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What do MEN want?

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- Someone to talk when needed. Sometimes, girls just can't keep their mouth shut. Some men are good listeners but let them speak, once in a while, when he's in your world.


- Always tell the men when and where are you going. Wait for the approval 'cause sometimes, men want to spend some quality time with you on the same date. If you really want to go, invite him to join, if applicable. Men does this a lot.


- If you're out without him, always update him of what's going on. Every hour. This is a security reason for the men. If you miss even one, men worries. You wouldn't like worried men.


- Fetching you at work or any where else is not a responsibility. It's a privilege. Please don't abuse or misunderstand that.


- Men likes to be pampered. Women's pampering is more, for lack of a better word, subtle. Men's pampering, at least most of them, are not even close to that. So, don't misunderstood when you're not satisfied with his pampering.


- Don't ever let your guy know that you have a crush on someone (non-celebrity) or you will regret it. Even if you're man is not the jealous type.


- Men wants to know if you're going to be late. Waiting for you without any notice will ruin your date.


- Men gives women some privacy. Men expects women to do the same thing.


- When men gets hot and want "some", don't just brush him off. State your reason.


- If your guy texted you and you haven't replied for a long time already, better put the reason why you replied very late. Do not do this often. If you do, men will think that your love is already diminishing. If that's the case, communicate or someone will get hurt.



The above mentioned are just some of what men wants. Those are not even too much for women not to abide.

Edited by abiakak
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