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Build A Model Body!

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@Olympus, can u suggest workouts for girls? just to lose weight because of stubborn fat on her arms,belly, thighs, that wont go away. Currently she does cardio only. Shes afraid of gaining too much muscle and look muscular so she stays away from weights. Any help or program suggestion would be great. All the stuff on the net ive read on womens workouts are about aerobic workouts and like 20 rep crunches or 20 rep leg extensions.


I pretty much know that i just have to jumpstart her metabolism but i dont know how to do it properly which she can also enjoy at the same time. I know it should be an intense workout which is what i do (currently back to EDT's) but she doesnt want to do that...hehe. any alternatives if ever?




Tell this girl that women don't have enough testosterone to get really muscular.


second, in order for her to get way too musuclar, she needs to have the genetics, and be taking some steroids.


Reality check, last time I walked into other faciliteis other than ours, Most of the women who did cardio only and no sort of resistance training didn't really get that "toned and firm" look they desire.


Just last friday night, I was assisting a female client who happens to be very lean and toned (the look many women want) and yet, she can lift heavy and give some guys a run for their money.


So once again, resistance training is a must and is superior over cardio in burning fat and achieving that lean look

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Tell this girl that women don't have enough testosterone to get really muscular.


second, in order for her to get way too musuclar, she needs to have the genetics, and be taking some steroids.


Reality check, last time I walked into other faciliteis other than ours, Most of the women who did cardio only and no sort of resistance training didn't really get that "toned and firm" look they desire.


Just last friday night, I was assisting a female client who happens to be very lean and toned (the look many women want) and yet, she can lift heavy and give some guys a run for their money.


So once again, resistance training is a must and is superior over cardio in burning fat and achieving that lean look


yup! i agree! and to add, most women are just concern about their weight. the most important is how you look physically. women tend to be OA when it comes to there weight, yet they are not that concerned with their body in terms of toning. peace..


do some resistance training.

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Tell this girl that women don't have enough testosterone to get really muscular.


second, in order for her to get way too musuclar, she needs to have the genetics, and be taking some steroids.


Reality check, last time I walked into other faciliteis other than ours, Most of the women who did cardio only and no sort of resistance training didn't really get that "toned and firm" look they desire.


Just last friday night, I was assisting a female client who happens to be very lean and toned (the look many women want) and yet, she can lift heavy and give some guys a run for their money.


So once again, resistance training is a must and is superior over cardio in burning fat and achieving that lean look


Thanks Olympus but she still refuses to train in the gym..just want to do it at home. i made a program for her essentially taking the 5x5 exercises we do and changed some to alternatives she can do at home, problem is the amount of weight coz she can't add until she decides to buy more dumbells so right now i have her doing higher reps with a minute or less of rest in between sets since the weight is constant.

i just have her change the reps (and rest time) every 3 weeks. really giving me a hard time thinking what i could make her do at home haha

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  • 3 weeks later...
Thanks Olympus but she still refuses to train in the gym..just want to do it at home. i made a program for her essentially taking the 5x5 exercises we do and changed some to alternatives she can do at home, problem is the amount of weight coz she can't add until she decides to buy more dumbells so right now i have her doing higher reps with a minute or less of rest in between sets since the weight is constant.

i just have her change the reps (and rest time) every 3 weeks. really giving me a hard time thinking what i could make her do at home haha


I know someone who lost 40 pounds without doing any cardio just lifting weights, point is muscle burns fat. But for me you get better result if you do both. If she really dont like going to the gym, I would suggest trying P90X. Only things she needs are resistance band, chin up bar and push up bar. Oh and dedication as well.

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i find it funny how people do not lift weights because they "don't want to get huge." if it were that easy to get huge, bodybuilders would not be "bodybuilders." they would simply be "people who lift weights." do they even know how much effort it takes to increase calorie intake, and gain lean mass? ignorance ignorance ignorance. sorry for ranting, it's just frustrating when you work so hard to pack on pounds of muscle, while weekend warriors and gym moms and beach boys and model wannabes genuinely believe they can ACCIDENTALLY get that big.

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i find it funny how people do not lift weights because they "don't want to get huge." if it were that easy to get huge, bodybuilders would not be "bodybuilders." they would simply be "people who lift weights." do they even know how much effort it takes to increase calorie intake, and gain lean mass? ignorance ignorance ignorance. sorry for ranting, it's just frustrating when you work so hard to pack on pounds of muscle, while weekend warriors and gym moms and beach boys and model wannabes genuinely believe they can ACCIDENTALLY get that big.


And in all honesty, the guys who always says that in the gym are often the guys who are really weak and achieve a mediocre at best type of physique.

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And in all honesty, the guys who always says that in the gym are often the guys who are really weak and achieve a mediocre at best type of physique.


funny how people are capable of conjuring up preposterous excuses to avoid what is hard. stop bitching around and put some damn weight on that deadlift.

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Please critique my current program.


Fitness Goal for the next 6 months: I dont want to get buffed up too much since it will slow me down in my sport. I want to maintain my speed, and be well-toned overall but have my pecs, delts, shoulders, sides, and gastrocs ripped. So, my program focuses on power, speed, and endurance which involves more reps than more weights. My metabolism is average to above average, I think. With these in mind, here is my program:





20 mins Jump Rope, Kicking Bag, Punching Bag



20 mins of intense cardio (Bike MWF, Run TThSa)

Exercise Ball Crunches (3x30)

Lying Down Leg Raises (3x20)

Rope Tuck and Twists (3x15)

Hanging Leg Raises (3x15)

Hyperextensions (3x15)




Dumbbell Chest Press (3x8-15)

Wide Grip Pulldown (3x8-15)

Dumbbell Incline Press (3x8-15)

Seated Lat Row (3x8-15)

Dumbbell Shoulder Press (3x8-15)

Dumbbell Incline Curls (3x8-15)

Arnold Press (3x8-15)

Dips or Triceps Press Machine (3x8-15)

Standing Barbel Curls (3x8-15)

Pulley Pushdown (3x10-15)




Squats or Leg Press (4x12, 10, 8, 6)

Stiff Legged Deadlift (4x10-12) ***

Leg Extension (4x12)

supersetted with

Leg Curl (4x10-12)

Inner Thigh Cable Pulls (3x10-15)

Outer Thigh Cable Pulls (3x10-15)

Leg Cable Pulls (3x10-15)

Calf Raise (4x15)




Cross-training (Swimming, Running, Basketball, Tennis, sometimes Badminton)


***For the Lower Body, I dont do the Stiff Leg Deadlift anymore since it hurts my lower back a lot. Don't want my previous injury to recur, so I usually skip it.


Diet Program for next 6 Months as follows:

1st Meal: Carb like 2 pieces toast or oatmeal, Protein source like spicy scrambled egg (recipe: 4 egg whites, 2 yolks, cottage cheese, onions, garlic, bell peppers, chili powder, italian mixed herbs), alternately with turkey omelette (ground turkey, onion, 4 egg whites, 2 yolks, kidney beans, green and red peppers, mushroom, olive oil, black pepper, garlic, worcestershire sauce).


2nd Meal: Protein Snack. Tuna in Water or Chicken Breast with either some sliced tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce. 1:1.


3rd Meal: Lunch. a. Sole Fish, Turkey, Chicken Breast. b.Vegetables like squash, leafy, etc. c. 1 Cup Rice or equivalent volume pasta or carb-source. RATIO of 2:2:1.


4th Meal: Protein Drink with Tuna in Water or Chicken Breast and fruit usually banana. Before evening workout. 1:1


5th Meal: Dinner. Sole Fish. Salmon. or similar. (Sometimes ham, pork or beef, I cant help it LOLz). Green Salad: (Lettuce, Cucumber, Tomato, Carrots, Chunks of sauteed marinated chicken) with either asian dressing (balsamic vinegar, honey, sesame oil) or honey dijon vinegraitte alternately basta avoid mayo dressing in the evening. Alternately with Tuna Salad ( tuna in water, onions, celery, parsley, lemon pepper, spinach, lemon juice, ground pepper)


6th Meal: Nightime Repair. Protein Drink+Supplement Powder.


Would appreciate any inputs to improve this current program I have.

Edited by jay_lanz
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What is your sport??


Honestly, that program is not ideal. If you are an athlete, you should focus on quality over quantity, You don't need a ton of exercises to get results.


Focus on the basic compound lifts.


Google mark rippetoe starting strength... that's a good starting point. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask


Please critique my current program.


Fitness Goal for the next 6 months: I dont want to get buffed up too much since it will slow me down in my sport. I want to maintain my speed, and be well-toned overall but have my pecs, delts, shoulders, sides, and gastrocs ripped. So, my program focuses on power, speed, and endurance which involves more reps than more weights. My metabolism is average to above average, I think. With these in mind, here is my program:





20 mins Jump Rope, Kicking Bag, Punching Bag



20 mins of intense cardio (Bike MWF, Run TThSa)

Exercise Ball Crunches (3x30)

Lying Down Leg Raises (3x20)

Rope Tuck and Twists (3x15)

Hanging Leg Raises (3x15)

Hyperextensions (3x15)




Dumbbell Chest Press (3x8-15)

Wide Grip Pulldown (3x8-15)

Dumbbell Incline Press (3x8-15)

Seated Lat Row (3x8-15)

Dumbbell Shoulder Press (3x8-15)

Dumbbell Incline Curls (3x8-15)

Arnold Press (3x8-15)

Dips or Triceps Press Machine (3x8-15)

Standing Barbel Curls (3x8-15)

Pulley Pushdown (3x10-15)




Squats or Leg Press (4x12, 10, 8, 6)

Stiff Legged Deadlift (4x10-12) ***

Leg Extension (4x12)

supersetted with

Leg Curl (4x10-12)

Inner Thigh Cable Pulls (3x10-15)

Outer Thigh Cable Pulls (3x10-15)

Leg Cable Pulls (3x10-15)

Calf Raise (4x15)




Cross-training (Swimming, Running, Basketball, Tennis, sometimes Badminton)


***For the Lower Body, I dont do the Stiff Leg Deadlift anymore since it hurts my lower back a lot. Don't want my previous injury to recur, so I usually skip it.


Diet Program for next 6 Months as follows:

1st Meal: Carb like 2 pieces toast or oatmeal, Protein source like spicy scrambled egg (recipe: 4 egg whites, 2 yolks, cottage cheese, onions, garlic, bell peppers, chili powder, italian mixed herbs), alternately with turkey omelette (ground turkey, onion, 4 egg whites, 2 yolks, kidney beans, green and red peppers, mushroom, olive oil, black pepper, garlic, worcestershire sauce).


2nd Meal: Protein Snack. Tuna in Water or Chicken Breast with either some sliced tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce. 1:1.


3rd Meal: Lunch. a. Sole Fish, Turkey, Chicken Breast. b.Vegetables like squash, leafy, etc. c. 1 Cup Rice or equivalent volume pasta or carb-source. RATIO of 2:2:1.


4th Meal: Protein Drink with Tuna in Water or Chicken Breast and fruit usually banana. Before evening workout. 1:1


5th Meal: Dinner. Sole Fish. Salmon. or similar. (Sometimes ham, pork or beef, I cant help it LOLz). Green Salad: (Lettuce, Cucumber, Tomato, Carrots, Chunks of sauteed marinated chicken) with either asian dressing (balsamic vinegar, honey, sesame oil) or honey dijon vinegraitte alternately basta avoid dressing. Alternately with Tuna Salad ( tuna in water, onions, celery, parsley, lemon pepper, spinach, lemon juice, ground pepper)


6th Meal: Nightime Repair. Protein Drink+Supplement Powder.


Would appreciate any inputs to improve this current program I have.

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What is your sport??


Honestly, that program is not ideal. If you are an athlete, you should focus on quality over quantity, You don't need a ton of exercises to get results.


Focus on the basic compound lifts.


Google mark rippetoe starting strength... that's a good starting point. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask

Full contact tumbang preso :lol:


Thanks for the reply, saer. Quality over quantity, hmm. I think it will be more on power training this way than speed/endurance training with muscle definition which I'm after. Could you expound further pls? What do you mean by focusing on basic compound lifts-- like benchpresses, military press, etc.? I think you're suggesting also that I divide my workout program to 3 days x 2 per week +sunday rather than 2 days x 3 per week + sunday, so I focus more on specific sections per day. Did I understand it correctly?



I'm checking out Mark Rippetoe program as suggested. He has two workout sets too, Workout Set A and Workout Set B, same as mine but only 4-5 workout types per day and at increasing heavier weights.


Workout A

3x5 Squat

3x5 Bench Press

1x5 Deadlift

**2x8 Dips (if you cant do these or no assist machine then do Decline Dumbbell Bench Press with your hands Facing each other)


Workout B

3x5 Squat

3x5 Standing military press

3x5 Pendlay or Bent Rows (or power cleans)

**2x8 Chin-ups (recommended mainly if doing the cleans)


I think this is intended for fast muscle mass gain (bodybuilding) and power training. thanks for this, I will definitely try such program when I shift to strength training :)

Edited by jay_lanz
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Please critique my current program.


Fitness Goal for the next 6 months: I dont want to get buffed up too much since it will slow me down in my sport. I want to maintain my speed, and be well-toned overall but have my pecs, delts, shoulders, sides, and gastrocs ripped. So, my program focuses on power, speed, and endurance which involves more reps than more weights. My metabolism is average to above average, I think. With these in mind, here is my program:





20 mins Jump Rope, Kicking Bag, Punching Bag



20 mins of intense cardio (Bike MWF, Run TThSa)

Exercise Ball Crunches (3x30)

Lying Down Leg Raises (3x20)

Rope Tuck and Twists (3x15)

Hanging Leg Raises (3x15)

Hyperextensions (3x15)




Dumbbell Chest Press (3x8-15)

Wide Grip Pulldown (3x8-15)

Dumbbell Incline Press (3x8-15)

Seated Lat Row (3x8-15)

Dumbbell Shoulder Press (3x8-15)

Dumbbell Incline Curls (3x8-15)

Arnold Press (3x8-15)

Dips or Triceps Press Machine (3x8-15)

Standing Barbel Curls (3x8-15)

Pulley Pushdown (3x10-15)




Squats or Leg Press (4x12, 10, 8, 6)

Stiff Legged Deadlift (4x10-12) ***

Leg Extension (4x12)

supersetted with

Leg Curl (4x10-12)

Inner Thigh Cable Pulls (3x10-15)

Outer Thigh Cable Pulls (3x10-15)

Leg Cable Pulls (3x10-15)

Calf Raise (4x15)




Cross-training (Swimming, Running, Basketball, Tennis, sometimes Badminton)


***For the Lower Body, I dont do the Stiff Leg Deadlift anymore since it hurts my lower back a lot. Don't want my previous injury to recur, so I usually skip it.


Diet Program for next 6 Months as follows:

1st Meal: Carb like 2 pieces toast or oatmeal, Protein source like spicy scrambled egg (recipe: 4 egg whites, 2 yolks, cottage cheese, onions, garlic, bell peppers, chili powder, italian mixed herbs), alternately with turkey omelette (ground turkey, onion, 4 egg whites, 2 yolks, kidney beans, green and red peppers, mushroom, olive oil, black pepper, garlic, worcestershire sauce).


2nd Meal: Protein Snack. Tuna in Water or Chicken Breast with either some sliced tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce. 1:1.


3rd Meal: Lunch. a. Sole Fish, Turkey, Chicken Breast. b.Vegetables like squash, leafy, etc. c. 1 Cup Rice or equivalent volume pasta or carb-source. RATIO of 2:2:1.


4th Meal: Protein Drink with Tuna in Water or Chicken Breast and fruit usually banana. Before evening workout. 1:1


5th Meal: Dinner. Sole Fish. Salmon. or similar. (Sometimes ham, pork or beef, I cant help it LOLz). Green Salad: (Lettuce, Cucumber, Tomato, Carrots, Chunks of sauteed marinated chicken) with either asian dressing (balsamic vinegar, honey, sesame oil) or honey dijon vinegraitte alternately basta avoid mayo dressing in the evening. Alternately with Tuna Salad ( tuna in water, onions, celery, parsley, lemon pepper, spinach, lemon juice, ground pepper)


6th Meal: Nightime Repair. Protein Drink+Supplement Powder.


Would appreciate any inputs to improve this current program I have.

I think you have a great regimen if your goal is generally to be fit and healthy. But train 7 days a week?!?! You my friend are overtraining big time. Please don't forget about that muscle grows outside the gym. Have a day or 2 of rest and you'll be fine. You are taxing your body too much for it to recover and grow.

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