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I live in Sucat Parañaque. I saw the tail-end of Joey Marquez's term and now see the new term of Mayor Jun Bernabe. Sucat was a cesspool before (no exagerration! ask anyone who lives in sucat!) ... today, it is still not heaven, but liveable. Why the change, simple: garbage collection is now "timed", so that you can only take out your garbage at a specific time, when garbage trucks are there to pick it up. You see, it did not cost the municipal government more... just a little creativity... BIG difference.


"The anti-disposable law" can work with a little imagination. Tax the disposables, use the money generated to subsidize the "recyclables"... you get the idea. No additional cost to the government.


Hey, on paper, the "exact change law" wouldn't have worked (because it's hard to monitor wether a "small" law like this is being followed or not)... but it does...


no additional costs to the gov't? u wish...the gov't will have to set up a new division, hire new employees/auditors to monitor compliance...in this age when the gov't is dying to crub unemployment, ur proposal's like manna from heaven...that'll give them a reason to create another meaningless bureaucracy...all additional burden on the public...ah, deferred burden that is...the kind that does not go away even after ur grandsons have all died...


plus i bet the collected funds will all go to subsidies...


net result: funds going to corruption, a fattened bureaucracy, increased borrowings to finance subsidy...


note that m NOT cynical...m just a realist...so i'd rather do NEW things OUTSIDE the realm of the gov't if i could...while at the same time helping the gov't handle the things she's handling right now. maybe i'll involve her in new endeavors soon...when she's ready to perform. but not now.


and even for the sake of argument that the gov't become suddenly all efficient and absorb the additional job w/o hiring new people, what abt the effects of ur "tax" on the consumers??? another scheme of decreasing further their buying power??? once and for all, m against all consumption tax that does not differentiate between income levels...any tax that's not progressive based on income levels is anti-poor.

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A law that would implement laws. We have so many laws, only a few are implemented.


we don't need another law for this. what we need is the military and the police force to be de-politicized(?). and the justice system, of course.


government servants should be well-compensated so that they'd be able to function well. one of the reasons why graft and corruption is widespread in the system is because people in it cannot support their living with the kind of pay they receive.

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we don't need another law for this. what we need is the military and the police force to be de-politicized(?). and the justice system, of course.


government servants should be well-compensated so that they'd be able to function well. one of the reasons why graft and corruption is widespread in the system is because people in it cannot support their living with the kind of pay they receive.


i don't agree. things that cause demotivation are different from the ones that motivate people to perform. this is based on extensive research on industrial psychology...low pay is certainly demotivating...but u can't be certain that u can cure incompetency and eliminate bad habits liek graft and corruption simply by rasing pays...


the only true way is to make their jobs MEANINGFUL...EMPOWER those underneath, the career men and women who truly run the gov't...stop the cult of personality that plague the gov't...a department's state of affairs shouldn't rely on the one heading it...this problem arises precisely bec. the career people do not have the ability to project their collective personality...root causes: lack of skills, one-dimensional jobs w/o decision-making aspect...solve these motivational problems and u'll see difference in performance, more accountabilty, heightened responsiveness and dedication all even without pay hikes...


and only after u've seen positive results should u then implement a reward mechanism...pay hikes tied to performance...remember, u should reward GOOD performance...not "bribe" people to stop them from performing badly.

Edited by Jourdan
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Repeal that "Stupid Lina Law".


BRAVO! right on the money podweed...that law is clearly anti-development.


Thanks. I cannot say it enough.


Repeal that "Stupid Lina Law"!!


Let those who voted and are for it showcase that measure for all its worth - let them feel the agony and heartbreak of seeing others take over their properties paid for in blood, sweat, and tears, and not be able to do anything about it.

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we don't need another law for this. what we need is the military and the police force to be de-politicized(?). and the justice system, of course.


government servants should be well-compensated so that they'd be able to function well. one of the reasons why graft and corruption is widespread in the system is because people in it cannot support their living with the kind of pay they receive.


That was why the PNP modernization Law (#8551 ) took effect .....

but additional salaries are more welcome.... hehehe ...... :boo:

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i don't agree. things that cause demotivation are different from the ones that motivate people to perform. this is based on extensive research on industrial psychology...low pay is certainly demotivating...but u can't be certain that u can cure incompetency and eliminate bad habits liek graft and corruption simply by rasing pays...


the only true way is to make their jobs MEANINGFUL...EMPOWER those underneath, the career men and women who truly run the gov't...stop the cult of personality that plague the gov't...a department's state of affairs shouldn't rely on the one heading it...this problem arises precisely bec. the career people do not have the ability to project their collective personality...root causes: lack of skills, one-dimensional jobs w/o decision-making aspect...solve these motivational problems and u'll see difference in performance, more accountabilty, heightened responsiveness and dedication all even without pay hikes...


and only after u've seen positive results should u then implement a reward mechanism...pay hikes tied to performance...remember, u should reward GOOD performance...not "bribe" people to stop them from performing badly.


okay... but shouldn't they be given at least decent pay to start with? many gov't employees receive pay lower than the minimum wage, either that or they receive their salary one or two pay periods late.

setting their salary right would have a positive effect on the performance of these people, generally speaking.


about what you've said in making the jobs more meaningful, I agree with that. but I think the 'heads' wouldn't welcome this very well (anyway, I don't think they'd approve of the salary hike either. anyway...) since many of these officials prefer having complete control over decisions made in their offices.


in addition to what you've said, the recruitment of gov't employees should be closely monitored to avoid employments of kamag-anaks and kaibigans who are not even qualified for the posts.


I wonder where all of these changes would start from. I'm thinking... the president. She needs to work out her political will to be able to decide and act on her decisions more effectively.

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okay... but shouldn't they be given at least decent pay to start with? many gov't employees receive pay lower than the minimum wage, either that or they receive their salary one or two pay periods late.

setting their salary right would have a positive effect on the performance of these people, generally speaking.


Yes, mary_antoinette, that goes without saying. Jourdan said that while incentives to raise morale are always a good idea, rewards should be after the fact. Let's not put the cart before the horse. Can't dangle a carrot from the stick that way.

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