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Filipino Habit That You Hate

Guest airmax

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I haven't posted for a long while. I've been a member since before 2005, (when the boards were still colored red) but I'm glad my name and password still work (yes virginia, consider me an old geezer!).


Anyway, to the topic at hand: I was looking around the hot topics when I noticed that some of the posts involved members bragging about having fun with MINORS (i.e. girls younger than 18). I found the posts revolting! While I am certainly no saint, I believe we should have limits to sexual freedom, especially if it involves girls who are still teenagers and can suffer profound psychological harm due to the exploitative/commercial nature of relationships here and their relative immaturity.


Posts with pedophilic content should be banned in these fora. Live and let live, yes, but not at the cost of harming a fellow human being. As an MTC member tanggap ko na matawag na manyak but how would you like being called a PEDOPHILE?!

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this is a VERY VERY VERY interesting topic!!

  1. The "Proud to be Pinoy!" crap these days - every-time we see a Filipino's success internationally almost 80% of the population say "I am so proud to be a Filipino!" the thing is, he/she did it not because he's/she's Filipino, he did it because he wanted to - that is his/her pasion, and most specially he did it not because he wanted to raise the Philippine flag and make you (yes you and that NEVER ever include me) proud of him/her.

Have you ever seen a Canadian saying "Oh My God! Justin Bieber is Canadian!! I am so proud to be a Canadian! " - though i understand that no-one is proud of him aside from his family



Korekt ka dyan!! :D

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hey people! another set of not so good Filipino characteristic and traits:

(continuation of http://manilatonight...c=21890&st=1545)

9. " The Lean and Mean Online Dictionary " - Filipinos hate reading. I can attest to that. How? Look for a No Jaywalking sign and count how many Filipinos will experience the "near death experience" of their lives, see for yourself dude! As the title say, Lean and Mean Online Dictionary, in most forum sites, most Filipinos laugh at those wrong spellings and wrong grammar construction of some fellow forum members. Worse is that they even bash the poor poster and call him/her names (this may be a variation of item #5 of my list).



In my point of view, I actually laugh at those who bash the poor guy (seriously, I enjoy reading their comments). These Lean and Mean Online Dictionaries (LMOD), didn't even think of the things that might have occurred on why the poor guy posted his comments in a possibly wrong grammar or spelling.



I guess these LMODs are the gods of the online world... so from now on, if you know there is a Filipino in a forum site, better check your grammar and spelling! spellcheck my butt!




10. " Ang Hari ng Kalsada " - even before I was born, they already called Jeepney drivers as " Hari ng Kalsada ". And since the only permanent thing in this planet is change, that term is also now used by all PUV drivers. Yes, these bastards own the road. It's theirs. It's their paradise. It's their battlefield. And for some, this is also the reason they die.



Filipino PUV drivers feel that they always have the right of way to almost all driveway in the archipelago. They hold a professional driving license - and they all feel that, since they got that title, they can drive like Michael Schumacher. These so-called professional drivers love cutting private vehicles and also their own kind (making them cannibals). They also love hitting on the brakes whenever the light goes green, and when it turns red, they'll press on the accelerator (great brains indeed!).



Another Hari ng Kalsada skill are the gutter moves, counter flow racing, and precision illegal parking. They also got this passive skill called "I hate anybody who overtakes at me". What I think is that, these idiots were bred by the same people who created that Hari ng Kalsada crap. Because of that title, these road idiots feel that they are the most prioritized at major Philippine roads - which I strongly disagree, given that whenever I don't drive, I commute.



And as of year 2010, the term Hari ng Kalsada adopted those cry babies on motorcycles.



11. " Nasa EDSA na ko. " - Filipinos are never punctual. Ask a friend whom you'll have to meet for lunch where he is, and he'll reply "nasa EDSA na ko pare. hintay ka lang ng konti." - the F man!!EDSA runs 23.8km and stretches from Pasay to Quezon City - encapsulating 6 metro manila cities!



Being late is part of the Filipino negative traits. It's like they love getting all the attention when they arrive even if they look like crap. The only event that you'll see Filipinos come ahead of time is when they know that at the (other) end of the line waiting will be Willie Revillame giving away 500 bucks for the first 50 people on queue.



12. " Poorty Animals " - go shawty, it's yo birthday! we gonna party like it's yo birthday! Filipinos celebrate almost any event that may or may not occur - birthday, wedding, baptismal, first communion, confirmation, anniversary, valentine's, (again) birthday of <insert name here>, graduation, being kicked-out of school, etc etc etc.



In relation to #11 - Filipinos love being the center of attention, they'll tend to have the best ever possible party that they could sponsor. Sounds nice if you are the competitive type of person. But the major problem is that, most Filipinos that hold street parties are the people under class C or D of the society. They hold parties even if they can't even afford to buy their child a new pair of shoes.



What amazes me is that, even if they're jobless, they can still push through on their parties! That leaves me asking myself - could it be that they got the "infinite money" wallet? It's not really my business to check on or bash their parties - because it's their day, not mine, so I have no right to stop them. But the thing I hated most is that these parties always have their VideOke set-up along the street with the Macho Manongs drinking non-stop and singing even if the speakers of the KaraOke is giving up. And they do this hell-ish stuff for several hours - if you're unlucky enough, they'll have an encore the following day or days.



Lastly about the Poorty Animal neighbors, they always leave the streets full of crap after their successful stupid event. And yes, the crap I am referring to includes those jologs frat boys or Macho Manongs that engaged into fights with their rival frats or among themselves - total idiots.



it's late again.. i'll be back with more of my list. haaaaay, i love philippines!! <3


hey Sashimi Boy, thanks for appreciating my list. i actually list down things i notice everyday that involves filipino's negative attitude. happy.gif



Mango Man, so are you "Proud to be Pinoy!!!" because of someone? haha! laugh.gif

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hey, here's another set of Filipino traits I don't like:


(continuation of http://manilatonight...c=21890&st=1553)


13. " Stealth Assassin " - I know this happens worldwide, but as I've observed, Filipinos are really hospitable even if they don't like their guests. Which brings them to becoming a backstabber. I hate backstabbers (and so as you - I know you also hate 'em). Why is it so hard for Filipinos to tell their true feelings in front of the involved person? They always say "nakakahiya kasi sa kanya, baka sabihin nya masama ugali ko" but the thing is, magiging masama ang ugali mo kung sasabihin mo yung ayaw mo in an assh*le-ish way. You can always express your frustrations in a very calm and educated way!


14. " Hey boss! I love my job! - bigtime. " - Filipinos in Philippine offices are willing to die for their jobs that they always present or volunteer on doing things that they eventually pass to their subordinates. Not to sound bitter, but this happened to me in all of my previous employment - even in my current field!. Those geniuses always present themselves to the bosses (in my case, they always act "bibo" in front of the company owner) that they volunteer to do the task even if everybody knows that those geniuses cannot even lift their sorry fat asses from their respective office chairs.


Ending will always be, you get your hands dirty - your superior gets the credit... sweet...



15. " The Jeepney Sleepers " - Whenever I take a jeepney ride somewhere in Bonifacio going to Ayala, there is always an "Ale" (this Ale varies everytime I take a jeepney during coding days) that dresses in a very matrona fashion - with lots of fake gold rings and necklace. The thing with these Ale's is that they will sit 2-3 person away from the driver and they will never give a $hit on getting the fare of others seated far from the driver, and worse is that they'll pretend that they are sleeping.



As Filipinos, we all know that part of the Filipino culture is the Jeepney. And we all know that to pay for our fares, we pass along our moneys to our co-commuter so that it will reach our ever-traffic-violating-smoking-while-driving jeepney drivers. And that is a part of our lifestyle. And what these "Ale's" do? They pretend to sleep so that they will not hand over your money to the driver, some even tell "Ay ang dumi-dumi ng pera tapos ipapa-pasa-pasa nyo sakin. Puro bacteria yang mga pera nyo." - oh dumb f*ck!! If you judge them based on their looks, my (or your) ass looks a million times more clean than their faces. And besides, if they're so concerned with their health, why take a public transport?!



16. " Outfit Profiling " - yeah I hate that! I am an engineer. I am a freaking field engineer!! The thing is that, my job requires me to wear college-fashioned clothes so that it won't be bothersome if I go on rough terrains. What happens is that, whenever I pass through mall security with that outfit, it's as if they want to strip off my clothes, rip my backpack and scan me for air-borne virus. The same goes when I fall in queue in some fast-foods - no service with a smile, no speedy food preparation and they even ask if I got exact amounts. And what pisses me off is that whenever I eat at Italiani's or Chili's with that outfit, it's as if they think that I cannot afford a meal from their menu!!


But whenever I wear long sleeves with tie, slacks, coat, leather shoes and laptop bag, all those people mentioned above treat me as if I'm the reigning king of England! No security harassment, they offer me the best seat of the shoppe, their smiles reach their foreheads - even the fast-food manager or supervisor delivers my food at my table and so on..


The thing is, I think we all know how to determine a taong grasa from a normal citizen. So why sacrifice efficient service just by looking at an individual's outfit.


I'll tell you a great instance, my friend owns a tailoring shop that caters the whole AFP and PMA uniforms. Meaning his shop earns a minimum of 2.5 million pesos a month, whenever we feel like eating, we just go to a nearby mall wearing slippers. There comes a time that he wanted to purchase a BMW. Since it's an out-of-no-where activity, we're from jay-jay's timog and we're only wearing our home clothes (which I believe is presentable). We went to a BMW showroom over at pasong tamo extension, we're using an isuzu d-max as our vehicle that time, and when we were parking at the showroom, the guard won't allow us to park since it's for customers only.


After telling him what our purpose is, there comes the showroom employees - no one entertained us (my friend, rather). I raised my inquiries at a lady sales rep about the BMW 3 series, and she answered "Ay mahal yan eh..." My friend was insulted, asked for the manager, and to cut things short, we left the showroom pissed off. My friend and I drove to a bank next day and withdrew cash, we went to the same showroom same time - wearing our worst faded clothes and bought a BMW 3 sedan - CASH fully paid. (if you think this is bull$hit, I don't care. Malaki ka na.)


moral? Don't judge a book if you're just a f*cking employee.



I'll be back for more! Keep 'em coming people!




thanks mahabangpasensya, I don't know if my posts are really to be considered articles.. I call them street observations. tongue.gif

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Happy New Year! 5 days since the start of this year, I got another set of not so good FIlipino common practices..


(continuation of http://manilatonight...c=21890&st=1557)


17. " The Title Retards " - Filipinos always refer to local talents as Whitney Houston ng Tondo, Elvis Presley ng Cubao, Bob Marley ng Diliman and all that crap. Why do they have to label people other names if those talents got their respective names?!?! The thing is, these talents want to be acknowledge to who they are and what they can do. So, if these people just want to be labeled as Queen Elizabeth ng Pasay or Steven Spielberg ng Makati, then they should just dress like them and stop wasting resources on showcasing their respective talents.


18. " Bed $hit P100.00... last price P20.00 " - All of us want to save money so many of us even consider bargaining for our desired stuff. But a typical Filipino problem in bargaining is that, the sellers deceitfully set a price for their stuff - which is 5x more expensive than the usual price, and they will tell you the actual price of it. A shirt on display will be labeled as P150 a piece and if a buyer bargains for it, the attendant will tell "last price po P100." - then why the F*ck tell everyone that it costs P150 if you will still accept P100 for it?!?! No business will accept loss in their investments, so I believe that the "Last Price" is the real price of what they are selling because they will still sell it even if it doesn't match the displayed price! And I also believe that included in this questionable "Last Price" is the owner's mark up making roughly 15%-25% of the price the owner's gain.


It makes sense because the stores will never go below this "Last Price" meaning that they will encounter losses if they accept payments below the "Last Price", but they're not really alarmed if you pay the amount of the "Last Price".


Why don't they just put on the real price to save people's asses - specially the buyers, from wasting their times negotiating and fooling themselves that they got skills in manipulating item prices.


19. " Candy Change " - Money is the greatest development in goods trading. Without it, we would still be paying pots for sugar and salt. But the problem for most Filipino retail stores is that whenever a customer gets a less than P5.00 change, the store will give candies instead of the monetary equivalent of the candies he/she is giving.


"Wala po kaming barya, kendi na lang po yung sukli nyo" - a typical alibi of stupid retail stores. What the hell?! if I buy a bottle of Coke from their store, will they ever accept 7 pieces of Mentos? These stupid store owner's just prove how deceitful they are, and how unfair they are. We have DTI for this matter, but I think that this Department of Trade and Industry is just a name. I've reported numerous incidents regarding this matter but nothing happened. Then I guess this leaves everything to our own preferences on how to deal with such matter.


20. " 10 minus 8 is 1 " - During coding days, I commute - take a cab or take bus and jeepney.. whichever I prefer. What I've noticed with Philippine jeepney drivers is the way they subtract. The last time I checked the minimum PUJ fare, I positively identified P8.00 (eight fu*kin' pesos) as the fare for the first 4 kilometers of the trip. So, what happens is whenever I pay P10.00 (ten fu*kin' pesos) only a 1-peso coin comes back to my coin purse... WHAT IS KIND OF MAGIC IS THIS?!?! IS THERE A NEW MATHEMATICAL CONCEPT THAT MAKES 10-8=1?!?!


I am really confused, did my algebra, trigonometry, calculus, differential equations, advanced mathematics, integral calculus and differential calculus professor teach me wrong?

Is the monetary value of a 1-peso coin now is 2 pesos?

I don't really know.


What I am sure of is that if a fu*kin' jeepney driver gives less money to his passenger, it's ok since "para piso lang. piso lang naman yun. hayaan mo na." . But when a passenger is short for P0.50 of his/her fare, then the passenger doesn't have the right to board the public vehicle no matter how near or far his/her destination will be. Also add the insult the passenger will receive from the fu*kin' stupid crappy jeepney driver.


PUJ Drivers, all of you are retards because of what you do everyday, Puro Utak Jak0l.. stop jerking off or fluffing yourselves and start studying basic math you idiots!

Have a great year ahead of you readers! Peace!

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I still can't edit my posts.. crap. when will I ever be able to delete or edit my posts to refrain from double posting?!?! Is there a certain post amount that I have to reach to be able to edit my posts? or are the MODS busy stalking the Massage Parlor threads? crap.

To our Lean and Mean Online Dictionaries, I apologize for failing to spell and grammar check, forgive me please. As a way to resolve this, I've reviewed my previous post and here is the correct version of it. unsure.gif





Happy New Year! 5 days since the start of this year, I got another set of not so good FIlipino common practices..


(continuation of http://manilatonight...c=21890&st=1557)


17. " The Title Retards " - Filipinos always refer to local talents as Whitney Houston ng Tondo, Elvis Presley ng Cubao, Bob Marley ng Diliman and all that crap. Why do they have to label people other names if those talents got their respective names?!?! The thing is, these talents want to be acknowledge to who they are and what they can do. So, if these people just want to be labeled as Queen Elizabeth ng Pasay or Steven Spielberg ng Makati, then they should just dress like them and stop wasting resources on showcasing their respective talents.


18. " Bed $hit P100.00... last price P20.00 " - All of us want to save money so many of us even consider bargaining for our desired stuff. But a typical Filipino problem in bargaining is that, the sellers deceitfully set a price for their stuff - which is 5x more expensive than the usual price, and they will tell you the actual price of it. A shirt on display will be labeled as P150 a piece and if a buyer bargains for it, the attendant will tell "last price po P100." - then why the F*ck tell everyone that it costs P150 if you will still accept P100 for it?!?! No business will accept loss in their investments, so I believe that the "Last Price" is the real price of what they are selling because they will still sell it even if it doesn't match the displayed price! And I also believe that included in this questionable "Last Price" is the owner's mark up making roughly 15%-25% of the price the owner's gain.


It makes sense because the stores will never go below this "Last Price" meaning that they will encounter losses if they accept payments below the "Last Price", but they're not really alarmed if you pay the amount of the "Last Price".


Why don't they just put on the real price to save people's asses - specially the buyers, from wasting their times negotiating and fooling themselves that they got skills in manipulating item prices.


19. " Candy Change " - Money is the greatest development in goods trading. Without it, we would still be paying pots for sugar and salt. But the problem for most Filipino retail stores is that whenever a customer gets a less than P5.00 change, the store will give candies instead of the monetary equivalent of the candies he/she is giving.


"Wala po kaming barya, kendi na lang po yung sukli nyo" - a typical alibi of stupid retail stores. What the hell?! if I buy a bottle of Coke from their store, will they ever accept 7 pieces of Mentos? These stupid store owners just prove how deceitful they are, and how unfair they are. We have DTI for this matter, but I think that this Department of Trade and Industry is just a name. I've reported numerous incidents regarding this matter but nothing happened. Then I guess this leaves everything to our own preferences on how to deal with such matter.


20. " 10 minus 8 is 1 " - During coding days, I commute - take a cab or take bus and jeepney.. whichever I prefer. What I've noticed with Philippine jeepney drivers is the way they subtract. The last time I checked the minimum PUJ fare, I positively identified P8.00 (eight fu*kin' pesos) as the fare for the first 4 kilometers of the trip. So, what happens is whenever I pay P10.00 (ten fu*kin' pesos) only a 1-peso coin comes back to my coin purse... WHAT KIND OF MAGIC IS THIS?!?! IS THERE A NEW MATHEMATICAL CONCEPT THAT MAKES 10-8=1?!?!


I am really confused, did my algebra, trigonometry, calculus, differential equations, advanced mathematics, integral calculus and differential calculus professor teach me wrong?

Is the monetary value of a 1-peso coin now is 2 pesos?

I don't really know.


What I am sure of is that if a fu*kin' jeepney driver gives less money to his passenger, it's ok since "para piso lang. piso lang naman yun. hayaan mo na." . But when a passenger is short for P0.50 of his/her fare, then he/she will never be permitted to board the public vehicle no matter how near or far his/her destination will be. Also add the insult the passenger will receive from the fu*kin' stupid crappy jeepney driver.


PUJ Drivers, all of you are retards because of what you do everyday, Puro Utak Jak0l.. stop jerking off or fluffing yourselves and start studying basic math you idiots!

Have a great year ahead of you readers! Peace!

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Madugas - yung tipong kung pwede bang maka isa e mang iisa talaga




Work ethics ay mas focused sa personal monetary gain - although "hardworking" naman daw, puro na lang material goods ang hinahangad


Mapagpanggap - mahilig sa titles, kunwari ganito o ganyan, mahilig idaan sa porma at puro yabang. Ke small time o big time maraming mapagpanggap. Mahilig sa uso. Kunwari hindi marunong mag-Filipino (pero pag nag-Ingles naman ang syntax ay nasa katutubong wika) e ni ako ngang nanirahan nang matagal sa ibang bansa dahil may pamilya kami doon (at bukod pa sa pagpapaaral sa akin sa isang eksklusbo at pribadong mga paaralan kung saan Ingles ang pag-uusap) ay nagsusumikap pa ring mag-filipino. Bukod pa sa mga mapagpanggap na "may ibang lahi" tapos magpaputi kahit na ang features ay katutubo pa rin (sino'ng niloko mo) at para bang ayaw mahalin ang sarili sa kung sino ba talaga sila. Ayoko din dun sa mga masyadong mahilig sa dayuhan, yung tipong bigot - kahit anong lahi may "pangit" at "maganda" rin. Ang baduy ng dating sa akin kapag ganito.


Bureaucratic - kaakibat nito kaya inefficient ang mga agencies at laganap ang graft


Mapulitika - sige idaan lahat sa padri padrino


Kulang ang sense ng communitarianism - bilang isang bansa dapat magtulungan tayo para irespeto naman tayo ng mga kapitbahay natin kahit sa asya man lang.


Kulang disiplina - sa pagkakalat, trapiko, kahit pila lang. Kalokohan ang batas at ang paraan ng pagpapatupad nito. Dagdag pa'y hindi nirerespeto ng mga mamayan ang batas, tinatrato bilang suhestyon lamang. Tapos kapag nireprimand ay may gana pang magalit ang may sala.


Kulang ang foresight - laparan naman natin ang lawak ng pag-iisip, tingnan ang mga mas malalaki at ugat sa mga problema. Gayundin pahalagahan naman natin ang kasaysayan at edukasyon lalo pa kung pinaghirapan ito ng mga magulang natin.


Machismo - pakana ng mga putragis na kastila


Crab mentality, ningas cogon, manana - talaga bang mga likas na ugali ng mga Pilipino ito? Hindi ba nakakapagtaka na hindi galing sa katutubong salita ang mga ito bagkus ay mga banyagang kataga? Hindi kaya sila rin naman ang nagturo ng mga ito sa mga Pilipino? At ang ugaling "bahala na" ay maling ipinarating bilang "fatalism" kung saan naghihintay na lamang ang tao ng babagsak na prutas imbis na gumawa ng paraan para kunin ito. Ito ay nagpapakita na sa kabila ng mga effort ng isang indibidwal ay may mga bagay na wala pa rin sa kaniyang kontrol na maaaring mangyari, samakatuwid ay "bahala na". Kung tutuusin ay sa isang banda nagpapahayag rin ito ng lakas ng loob.


Punto ko lamang wag tayong magpapadala sa paghusga ng mga dayuhan sa ating mga sarili. Pag-aralan natin ang mga sarili at tayo rin lamang ang makakapagpabago sa mga hindi kagandahang asal.

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I don't know if I already mentioned this, pero nakakainis yung mga hindi marunong pumila. Ang laki ng karatula na nakasabing "PLEASE FALL IN LINE", tapos doon sisingit sa pinakaharap na parang invisible yung 20 na nauna sa kanya. Kung pinagsabihan mo naman, ang excuse ay "Ay, may pila ba?" Naknampucha naman o, kung ganun ka kabulag, huwag ka na lumabas ng bahay. Bwisit.


Sarap hampasin.

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Dalawa lang:


1) Shortchange Business Policy: I shop regularly at Robinson's Manila and SM City Manila. Common denominator? Shortchange robbery. I was even told: "Eh sir pasensya talaga wala akong piso eh".


I've seen crab mentality among Indians, the heck even tardy Japanese but professional shortchanging cashiers? Only in the Philippines.

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