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6th MTC Fantasy NBA


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oh... that TX... hehehe...

btw, oden sucks...


2 things...


1) it's practically a given that Durant will have a better rookie season as he doesn't really have anyone to share the ball with...so yeah, he is a great #1 pick for the dynasty league and there's no point arguing against it. Thinking long-term, as the Blazers were, is a different matter altogether. Besides, Rip City is far more likely to find a wing-player of the same calibre than a building-block big man.


2) the only reason why Oden sucks is `coz he's got health issues. that aside, I think he'd be more than ready to bust out with 2 full seasons under his belt (think Dwight Howard). The curve is much steeper for bigs, moreso for bigs who didn't put in at least 3 years of college ball. But he's got a lot of the skills bundled up with that lanky, athletic frame so he's much farther along the curve than the average 1 and done varsity standout.


Of course the ugly thing here is that GO (or O.G. `coz he looks ancient anyway) follows a long list of Blazers big men who came in blasting out of the college game like huge fireballs of promise (after Walton and Bowie)---only to burn out and spend the bulk of their careers down with an injury. To be fair, both bigs lived up to the hype when they were healthy anyway---Big Red led the Blazers to upset the ballyhooed Sixers in `77. And for all the hits Bowie has been taking for getting picked ahead of the Great One he normed decent numbers as a quality big.


Maybe we could even add Sabonis to the list of snake-bitten NBA bigs. Man, if that dude played in the league in his prime with Drexler, there's no telling how many rings the Blazers franchise would be boasting of right now.

Edited by gift_of_game
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2 things...


1) it's practically a given that Durant will have a better rookie season as he doesn't really have anyone to share the ball with...so yeah, he is a great #1 pick for the dynasty league and there's no point arguing against it. Thinking long-term, as the Blazers were, is a different matter altogether. Besides, Rip City is far more likely to find a wing-player of the same calibre than a building-block big man.


2) the only reason why Oden sucks is `coz he's got health issues. that aside, I think he'd be more than ready to bust out with 2 full seasons under his belt (think Dwight Howard). The curve is much steeper for bigs, moreso for bigs who didn't put in at least 3 years of college ball. But he's got a lot of the skills bundled up with that lanky, athletic frame so he's much farther along the curve than the average 1 and done varsity standout.


Of course the ugly thing here is that GO (or O.G. `coz he looks ancient anyway) follows a long list of Blazers big men who came in blasting out of the college game like huge fireballs of promise (after Walton and Bowie)---only to burn out and spend the bulk of their careers down with an injury. To be fair, both bigs lived up to the hype when they were healthy anyway---Big Red led the Blazers to upset the ballyhooed Sixers in `77. And for all the hits Bowie has been taking for getting picked ahead of the Great One he normed decent numbers as a quality big.


Maybe we could even add Sabonis to the list of snake-bitten NBA bigs. Man, if that dude played in the league in his prime with Drexler, there's no telling how many rings the Blazers franchise would be boasting of right now.



well, as far as durant is concerned, i just hope (for the sake of my dynasty team and some) that he doesn't go the jonathan bender path - thin, tall athletic, endless potential, injury ridden wingman...


and, given that OG (Original Gangster, eh) or GO is barely 19 (as advertised), injuries here and there ain't a good sign - the body should still be holding up and fresh by this time...




yeah, quite surprised with the list you have there - the blazers have a long history of good injury prone big men... is GO the newest member? let's see (but i'm clearly betting on it)...

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well, as far as durant is concerned, i just hope (for the sake of my dynasty team and some) that he doesn't go the jonathan bender path - thin, tall athletic, endless potential, injury ridden wingman...


and, given that OG (Original Gangster, eh) or GO is barely 19 (as advertised), injuries here and there ain't a good sign - the body should still be holding up and fresh by this time...

yeah, quite surprised with the list you have there - the blazers have a long history of good injury prone big men... is GO the newest member? let's see (but i'm clearly betting on it)...


it's more of Old Gangster really but I just remembered, he's way too wholesome and tame to be gangster. Let's just say old geek ala David Robinson :upside:


that brittle knee hurts his stock but I get where you're going with this one---Shaun Livingston.

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it's more of Old Gangster really but I just remembered, he's way too wholesome and tame to be gangster. Let's just say old geek ala David Robinson :upside:


that brittle knee hurts his stock but I get where you're going with this one---Shaun Livingston.



wow... the name shaun livingston and the word knee mixed together makes me cringe day in, day out...

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that means he impregnated someone when he was 6 or 7? :lol:

on a serious note, for our resident MD here.. :rolleyes: is that even possible? :unsure:


It's highly unlikely.


I haven't found reports of males siring children in that early stage but if I remember correctly, the youngest woman on record delivered her first child at age 7 or 8 (??).


That said, that might only be possible if Oden has a rare condition called precocious puberty, which is to say that a his body got on the bus to sexual maturation much earlier than most of his peers (before age 9).


Such would often hint at an underlying glandular dysfunction that may have been caused by an assortment of pathologies (tumor, brain trauma, infection, congenital defects, etc).

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It's highly unlikely.


I haven't found reports of males siring children in that early stage but if I remember correctly, the youngest woman on record delivered her first child at age 7 or 8 (??).


That said, that might only be possible if Oden has a rare condition called precocious puberty, which is to say that a his body got on the bus to sexual maturation much earlier than most of his peers (before age 9).


Such would often hint at an underlying glandular dysfunction that may have been caused by an assortment of pathologies (tumor, brain trauma, infection, congenital defects, etc).



which could perhaps explain why he's sort of, fragile, right - injuries to hand, shoulder, knee, tonsils, facial degeneration (lol), etc...

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It's highly unlikely.


I haven't found reports of males siring children in that early stage but if I remember correctly, the youngest woman on record delivered her first child at age 7 or 8 (??).


That said, that might only be possible if Oden has a rare condition called precocious puberty, which is to say that a his body got on the bus to sexual maturation much earlier than most of his peers (before age 9).


Such would often hint at an underlying glandular dysfunction that may have been caused by an assortment of pathologies (tumor, brain trauma, infection, congenital defects, etc).


spoken like a true med grad...




isn't a glandular dysfunction lethal? like gigantism?

Edited by cheeselogger
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spoken like a true med grad...




isn't a glandular dysfunction lethal? like gigantism?



for a techie like me, and word with "gland" & "dysfunction" paints a certain physical condition called "erectile dysfunction" into my head...



...now for a 7 foot guy like oden, an erectile dysfunction would easily be called "a total waste of potential & talent"... and man, that's the last kind of setback you'd ever wanna have in your life...




... LOL

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^^hehe, true that...


I forgot that maybe not all glandular dysfunction is lethal. but if Greg's "maturity" is heightened or faster than normal, isn't he going to be like Robin Williams' character in Jack? (maybe a bit less exaggerated aging rate, Werner syndrome according to Wikipedia)



Edited by cheeselogger
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spoken like a true med grad...




isn't a glandular dysfunction lethal? like gigantism?


Yup. Think Andre the Giant (bless his soul).

If memory serves right, there's this 7-foot-8 North Korean dude presently in Canada who's trying to get into professional ball---I forgot his name---he also has the same problem.


Gigantism/Acromegaly is typically caused by growth-hormone secreting pituitary adenomas ("benign" tumors).

The mortality rate for this subset of patients is about 2-3 times versus the normal population.

Most frequent causes of death are cardiovascular (hypertension, enlarged heart) and pulmonary complications.

The goal is to keep the growth hormone in check and accordingly, the first best treatment is surgical intervention (take tumor out, hope it works...).

However, a significant number of patients do not respond to surgery alone and radiation therapy and medications may also be given.

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