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Would You Indulge In A Secret Love Affair?

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Hi Ganman


i know exactly how you feel. My advice is just break-up because women often times expect a lot on a relationship and it would hurt the more if you still stick to this relationship. If you talked it over, and you know you don't want her to cry a bucket of tears, she would talk to you in staying and you'd promptly say yes because you don't want to hurt her feelings which is honestly emotional blackmail lang.


Don't talk na lang, or if you do, tell her you're not ready to commit( since girls here would be in a relationship and be committed) or better break-up.



Well... thanks for that tip, I'll keep that in mind tomorrow, when I break up with her. I also realized that, I just like her, but I'm not INLOVE with her...


should I use the infamous line "It's not you! It's me... well it is you"?

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Well... thanks for that tip, I'll keep that in mind tomorrow, when I break up with her. I also realized that, I just like her, but I'm not INLOVE with her...


should I use the infamous line "It's not you! It's me... well it is you"?

what? you're already breaking up with her and it's her fault you're breaking up with her? dry.gif

i say, ditch the line. too much of a cliche, too self-righteous as well.


if i were you, i'd stick to the "i'm not ready to commit" line.

otherwise, you can tell her she doesn't deserve a fickle guy like you. (sorry, but that's just how i see it.) biggrin.gif

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Case in point -- you both are in love with each other, so it seems. Nothing is wrong, everything is smooth sailing. Even the sex is great.


Then, one day, you get the shock of your life. You hear from your significant other -- or worse, you hear it from someone else -- I love you or him/her, but I'm not happy anymore.


Is this possible? Can you really claim you love someone, and not be happy with him/her anymore?


If you're the person who claims you love, and you're not happy, what would you do? Would you try to save the situation? How would you do it? Would you tell your 'loved one?'


If you're the person who is loved, but your significant other is not happy with you anymore, what would you do? How would you try to win him/her back by bringing back her to be happy with you?


I wonder why my topic "I LOVE YOU BUT I'M NOT HAPPY ANYMORE" was deleted and merged with this. It doesn't seem to be the same.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

secret love affair ..


In in one now... yes its SECRET her live-in partner and my wife dont know about it...

yes there is LOVE .. we both feel it..(for six years now..) ... AFFAIR... its unfair..heheheh


I want out.. she dont want... hay.. why??? i dont know....


I should have not indulge...lesson learned... every now and then thinking of ways to separate with her.. without hurting her...

waste of time and resources....

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  • 1 month later...

Maybe I would, if it will make me really happy. It's difficult to be absolutely sure of anything nowadays.


I have a friend who seemed happily married. She and her husband has a daughter and they seem to have a perfect family. Her husband has a great job, she's a housewife, and their daughter is this lovely and smart little girl. But she shares that the passion in her marriage is waning. She says her husband no longer woos her, no longer takes her out on a date, and doesn't seem to show the same passion as before. When they go out, it's always as a family, and somehow she is expected to be "motherly". The problem is that she is the type of woman who wants the fire always burning. She says, there are times I want to feel like I am a woman-- not a mother but a woman. She says, I want to be treated the same way as when we were still dating. I want him to pay attention to everything I say, careful not to miss a word. But what's happening is awful, she confesses. We are this normal, boring family, and our marriage is turning out to be normal and boring, too. On the outside they really are a perfect family. But she and I know that inside she is dying. Then, as if to test her, an old flame comes to her life again. For months, the man is on a one-way street, wooing her and almost like courting her. But she wouldn't budge. She won't let him even hold her hands. But time passes and still her home situation doesn't change. She is still this beautiful but caged trophy wife to a successful and overly jealous husband. Then one day she decides to just give in. She tells me, my life is so short so be spent wishing that my husband would change. My resentment will just grow and God forbid, this marriage will end if it goes on like this. So now my friend, who is the least person you'd expect to cheat on her husband, meets her lover once in a while. They go out on dates, he treats her the way she wants to be treated. She says that this is the only way she can keep her sanity and her marriage--indulging in a secret love affair.

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