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What Has Love Taught You Lately?

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All the same.........fall in love........get hurt................fall in love again................get hurt again............and again............and again, different stories, same ending. but makes you stronger, wiser is still a big ? that's love, that's life!

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Love and trust goes hand and hand. Today, I Ended my 3yr relationship with my GF and 1 month of being my fiance. Trust is no longer there and love just follows, lost my love and trust dahil constant lying create a CRY WOLF syndrome... mahirap na paniwalaan kahit sabihin pa ng friends and family namin na totoo un nangyari...

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for things to work, love has to be bundled with patience and lots of understanding. settle in a common ground called compromise. trust. be spontaneous, but be consistent. passion is very important. help each other grow. if one's down, be there. if you are disappointed, be a friend, help him improve. keep each other blooming and in kilig mode. be an inspiration. have quality time but spend time with friends and family, too. settle misunderstandings asap if possible. good sex always helps a lot. make lots of slow, intense, hardcore love. thank your partner for being a mentor, companion, lover; gratitude pays up. be each other's best friend. :heart:

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one cannot escape hurt. as i'd love to drown myself with work, hurt still gets the best of me.

i want to forgive, to give him another chance to make it right or to hurt me the next time around. i know i'm just being stupid again. i don't want to carry on feeling hurt and doing crazy things. love taught me that no much i'm hurt, it doesn't give me the right to hurt other people just bcos i'm hurt.

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Guest biancaanne

To keep my trap shut, play it like everything is okay, and love from a distance until the time comes that I would know what the difference between a real man and a kid trapped in a man's body is.

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Never assume that the person you are with right now is "the one" or else risk being disappointed, take it slow and let the magic happen on it's own. On the other hand never assume that there is no "one" for you or else risk living a life without magic and wonder.

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