holy Week:








Nice!!!! :thumbsupsmiley:

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is there a special mix when using automotive paints? i'm planning on getting back into building cars once more and i can't seem to find the colors that i want of like. i though of using actually automotive paints instead.


I usually avoid automotive paints because I can't get them in small amounts and it seems a waste if you only use it for one or two paint jobs. I guess you have to be able to thin it as much as possible if you are going to use an airbrush. Both auto paint and the thinner are 'hot' which means they react with the styrene plastic. This is both good and bad since it automatically binds with the plastic but using too much can craze or deform the plastic too. Try leaving leftover sprues in lacquer thinner or paint thinner and you will see what I mean. So I suggest building up the paint by spraying very thin coats. Mist it on the first coat and do three to five coats until you can do a completely wet coat. You might also want to sand wth up to 10,000 grit sandpaper in between coats.


Thanks Herr Boelcke and caloyski for your encouragement. Wasn't able to do much with the Abrams this week due to work but I hope to basecoat the kit this weekend. Will try to post pix as I go along.

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