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And saving the best for last, as explained by

Cliff Clavin, of Cheers.

One afternoon at Cheers, Cliff Clavin was

explaining the Buffalo Theory to his buddy Norm.


Here's how it went:

"Well ya see, Norm, it's like this...

A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest

buffalo. And when the herd is hunted, it is the

slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first.


This natural selection is good for the herd as a

whole, because the general speed and health of

the whole group keeps improving by the regular

killing of the weakest members.


In much the same way, the human brain can only

operate as fast as the slowest brain cells.

Excessive intake of alcohol, as we know, kills

brain cells. But naturally, it attacks the

slowest and weakest brain cells first.

In this way, regular consumption of beer

eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the

brain a faster and more efficient machine.


That's why you always feel smarter after a few


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  • 3 weeks later...

Beer labels I've tried: San Miguel pale pilsen, lite, super dry,cerveza negra; Beer na Beer (I don't think I'll ever crave for this one!), Lagerlite (a long long time ago...); Carlsberg; Miller; Budweiser; Corona Extra; Tiger Beer; Tsingtao Beer; Victoria Bitter; XXXX Bitter & XXXX Gold; Toohey's New and Old; Hahn; Carlton Midstrength, Crown Lager; Cascade; Guinness!; Eichbaum Pilsner; Maisel's Weisse Weissbier; Shöfferhofer Wiessbier; Kostritzer Schwarzbier; Warsteiner Pils; Bitburger Pils; Holstein Pils; Jeder Pils; Moninger Pils and Wiessbier; Rothaus pils.


The weissbier is a different experience because these are German beers brewed from wheat unlike the usual hops and malts and is a "summer beer".


My personal favorite among the foreign beers though is still Guinness, if only for the memories of sitting in an Irish pub watching rugby! Of course, when back home, what can beat an ice cold bottle of san Miguel! :cool:

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In Italy and France it is all wine so i did not get to try any beer while i was in those places. parang tubig lang ang wine dun eh...



I do agree that the Italian beers such as Nastro Azzuro and Peroni, are not particularly palatable, but some of the French beer is surprisingly good I would recommend particularly those in the Alsace region as being close to Germany they are not of the French pilsener type but brewed with Ale Yeasts more in the Weissbiere style. Personally Belgium Beers in particular Stella Artois and Grolsch are my favourites. As for US beers with the possible exception of Sam Adams, it's very much like making love in a canoe (ie f**king close to water)

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Stella Artois, Guinness, Boddington's, Carling, Carlsberg - european


asian have tasted a lot but i'd still have any for the san miguel family beers anytime, pale pilsen (remember the good old days when my dad used to make me sip it from his mug. from 3 years old till i had my first bottle at 10 hehehehe), san mig light, super dry


and my fave ice cold cerveza negra


anybody remember lager light?

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  • 5 weeks later...

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