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What Has Love Taught You Lately?

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I was too much of an idealist when it comes to love. I sought always permanence in this world of change. But soon love taught me a simple fact: that all things change. Your needs change. Your point of view changes. What made you cry a few years back, now you're only smiling or even laughing at. Everything inside and outside yourself changes. I only need to remember this fact when I'm sad, and then I can smile again.

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I've learned that you need to take a break once in a while, just to reevaluate yourself and your partner. Some time apart can bring your emotions into focus so you can really tell if your relationship is where it's supposed to be or not.


I agree..sometimes you really don't know anymore if you're still in-love w/ ur partner..sometimes, you're holding the relationship coz' of no. of yrs...pero di'mo napapansin na hindi na worth it..

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... it is as fleeting as the wind. She can love you today, and hate you tomorrow.


... sometimes when people start to feel it, they shy away from it, specially if they've been hurt before. They don't want to experience it because they feel they don't deserve it or that doing so betrays the relationship that ended so long ago.


... can be the greatest aphrodisiac... and the most bitter poison.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Love is always painful...


No matter how painful it is I just keep on moving and falling and failing... but it's all part of living...


For we are human to fall in love and feel the pain....


"All these things shall love do unto you that you may know the secrets of your heart, and in that knowledge become a fragment of Life's heart. "


So i will just keep on loving until i find the one true love.... if there is one.

Edited by first_knight_1969
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i know love has been trying to teach me alot of things but i've kept on failing it.


nagpaka-steady, nawala. nagpakabait, tinake for granted.


di ko na alam. di ko na alam talaga.

it's what makes us human dear...i am sure if the right guy comes along there wouldn't be any more mistakes..


i think love has taught me to be ready for a lot of possibilities..



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