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Mac Users Of Mtc (apple: Go Ahead, Take A Bite!)

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Only if you allow guest accounts in your computer. That's like sharing a toothbrush.


Still. It should not happen.



if your share your mac in your family sometimes your kids or relatives might click it...


it is a big deal actually why? ang dami na pong nag rereklamo... ^_^


wala nga virus pero wipeout lahat ng files mo. hehehehe.


pero tip ko lang po paki disable nalang po ang guest account. ^_^ wait til the patch will come.....


sa Upgraded SNOW Leopard unit lang po nangyayari with existing guest account... ^_^

Edited by djrs
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if your share your mac in your family sometimes your kids or relatives might click it...


it is a big deal actually why? ang dami na pong nag rereklamo... ^_^


wala nga virus pero wipeout lahat ng files mo. hehehehe.


pero tip ko lang po paki disable nalang po ang guest account. ^_^ wait til the patch will come.....


sa Upgraded SNOW Leopard unit lang po nangyayari with existing guest account... ^_^


Sharing your mac with other family members is different from having a Guest account enabled. Most family members will have their own accounts (or should have--if you know what you are doing) irrespective of what OS you are using, whether it is OSX, Windows or Linux.


Guest accounts are only enabled in computers where it may be necessary to allow a modicum of access to strangers. By default, Guest access is turned off unless it is turned on by the user. To be sure, go to the USER preference pane in System Preferences and make sure these two boxes are not checked:




Note the red arrows. If you keep these boxes unchecked, you're home free. I don't really care for this bug and neither should anyone who makes it a policy to NOT ALLOW GUEST ACCESS. Note, I have other users in this computer that can still use it WITHOUT NEEDING TO HAVE GUEST ACCESS ON.

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But it is still a bug.... not all user is like us who knows what to do...


I think the fact that it was a bug was established earlier on. No question there.


I took issue with you when your earlier statement implied that use of a Guest account and Sharing a computer are the same things. I tried to establish the difference because then the bug would not appear if you share without activating guest access.


I do this precisely because not all readers in this thread are as adept as you who would know the difference but would not take the time to make sure that the information you write about is NOT MISLEADING.


I repeat, you can have several accounts running in a Mac under Snow Leopard and WILL NOT BE IN DANGER OF LOSING ANYTHING provided you make sure that guest access is off.


Guest access means: anybody can use the machine

Shared access means: only individuals that have specific accounts can use the machine.


If you want to drill into the semantics, Shared access can also be construed to mean access for everyone whether they have their own accounts or use a guest account. But purposes of the discussion I am making, the definitions above are what my statements are based on.


By the way, your statement should have been:


But it is still a bug… unlike us, not all users would know what to do.


If you pay attention to your subject-verb agreement and use of the conditional progressive tense, then you would be easier to understand and not have to worry about what other users might do or not do.

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philmug na philmug. hehehehe.


im not here para siraan ang MAC... just a warning...


pero mga Fanboys kasi iniisip nila THE BEST ang MAC O.S. sa lahat ng O.S.!




check nyo sa net kalat na yung issue na ito..


even yung Time capsules ang dami ng nasisira after 1yr more or less.... hayyzz....




Data losses in Snow Leopard bug



The fault was first noticed shortly after the OS's release

Users of the new Apple operating system Snow Leopard are experiencing massive data losses when logging into their machines under a guest account.

The problem appears to affect those who had a guest account enabled before upgrading to Snow Leopard.

Users have in some cases lost their entire main profile, including sites, pictures, videos and documents.

The problem, reported by more than 100 users on discussion forums, surfaced shortly after the OS's August release.

The issue follows closely on the heels of vast data losses by the Sidekick handset in the US, whose software was designed by Microsoft subsidiary Danger.

Unwelcome guest

Indications are that the Snow Leopard bug simply treats the principal account like a guest account - meaning that the account profile is wiped clean when logging out.

Users who first log into a guest account and then into their normal account have found it to be completely reset to factory default settings, with none of their personal data or files visible.

"I've been using Macs for decades...what the heck have I done here?" wrote user Wingrove on the Apple discussion forums on Monday.

"Repeated restarts and logins never get me back to me usual user acc(ount)."

Those who use backup services including the Mac's own Time Machine can restore their lost data, but it appears that for those who do not, the data is permanently lost.

Apple said in a statement that the problem "occurs only in extremely rare cases" and that it was working on a fix.

In the meantime, users should delete previous guest accounts and, where necessary, create new ones that are "native" to Snow Leopard.

Edited by djrs
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From http://www.macobserver.com/tmo/article/apple_unveils_21.5_and_27-inch_aluminum_imacs/


Apple Unveils 21.5 and 27-inch Aluminum iMacs


October 20th, 2009 at 12:13 PM - Product News by Jeff Gamet



Apple announced the immediate availability of new iMacs on Tuesday with 21.5-inch and 27-inch LED backlit displays. The new iMacs ship with Apple's wireless keyboard and new Magic Mouse, foregoing the USB-based keyboards and mice that have shipped with every iMac to date.


The new iMacs sport Core 2 Duo processors starting at 3.06GHz, or Core i5 and i7 quad-core processors, 4GB RAM with support for up to 16GB, an 8x SuperDrive, Gigabit Ethernet, a FireWire 800 port, four USB 2.0 ports, an SD card slot, Mini DisplayPort for video out, built-in AirPort Extreme and Bluetooth, an iSight camera, and built-in speakers and microphone. The new iMac body also includes edge-to-edge glass on the front and an all aluminum body.




Apple's new 25.1 and 27-inch iMacs



Apple seems to have movies in mind with the new iMac, too. It's built-in display offers a 16:9 aspect ratio, and both sizes sport at least HD resolution at 1920x1080 for the 21.5-inch model, and 2560x1440 for the 27-inch model. Apple also claims the built-in speakers offer clearer and louder sound with better bass response.


The displays use IPS display technology, too, which offers a 178 degree viewing angle without color distortion.


The 27-inch model can be used as a display for other home theater devices, too, thanks to its ability to accept input from external DisplayPort sources. Extra cables and adapters will be required, but they aren't yet available.


The 21.5-inch 3.06GHz model includes a 500GB 7200RPM SATA hard drive, and NVIDIA GeFores 9400M integrated graphics for US$1,199. It's also available with a 1TB 7200RPM SATA hard drive, and ATI's Radeon HD 4670 graphics card with 256MB RAM for $1,499.


The 27-inch 3.06GHz iMac ships with a 1TB 7200RPM SATA hard drive, and an ATI Radeon HD 4670 graphics card with 256MB RAM for $1,699. It is also available with an Intel Core i5 2.66GHz quad-core processor for $1,999.


Intel's quad-core 2.8GHz Core i7 processor is available as a build-to-order option for the 27-inch iMac, too.


The 27-inch display in the new iMac is now the largest LED backlit display Apple offers on any of its products, leaving only the 30-inch Cinema Display using the older CFC backlight technology.


The 21.5-inch and 27-inch Core 2 Duo iMac models are available now, and the Intel Core i5 and i7 models will be available in November.



philmug na philmug. hehehehe.


im not here para siraan ang MAC... just a warning...


pero mga Fanboys kasi iniisip nila THE BEST ang MAC O.S. sa lahat ng O.S.!




check nyo sa net kalat na yung issue na ito..


even yung Time capsules ang dami ng nasisira after 1yr more or less.... hayyzz....




Data losses in Snow Leopard bug



The fault was first noticed shortly after the OS's release

Users of the new Apple operating system Snow Leopard are experiencing massive data losses when logging into their machines under a guest account.

The problem appears to affect those who had a guest account enabled before upgrading to Snow Leopard.

Users have in some cases lost their entire main profile, including sites, pictures, videos and documents.

The problem, reported by more than 100 users on discussion forums, surfaced shortly after the OS's August release.

The issue follows closely on the heels of vast data losses by the Sidekick handset in the US, whose software was designed by Microsoft subsidiary Danger.

Unwelcome guest

Indications are that the Snow Leopard bug simply treats the principal account like a guest account - meaning that the account profile is wiped clean when logging out.

Users who first log into a guest account and then into their normal account have found it to be completely reset to factory default settings, with none of their personal data or files visible.

"I've been using Macs for decades...what the heck have I done here?" wrote user Wingrove on the Apple discussion forums on Monday.

"Repeated restarts and logins never get me back to me usual user acc(ount)."

Those who use backup services including the Mac's own Time Machine can restore their lost data, but it appears that for those who do not, the data is permanently lost.

Apple said in a statement that the problem "occurs only in extremely rare cases" and that it was working on a fix.

In the meantime, users should delete previous guest accounts and, where necessary, create new ones that are "native" to Snow Leopard.


1. Just to let you know. Hindi ako member ng PhilMUG.

2. Every OS encounters some kind of problem in its lifetime.

3. Every computer user makes a decision about what the best OS is by mere fact of installing and using that OS voluntrarily or electing us use a computer that uses a particular OS. Why do you have to make it sound that this is a matter that warrants laughing at?

4. You're posting in a Mac thread.

5. Again, we never had an argument about the data loss problem. IT IS THERE. BUT NOT ALL PEOPLE WILL BE AFFECTED. AND FEWER STILL WILL BE IF THEY KNOW HOW TO WORK AROUND IT IN THE MEANTIME. Which is why I posted a workaround.

6. Apparently, your last post is right. Only Guest carried over from an earlier OS installation will display the problem. I just tried it on a Mac Mini na 'patapon'. If the guest account was created in SN you don't have the problem.

7. So, not all SN users are affected just a subset composed of those who did an 'upgrade install'. And of this subset, only those with Guest accounts from previous OS installs.

8. Wala naman nag-sabi na hindi kalat ang issue na ito.

9. If you have information about Time Capsule problems, lets hear it so that your post can be considered constructive.


This thread is really for Mac users to share information on how to use and maintain their systems. You should really not use it to gloat over the occasional problem such as this while giving incomplete or misleading information. If I may suggest, I think you will have more fun in the Vista thread as you can gloat on a weekly basis during 'patch Tuesday.'

Edited by boomouse
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I think Apple is already seeding the new version of Snow Leopard with the Guest account fix...


As for me, I think I'll just upgrade to Snow Leopard when it has matured enough that there are no more critical bugs like these...


I think the Time Capsule problem involves the power supply (or something inside the Time Capsule) conking out. The problem here is that people who wants to save their Time Capsule data before turning over the Time Capsule for repairs to an Apple Care Service Center won't be able to get to the data since it involves removing the hard disk inside it. Doing so will invalidate the warranty...


The above is just something I read a few weeks ago and I'm not sure if this is the problem he was referring to.

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I think Apple is already seeding the new version of Snow Leopard with the Guest account fix...


As for me, I think I'll just upgrade to Snow Leopard when it has matured enough that there are no more critical bugs like these...


I think the Time Capsule problem involves the power supply (or something inside the Time Capsule) conking out. The problem here is that people who wants to save their Time Capsule data before turning over the Time Capsule for repairs to an Apple Care Service Center won't be able to get to the data since it involves removing the hard disk inside it. Doing so will invalidate the warranty...


The above is just something I read a few weeks ago and I'm not sure if this is the problem he was referring to.


Nothing from software update as of this writing. Watch this space.


In the Airport Extreme (which is a Time Capsule without the hard disk, note that you can turn it into a Time Capsule of sorts by connecting an external hard drive to its single USB port) I noticed flaking performance if it is placed in a location where air circulation is poor. This thing uses convection cooling so when I relocated it at the top of my data rack where the airflow was forced upward into it, the flakiness disappeared. When I replaced it with a Time Capsule a year later I never had the chance to experience any problems and now I never will because that entire rack was destroyed when the floods inundated my Fairview Bungalow.


The Time Capsule uses an external power supply so it can't be that overheating. Those bricks are fairly sturdy and well made. As for backing up (or deleting data) on the HD before repairs, I think this would only be a problem if you bring it to one of the Apple Centers where all they have is a receiving desk for repair items. I bring my stuff to Ynzal and bring an external HD with me. They either do a backup to my external right there or decide if the hard disk is a goner. In which case, I take the dead one with me and they order or install a replacement. Never let any storage device with your data out of your sight.

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This thread is really for Mac users to share information on how to use and maintain their systems. You should really not use it to gloat over the occasional problem such as this while giving incomplete or misleading information. If I may suggest, I think you will have more fun in the Vista thread as you can gloat on a weekly basis during 'patch Tuesday.'


hahahaha. gusto mo sa linux thread naman?


i know that your good at mac your good at programming etc...


but guess what? i know a lot of problems regarding Apple hardwares, pc hardware....

yung sa time capsule yung hardrive din mismo nasisira due to so many issues.. pero yes may problem din sa power etc..


tip ko lang maraming brand na pwede nyo gamitin sa mac na cheaper alternative or magbackup kayo di lang sa time capsule pati sa ibang media..


why? Hardrives are not safe for longterm backup system..






i have 1 macbook white and a macbook pro.. buti nalang ATI videocard why?


lots of macbook pro with NVIDIA video are having problems... the culprit?NVIDIA GPU! pero malaki rin impact nyan sa mga apple user why? its to expensive... yes marami din brand nag suffer sa problem na ito like HP dell etc...


asan sila ngayon? nasa top 1-3 sa total sales ng unit worldwide..


and i am also selling macbook and macbook pros! i even have the new imac 27" coming next month..


i have also WINDOWS XP, VISTA and Windows 7 system...


wag mo masyadong depensahan ang mac dahil kailangan malaman din ng mga user ang mga disadvantages nito or yung mga hardware problems..


mas misleading kung sasabihin natin na walang nagiging problem ang unit ikaw mismo yung macbook pro mo sabi mo dati nagkakaproblem ka dun sa video nya...


at wala ako masama sa sinabi ko.. atleast nag warn pa ako...


to all users of new snow leopard remove the Guest account or dont click on it... your files on you main account might be wipeout....


apple is working on it to have it patch(fix)///


then sabi mo its like sharing a toothbrush? the problem IT IS HAPPENING..

come on this bug is not isolated.... sino ba gusto ma wipeout ang files diba?





Product updates:


may bagong macbook na..


yung hindi na nagkakaproblem yung casing dahil parang macbook pro 13" na design nya on a white case....



Sino dito may macbook white na nagkakacrack sa palmrest at sa LCD area?


still waiting sa apple kung magiging free na yung replace ng casings nito kasi design flaws talaga sya but till now ayaw parin isama sa warranty...




Ynzal is a very good service provider nagkaroon lang talaga ng konting issue kaya di na sila naging silver service provider.. pero still i believed that ok parin ang integrity nila.. ^_^


i have a friend there...


pero sa gold service provider ako kung saan dun din pumupunta si ynzal. ^_^

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mura lang naman SL upgrade pero hintaying po muna natin ang update/patches kasi po medyo madami pa bug like bluescreen of death if you uses photoshops or other programs, hangging issues, slow downs programs compatibilities...


tip ko rin mas ok ang fresh install then step by step install nyo mga apps nyo to check kung ok sa SL..

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Guest lustfortravel
wag mo masyadong depensahan ang mac dahil kailangan malaman din ng mga user ang mga disadvantages nito or yung mga hardware problems..


mas misleading kung sasabihin natin na walang nagiging problem ang unit ikaw mismo yung macbook pro mo sabi mo dati nagkakaproblem ka dun sa video nya...


at wala ako masama sa sinabi ko.. atleast nag warn pa ako...


point taken. so thank you for sharing your seemingly extensive knowledge, sir. although you have a point that users need to know the disadvantages or any hardware problems, you just have a way of posting that looks like you are gloating every time there is a bug/problem that crops up with the mac. you might have been misinterpreted, maybe you just want us to know what the issues are, who knows.


i think ordinary users like me know that nothing is perfect, not even the mac. but i will still buy it, regardless. ;)

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Oh oh oh! I have a white macbook now that has that cracking problem. It's near the plamrest area, though it's located on the bottomcase. Also see cracks appearing on the hinge itself. Scary...


Sana nga nag appear na lang sila sa topcase para mas madali palitan ng Apple. As it is now, one applecare center actually refused to replace the part. :(

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Oh oh oh! I have a white macbook now that has that cracking problem. It's near the plamrest area, though it's located on the bottomcase. Also see cracks appearing on the hinge itself. Scary...


Sana nga nag appear na lang sila sa topcase para mas madali palitan ng Apple. As it is now, one applecare center actually refused to replace the part. :(


same here, getting some cracks on palm rest area as well. i put some tape to stop the breakage.

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hahahaha. gusto mo sa linux thread naman?


i know that your good at mac your good at programming etc...


but guess what? i know a lot of problems regarding Apple hardwares, pc hardware....

yung sa time capsule yung hardrive din mismo nasisira due to so many issues.. pero yes may problem din sa power etc..


tip ko lang maraming brand na pwede nyo gamitin sa mac na cheaper alternative or magbackup kayo di lang sa time capsule pati sa ibang media..


why? Hardrives are not safe for longterm backup system..






i have 1 macbook white and a macbook pro.. buti nalang ATI videocard why?


lots of macbook pro with NVIDIA video are having problems... the culprit?NVIDIA GPU! pero malaki rin impact nyan sa mga apple user why? its to expensive... yes marami din brand nag suffer sa problem na ito like HP dell etc...


asan sila ngayon? nasa top 1-3 sa total sales ng unit worldwide..


and i am also selling macbook and macbook pros! i even have the new imac 27" coming next month..


i have also WINDOWS XP, VISTA and Windows 7 system...


wag mo masyadong depensahan ang mac dahil kailangan malaman din ng mga user ang mga disadvantages nito or yung mga hardware problems..


mas misleading kung sasabihin natin na walang nagiging problem ang unit ikaw mismo yung macbook pro mo sabi mo dati nagkakaproblem ka dun sa video nya...


at wala ako masama sa sinabi ko.. atleast nag warn pa ako...




then sabi mo its like sharing a toothbrush? the problem IT IS HAPPENING..

come on this bug is not isolated.... sino ba gusto ma wipeout ang files diba?





Product updates:


may bagong macbook na..


yung hindi na nagkakaproblem yung casing dahil parang macbook pro 13" na design nya on a white case....



Sino dito may macbook white na nagkakacrack sa palmrest at sa LCD area?


still waiting sa apple kung magiging free na yung replace ng casings nito kasi design flaws talaga sya but till now ayaw parin isama sa warranty...




Ynzal is a very good service provider nagkaroon lang talaga ng konting issue kaya di na sila naging silver service provider.. pero still i believed that ok parin ang integrity nila.. ^_^


i have a friend there...


pero sa gold service provider ako kung saan dun din pumupunta si ynzal. ^_^


Eh tindero ka pala ng computer eh. Sana sinabi mo kaagad para naman malinaw sa amin kung ano ang intensyon ng mga post mo.


Dapat, ilagay mo na rin yun tindahan mo. Malay mo sa iyo ako bumili. Ngayon pa na nalubog halos lahat ng system ko? Magpapalit talaga ako.


Meron din akong ibang computer. Meron nga akong Augmentyx na ruggedized pero kahit na anong problema ilagay mo sa thread na ito walang sinabi ang mga yon sa sakit ng ulo na inabot ka sa mga umaandar sa Windows lalo na Vista. Yun mga computer na yon, hindi ako nanghihinayang na nalubog ni Ondoy. Hindi ko nga pina-insure. Yun mga Mac ko insured.


Ikaw nag-banggit ng Time Capsule hindi naman ako o ibang tao. Sabi mo may problema. Sana nagbigay ka ng detalye. Eh ngayon sasabihin mo meron ibang pwedeng gamitin. Teka, may binebenta ka na pwede ipalit sa Time Capsule? Okay! Sabihin mo dito ng malaman naman namin OK lang naman yon.


Sa thread na ito, pag-may tinatanong na problema, sinasagot kasi end-user and nagtatanong. Akala ko end-user ka. Eh tindero ka pala, kaya sige lang, di na kita papatulan.

Edited by boomouse
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Oh oh oh! I have a white macbook now that has that cracking problem. It's near the plamrest area, though it's located on the bottomcase. Also see cracks appearing on the hinge itself. Scary...


Sana nga nag appear na lang sila sa topcase para mas madali palitan ng Apple. As it is now, one applecare center actually refused to replace the part. :(


I've seen that problem and it is usually caused by repeated torqueing of the case, i.e., when a racking force is exerted on the plastic case from lifting it on one end only. A racking force (sorry can't explain it here, but there is a wiki) acts like a lever and very little force is needed to cause a part failure. This is also true in the hinge area from the repeated opening and closing of the top case by exerting force on only one corner instead of the two front corners of the top case.


This is not a problem isolated to Macs. Old Compaqs especially are notorious for this problem as with the cheap notebooks with the flimsy hinges.


If these problems happen, you can argue it both ways. The end user can claim bad design or poor quality materials (implying that no matter how you chose to open a notebook case or handle it, it should hold up) and the manufacturer can claim equipment abuse. I know that Apple has installed several mechanical and even electronic sensors in their products that will indicate an overstressed case (a small tab breaks inside), or water immersion (a treated part gets discolored), or a dropped case (the accelerometer will log a measured impact force that Apple service can access) or a short circuit happening caused by a spilled liquid (logged as an electrical anomaly in the service log).


It is possible that a stress indicator broke in your laptop. Even storing it in a computer bag and then having something heavy go on top of the bag can cause a crack especially when jostled inside a moving vehicle. It has happened to me.


I'm not apologizing for Apple. I'm just trying to explain how they approach problems like this. Believe me, I don't even think the local service guys are that sophisticated.

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Meron din akong ibang computer. Meron nga akong Augmentyx na ruggedized pero kahit na anong problema ilagay mo sa thread na ito walang sinabi ang mga yon sa sakit ng ulo na inabot ka sa mga umaandar sa Windows lalo na Vista. Yun mga computer na yon, hindi ako nanghihinayang na nalubog ni Ondoy. Hindi ko nga pina-insure. Yun mga Mac ko insured.


Vista? not using it anymore... hehehehehe. saka mac thread to diba? sabi mo diba? wait for the windows seven instead...


ewan ko ba yung mga HARDCORE Macfanboy may marinig lang or mabasa na negative about mac ayun bigla nilang babanatan MS OS. like vista.. hehehehe.


by the way yung asus nagkaproblem din sa hinges pero they will replace the hinges at no extra charges...


yung problem sa macbook sobrang grabe dahil ang dami ko ng nahawakan na laptop macbook lang yung nagkakaroon ng crack sa palmrest or sa lcd minsan ma notice mo sya around 3months of use...


buti nalang binago na nila yung design ngayon.. one sexy white machine yung bagong macbook.. :)

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This is not a problem isolated to Macs. Old Compaqs especially are notorious for this problem as with the cheap notebooks with the flimsy hinges


by the way MACBOOK are not cheap......


i have here asus 1000HE dinadaganan ng baby ko na 1yr old while watching her fave sesame street shows... cheap netbooks but sturdy design... you can put MAC OS on it. heheheheh.

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by djrs


1. dont buy upgrade/replacement parts sa apple center! like Memory, Hardisk and LCD! same parts lang yan ng ibang laptop and its way cheaper! 25-75% cheaper! with 1 to 2 years warranty or sometimes lifetime warranty pa! dun nyo pa service then kung may papalitan parts go elsewhere.... binayaran nyo dun sa apple is the apple logo.. (EX: Hardisk with apple logo pero seagate, Hitachi etc din yung brand!, Memory samsung, kingston, corsair etc... pag may apple logo napaka mahal na. ^_^)


2. pag gagamitin nyo ng matagal yung laptop tapos araw2x remove your battery pag full charged na tapos use the power adapter! para mas tatagal buhay ng battery nyo.. ^_^


3. pag magpapaservice kayo siguraduhin nyo na wala kayo private or important files! ^_^


4. use your cd to check the integrity of your hardwares before going to service center baka may problem lang yung OS baka reformat lang katapat.. ^_^

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I've seen that problem and it is usually caused by repeated torqueing of the case, i.e., when a racking force is exerted on the plastic case from lifting it on one end only. A racking force (sorry can't explain it here, but there is a wiki) acts like a lever and very little force is needed to cause a part failure. This is also true in the hinge area from the repeated opening and closing of the top case by exerting force on only one corner instead of the two front corners of the top case.


This is not a problem isolated to Macs. Old Compaqs especially are notorious for this problem as with the cheap notebooks with the flimsy hinges.


If these problems happen, you can argue it both ways. The end user can claim bad design or poor quality materials (implying that no matter how you chose to open a notebook case or handle it, it should hold up) and the manufacturer can claim equipment abuse. I know that Apple has installed several mechanical and even electronic sensors in their products that will indicate an overstressed case (a small tab breaks inside), or water immersion (a treated part gets discolored), or a dropped case (the accelerometer will log a measured impact force that Apple service can access) or a short circuit happening caused by a spilled liquid (logged as an electrical anomaly in the service log).


It is possible that a stress indicator broke in your laptop. Even storing it in a computer bag and then having something heavy go on top of the bag can cause a crack especially when jostled inside a moving vehicle. It has happened to me.


I'm not apologizing for Apple. I'm just trying to explain how they approach problems like this. Believe me, I don't even think the local service guys are that sophisticated.


Well I think we can rule out racking force on the hinge since the crack is actually starting to appear from the middle, not the edge where the force would have been concentrated on...


I haven't really "abused" my laptop... yet. That is, unless they consider having the laptop travel frequently as something abusive. No history of it being dropped, being banged up or any traumatic actions done to it. But it is a mobile computer (a laptop), therefore it should be resistant to everyday stress anyways.


Stress indicator? Has Apple already implemented this? Last I heard they recently filed a patent for it... didn't know it has been deployed already (the exception would be the accelerometer, of course).


I had it checked at an overseas Applecare Service Center, actually. They took pictures of the crack and forwarded the picture to their regional Tech Support Care Specialist (I'm guessing Singapore). Then they called back to say that the request to have it replaced has been denied. They didn't even have to take in my macbook for that so I guess, they found no signs of any stress indicator being triggered (I was there the whole time they were examining the exterior of the machine).

Edited by artvader
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i love SL!


bilis on and shut down


so far mejo nagkaproblem lang ko di gumana yung phot booth at stikies

pero i just throw the old one na nka dock


then nilagay yung bago from HD then OK na


nevr ko pa encounter file loss kasi di ako nag open guest acct kasi no need.




ganda ng new macbook!

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