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What Has Love Taught You Lately?

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it has taught me not to trust anyone, that i should only trust someone who earned it, not to a stranger nor an acquaintance.

it has taught me that the hurt you might feel can be worse than death itself.

it has taught me that the "knight in shining armor" doesn't exist.

it has taught me not to love.



Looks like it came from somewhere... way down under... You'll be alright.


Just remember... "Clean air comes after the rain.. So as the heart after the pain."

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-it's always a two-way street

-love has it's limits

-love is different from falling in love. love is an action

-love is the will to extend oneself for the purpose of one's and the other's growth. if you know that either of you is not growing as a person, then it isn't love. might as well get out of it

-the least one could do is be honest in a relationship



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hi guys, i have a quick question... they say that "don't love with all your heart" and sir pornoking posted "dont give 100% spare for urself"...


i know my question would sound idiotic and all but... how do you do that? how can you love somebody without giving him/her your all?

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what has love taught me?



that love can turn a sane man mad

that love is always unfair

that love can be so sweet and joyful

that love can be so cruel and sorrowful

that love can be both generous and selfish

that love is one of the most wonderful things in the world

that love can also be the source of countless heartaches and pains and sorrows

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what has love taught me?

that love can turn a sane man mad

that love is always unfair

that love can be so sweet and joyful

that love can be so cruel and sorrowful

that love can be both generous and selfish

that love is one of the most wonderful things in the world

that love can also be the source of countless heartaches and pains and sorrows




also...love makes people exaggerate everything....like how life becomes more meaningful...more colorful...the sun shines brighter...blah blah blah... :blink:

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