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Who Is Into Scale Modelling?


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I was surprised when Jo of Lils told me that the show was only till thursday. In the past the competitions have culminated on a weekend. I usually go on the last day since I catch most of the IPMS BAC members there, like Mar, Jay, Tony F and Ping, just to talk geek modeling. I'm not too happy I might not get to see this year's nationals.

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SM Mega's got a tight schedule. We have had to settle for 26th to 29th. If you find time, do drop by.




Of course! I'll try to play hooky for a while from work on thursday lunchtime. The display area seems quite impressive from the pix, and everything seems to be in glass cases. IPMS BAC is sure moving up!

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It was the tracks that finally got me. They didn't take paint well. I had to dip the tracks in a mixture of white glue and water so that the paint wouldn't flake off. As with other Zvezda kits, the vinyl tracks are too tight, resulting in a broken sprocket when I forced them over the wheels. I didn't feel like touching the kit again after that and simply left it as it is, floating tracks and all.





Nice work on your T-34 Doc!.......Keep posting the pics of your works for all to see......Medyo nag lie low muna ako dito sa scale modeling to give way for my other hobby......Fishing :rolleyes:

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Sir Caloyski,


Naku, sayang! I had just left by then. I had to get the wife and the daughter home kasi, and with the curfew and all. Buti sana kung ako lang mag-isa.


Anyways, we can all meet and get together sa monthly meeting ng IPMS-Bert Anido this December (most likely the second Sunday), at the UP Fine Arts Bartlett Hall. Everyone's welcome to join.



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