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suggest to have a law on the following:


Silencer + Air Filter for the Mufflers of Motorcycles and Tricycles specially here in Manila.. where there is so many tricycles and motorcycles so noisy even at night..


Law to have Feeding Program for all Elementary Pupils in public schools - from all Fastfood chains & bakeries. Tax Deductible as Expense.


Law to legalize Prostitution by regulating them similar to the ones in Europe.


Law to open up Foreign Owned Factories with Tax Exemption on all Produce for export , except when sold locally.

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Law to have maximum of 2 children per couple. anything in excess will not have any government support.


Law to have a unified ID System so that using 1 ID number u be able to determine if legally residing or living .


Law to disallow anyone living in illegal settlements from voting. unless they are registered to be living on LEGAL structures and abodes.

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Law to have maximum of 2 children per couple. anything in excess will not have any government support.


ummmm.. WHAT support? I wasnt aware that the Phil Govt gives out any support to families, kids or no kids (not universally anyway)


As for my law proposal...


Theres something thats being pointed out everytimethers an election...


That Presidential candidates, and even Senators (maybe even congressmen) should be required to have a 4 year degree course. Countless commentaries have already been made on this issue... if you need a 4 year college course to work in a lowly office job.. what more to run an entire country? If English proficeincy is required in most jobs, especially in sales, marketing and manegrial positions, what more being a Leader of a country where u need to be articulate and ommunicate well with your global counterparts? Hell, why is it even possible to elect a high school drop out or even a mere elemetary graduate on a LEGISLATIVE body where the MAIN JOB is to PROPOSE, MAKE, MODIFY and REVIEW LAWS???


Miriam Santiago always make noiuse about this and she can be vveryy noisy and artiualte about the subject, i wonder why there seems to be no serious push for this law to pass? Its beause too many people will complain... they will wail inequality and discrimination and all that. But truth is, anyone with the determination and resources to run for a high office should have the same determination to go thru a four year course.. even if theyre too old, so what? it can still be done. No excuses there, except admitting they dont have the brains for it or they are too lazy for it, in w/c case they dont deserve to be elected...

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Guest Leviticus
everybody should pay a tax..kahit piso. hehe

errrr.. EVERY DOES PAY TAXES whether voluntarily (ITR) or involuntarily (kaltas sa sweldo, VAT, and E-VAT)


- make government officials have an annual performance evaluation. Never give them a guaranteed post.


- make government budget accountable. where do our taxes really go?


first of all, this is government we are talking about and not a corporation/company. ano ang irereview sa kanila? what evaluation? kaya nga may checks and balances tayo in place.


second, there are government agencies who check on the budget; PCGG, NEDA, COA, and our government IS accountable for our tax money


ang problem lang talaga ay ang IMPLEMENTATION and apathy

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Implementation is where we start to slip. Just look at EPIRA.


If laws are not enforced and applied they are not worth the paper they are written on.


Which is why the corrupt pigs here use the Constitution as toilet paper on a daily basis.

Edited by ligtasan
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errrr.. EVERY DOES PAY TAXES whether voluntarily (ITR) or involuntarily (kaltas sa sweldo, VAT, and E-VAT)


first of all, this is government we are talking about and not a corporation/company. ano ang irereview sa kanila? what evaluation? kaya nga may checks and balances tayo in place.


second, there are government agencies who check on the budget; PCGG, NEDA, COA, and our government IS accountable for our tax money


ang problem lang talaga ay ang IMPLEMENTATION and apathy


laws, attendance, issues resolved, scandals, etc - we never really find out what they did for the year. maybe it should be run like a corporation para hindi always losing money :( or at least yung finance/budget sections should be run like a corporation.


dapat tanggalin yung law that allows them immunity in investigations.

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