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Guest megalodon

If it's gonna be Mayweather vs. Pacquiao, I doubt it very much if the face of Mayweather will still be pretty after that fight.

Edited by megalodon
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Cotto really is no match for manny... I haven't seen paul williams, so I would say floyd is the only guy perhaps who can give manny a hard run.


Paul williams is the most avoided fighter in professional boxing, walang gusto lumaban sa kanya kasi magaling siya tapos hindi sikat kaya pag may lalaban sa kanya may risk na matalo tapos wala pang masyado kikitain na pera kasi konti palang fans niya

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If it's gonna be Mayweather vs. Pacquiao, I doubt it very much if the face of Mayweather will still be pretty after that fight.


for sure he will make alot of excuses not to fight MP.


gayweather is shitting in pants for sure after seeing what MP can do to a legit welterweight!..


again congrats MANNY!... job well done!... :thumbsupsmiley:

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Bakit? May nagdududa pa ba kay Manny ngayon? :rolleyes:




By Greg R. Penilla, M.D.


Tue, 10 Nov 2009




A new dawn, a new era is about to transpire in the history of the Sweet Science of boxing. By this time next week, Manny Pacquaio would have already emerged as the only boxer in the planet who would become a seven time world champion in seven weight classes.


Multitude of great and Hall of Fame fighters, the likes of Ali, Robinson, Leonard, Armstrong, Chavez, Duran, Sanchez, etc., have gone before him, but the Filipino warrior will go down in the annals of boxing history as the first, and maybe the last, to achieve this extraordinary feat. Interestingly though, a 154 pounds title is within the realm of possibility.


Unfortunately, despite Pacquiao’s unparalleled accomplishments on top of the ring this decade, detractors abound. In spite of his hallowed place in boxing history, some writers, so-called boxing experts and jealous boxers do not give him all the recognition he rightfully deserves.


This coming Saturday, November 14, Pacquaio is going against Miguel Cotto, a very formidable and elite fighter who is in the prime of his career. He has trained hard and he probably represents the most difficult fight so far for Manny Pacquaio. Although the Las Vegas odds seem to overwhelmingly favor Pacquaio to win, this fight will not be a walk in the park for the Philippines’ “National Fist”. This fight has the makings of the Fight of the Year.


However, win or lose, Manny Pacquiao is between a rock and a hard place.


If he loses against Miguel Cotto, his detractors would surely say, “I told you so, he is not as good as advertised”. It is understandable and perfectly logical for some pundits to pick Cotto as the winner. There is nothing unreasonable about that. What is comical is when analysts disparage Pacquiao.


Oscar De La Hoya is favoring Cotto not because he thinks Cotto is a great fighter but he thinks that Pacquiao does not hit hard enough.


He was quoted as saying, “Pacquiao doesn’t hit hard enough to knock anyone out in the welterweight division. I’m basing that on my fight against Pacquiao. I could’ve stood there and put my face in front of him and he couldn’t have hurt me”.


One would wonder if De La Hoya looked at the mirror at the hospital where he was taken by an ambulance after the fight. Obviously, Pacquiao would have sent De La Hoya to dreamland had he come out in the ninth round. But instead of protecting his boxing legacy and his dignity, De la Hoya opted to quit on his stool knowing that another minute with the pound for pound king would inevitably end up with him sprawled on the canvas.


Oscar De La Hoya would have gotten more respect from boxing purists had he decided to fight to the very end. Ironically, he is now practically saying Pacquiao did not hurt him? Please explain!


When, not if, Pacquiao wins this coming Saturday, it will not be surprising for skeptics to find excuses for Cotto’s loss.


Cotto is over trained

Cotto is weight drained

Cotto is forever damaged by his loss to Margarito

Cotto is distracted

Cotto did not fight the right fight

Cotto has inexperienced corner men


Regardless, excuses will still be made, while Cotto himself has declared that he has completely recovered physically and mentally from the Margarito fight and he is focused, confident, well trained and in the best shape of his life.


Sadly, the doubters will not say, Pacquiao won because he is simply the best boxer of this era.


Manny Pacquiao cannot get any break from some who are hell bent to discredit any of his spectacular wins against all the elite fighters he has demolished.


To the skeptics, he will never be good enough.


When Floyd Jr made the face of Juan Manuel Marquez as a target practice, Mayweather’s supporters all but declared that he is the greatest of all time. There is no doubt that he did win a one sided fight over an old (36), slow, underweight and most of all, a damaged fighter from the two wars he had with Pacquiao.


One really wonders what is more spectacular, a 12 round decision by a significantly bigger, faster and younger fighter who connected a very high per cent of his “power shots” but leaving his opponent standing and relatively unmarked or a smaller fighter who has demolished and reconfigured the faces of his much larger and stronger opponents in breathtaking fashion within a few rounds?


Regrettably, doubters continue to nit pick Pacquiao’s wins.


When Pacquiao, with a mere two week notice, stunned the boxing world in 2001 with his upset win via a 6th round knock out of the world champion Lebwada, the win was called a fluke.


His win against the legendary Marco Antonio Barrera was diminished by the skeptics, pointing out that the future Hall of Famer had been to too many brutal boxing wars and too old (only 29) that Pacquiao’s win was not totally unexpected.


Pacquiao’s inability to finish Juan Manuel Marquez after dropping him three times in their first fight that eventually ended in a draw, notwithstanding an error in scoring that could have made Pacquiao the outright winner on points, convinced the critics that Pacquiao had no boxing skills and a one dimensional fighter.


There was almost a collective sense of excitement among the cynics when Pacquiao lost by unanimous decision to Erik Morales and were eager to point out that Manny was a flash in the pan.


Less than spectacular wins against B fighters like Velasquez, Larios, Solis and a fading Barrera (still only 32) whose strategy was simply to survive, provided the seeds for hesitation for some to declare Pacquiao as a great fighter.


Despite obliterating the Mexican great, Erik Morales in their second and third classic fights, it was unbelievable that some writers still found reasons to tarnish Pacquiao’s astonishing wins. Just like Barrera, Morales was labeled old (only 30) and broken down.


The much awaited second Pacquiao-Marquez fight won by Pacquiao by the slimmest of margin convinced the doubting Thomases that Pacquiao did not deserve the win. It is well known who hit the canvas.


With elite opposition drying up in the lower weight classes, Pacquiao, clearly possessing improved boxing skills embarked on fighting bigger men with spectacular wins. The one dimensional fighter has bloomed into a two armed fighting machine, at the same time remaining fast and powerful.


But to his usual skeptics, Diaz, although a World Champion was a nobody. De La Hoya, although the overwhelming favorite and Oscar’s left hook to Pacquiao’s brain would make him do the crack head dance, was too old (35) and weight drained. Hatton, who was proclaimed by the legendary trainer Angelo Dundee, as possessing a powerful left hook that would bring Pacquiao down but was suddenly labeled to be too slow and over rated after Manny sent him lights out in the second round.


If Pacquaio – Mayweather Fight ever happens and Pacquiao wins, I can almost predict the excuse why Manny wins. He is on steroids.


What more does Pacquiao need to do, to gain the respect of everyone?


Sadly, to some, he will never be good enough. ........

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by Taga Ipil




“An excellent small fighter like Pacquiao can win against a big but not as talented fighter like (Ricky) Hatton and can also win against Oscar De La Hoya, who was no longer in his peak (when Pacquiao beat him last year),” said Chavez.


“Cotto is better than those two and is bigger and stronger than Pacquiao. With everything else equal, if you have one talented small man and one equally talented big man, the bigger one will win,” continued Chavez, describing the 29-year-old banger as a “complete fighter.”



-Joe Chavez

http://www.mb.com.ph/articles/227295/hi ... iao-s-side





It doesn’t matter how fast Pacquiao is. He’ll only be as good as he was in his highly questionable 12 round split decision victory over Juan Manuel Marquez last year. That’s a true gauge of how good Pacquiao is, and the thing that boxing fans should be looking at when determining how he’ll do against Cotto. I can take one look at that fight and say with a high degree of certainty that Cotto is going to batter Pacquiao like a rag doll around the ring.


And Pacquiao’s speed won’t matter one little bit. Speed is power, but when you have someone as small as Pacquiao, you need more than speed to win; You need size, and that’s something that Pacquiao is in short supply if in this fight. I’m right about this and you’ll agree with me later.


-Manuel Perez


http://www.boxingnews24.com/2009/11/pac ... o-limited/





"Chavez pointed to few historical examples to prove his point. He doesn't see how Pacquiao will be able to deal with Cotto's size and strength. He thinks Cotto will be able to neutalize the speed of Manny."


- Joe Chavez






Cotto says: “He’s just another boxer who comes to my division and challenge me for my title. The night of November 14 I’m going to be prepared for him, and I’m pretty sure I’m going to beat Manny Pacquiao.”







"So you are a Manny Pacquiao fan and you are 100% certain he is not just going to beat Miguel Cotto, but he is going to absolutely crush him! Well, Manny Pacquiao fans, I've got news for you. You are not just wrong, you are dead wrong! I realize that Manny Pacquiao is one of the most popular fighters on the planet, but after having spoken with plenty of his fans, I have realized that so many of you are Manny Pacquiao fans, but not fans of boxing. You only watch one fighter and only know what you read and believe what you want to believe....


My prediction for the fight goes as follows: Miguel Cotto will simply be too much for Manny Pacquiao. His size and strength advantage alone will give Pacman fits and what is going to happen when Pacquiao lands flush shots on Cotto and nothing happens? Jumping up in weight classes will finally catch up with Manny Pacquiao on November 14th and when the fight is over and it's Miguel Cotto's hand that is raised in victory, please don't make excuses, just remember I told you so."


-Tony Montgomery


http://www.braggingrightscorner.com/mon ... 02609.html





"He’s going to crumble first from fear and then from the huge power shots from Cotto.


Pacquiao was getting handled really well in the sparring session during the episode 2., I couldn’t help but notice. It’s nice to see things for myself instead of having to hear things second hand through the filter of Pacquiao’s love sick boxing fans.


What I saw was Pacquiao getting pretty much man handled by some big, slow sparring partner who has none of the speed and power that Cotto will be bringing all night long on November 14th. If this is any indication of how Pacquiao will be fighting against Cotto, then Pacquiao doesn’t stand a chance in hell against Cotto. This will be as one-sided a fight that you’ll ever see in your life."


-Manuel Perez


http://www.boxingnews24.com/2009/11/pac ... s-nervous/






"On the night of the fight, Pacquiao will still not be a full welterweight. And Cotto is very strong. As the fight plays out, around rounds 7, 8, 9 is when Cotto starts taking over. I think Cotto will win be decision but he might even get a knockout. With all of my heart I think Miguel Cotto will win"


-Felix Trinidad







"...I read comments like “Pacquiao is super fast and will KO Cotto easy” or “Pacquiao will destroy Cotto in 1 round, Cotto is too slow!”


Those type of comments make me shake my head. First off, it seems they have no clue on styles and boxing science. Just say Manny Pacquiao is fighting and they will automatically believe he will win without even studying the styles or knowing the opponent.


...The saying goes “Ignorance is Bliss” and they are very naive when it comes to boxing and they will face the harsh reality that night.


I will say it again, “Miguel Cotto is bigger, better, and stronger than the Pacman”. The only way Cotto will lose this fight is if he is no longer the same guy or is weight drained from the catch weight."


-By Lester Salvador






Pro Boxing Fans Staff Pacquiao vs. Cotto Picks


Ben Weisman (Pro Boxing Fans): You can throw me in the camp that believes Pacquiao’s last two fights were way overblown and the folkloric status they attained wasn’t even close to being warranted. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to take anything away from Pacquiao. He’s a great fighter with tremendous skills and lightning quick speed. But you can’t help but question the merits of his recent opposition as they were either weight drained (De La Hoya) or shells of what they once were (Both De La Hoya and Hatton). The fact is Cotto will be Manny’s first fight above 130 pounds against a top fighter in his prime.


I see the fight unfolding with a relatively uneventful first round. Pacquiao will be testing Cotto’s strength and Cotto will be testing Pacquiao’s speed. After the early feeling out period I think you’ll see Pacquiao start to hit his rhythm a bit, jumping in, throwing a combination and then jumping out. Cotto should be able weather the storm, all the while continuing to stalk Manny, trapping him in the corner for short periods of time and landing a couple good shots to Manny’s oft-available body. Cotto is a tremendous body puncher and I like these body punches to start taking their toll around the 8th round.


Look for Manny to have a small lead in the fight heading into the 9th round but at that point Cotto is starting to land with more frequency and Pacquiao is starting to tire. Pacquiao will struggle in the 10th round and in the 11th will succumb to the unrelenting pressure from the bigger, stronger man.


Pacquiao vs. Cotto Prediction: Cotto TKO 11


Scott Levinson (Pro Boxing Fans): I’d sure like Cotto’s chances better if we were in 2006. If someone is going to beat Pacquiao in his current form, it’s going to take a fighter at his absolute peak. Cotto is a special talent, but a lot of tough fights, a monumental battering at the hands of Margarito, and his near-escape against Clottey suggest he is in decline. I will say this: if Pacquiao is minimally complacent in his approach to this bout, even a 90% Cotto is going to give him fits. And I might be taking a leap of faith on the size issue, as it could rear its head. I don’t think so.


I see a tense, high-energy fight where Pacquiao’s speed, movement, and newfound mastery of angles keep him out of serious trouble. A reasonably close fight breaks open around the seventh round, when Pacman starts to fully click, and open up his power game, forcing the referee or his corner to pull a gallant Cotto out around the tenth round.


Pacquiao vs. Cotto Prediction: Pacquiao TKO 10


Nathan Nau (Pro Boxing Fans): There is no question that Cotto is the naturally bigger and stronger man in this bout, but he is clearly tailor made for Pacquiao. Pacquiao will use a combination of natural speed and power in both hands, crisp combinations and effective boxing technique to dispatch the challenger impressively.


Pacquiao vs. Cotto Prediction: Pacquiao 4th round KO


Luke Jernigan (DFN Sports Network): I anticipate this being a one-sided bout with Pacquiao coming out looking to prove himself once again. With Floyd Mayweather active again, the pound for pound debate is rejuvenated and it’s Pac Man’s job to prove he is indeed #1 on boxing’s p4p list. Cotto will be overmatched but I expect to see him fight hard into the later rounds before a KO victory by Pacquiao in the 9th or 10th round.


Pacquiao vs. Cotto Prediction: Pacquiao KO 9th or 10th round


Scott Dryden (Pro Fighting Fans): Miguel Cotto will bring power punches to the ring the likes Manny Pacquiao has never experienced. Freddie Roach stated he is very concerned not only with Cotto’s power but also his drive and determination as this is the biggest fight of his career. Cotto’s toughness can never be questioned but the combination of speed and power that Manny possesses is unmatched.


Pacquiao will have a difficult time with Cotto but will prevail via TKO in the 10th round. This sets the stage for one of the biggest fights in the history of the sport, Pacquiao vs. Floyd Mayweather Jr. As a fan, I like everyone else want to see this fight happen but possibly even bigger than that would be HBO’s 24/7 with the verbal sparring between Roach and the Mayweather’s camp. A rare chance for the world of boxing to give its fans what they want, thus it probably won’t happen.


Pacquiao vs. Cotto Prediction: Pacquiao TKO 10


Jake Emen (Pro Boxing Fans): In my full Pacquiao vs. Cotto prediction, I laid out a series of four questions that would hold the key to the fight. They were how the catch-weight would affect the fight, how each man would take the other’s punches and whether or not Cotto would be able to catch up with Pacquiao sufficiently. I answered them all in favor of Pacquiao. However, Cotto is no pushover especially for a smaller man, and I expect two banged up fighters to make it to the final bell.



http://www.proboxing-fans.com/pacquiao- ... ff_110509/






"...Some of them may see Pacquiao as a courageous individual for moving up in weight and fighting Cotto, a bigger and stronger fighter. Pacquiao would seem to have the perfect excuse if he were to lose..."


"...Okay, so I see Pacquiao taking a horrendous beating at the hands of Cotto, a beating that leaves Pacquiao bloodied, battered and with numerous cuts on his face around both eyes and a busted nose. The healing from this beating will likely take a considerable amount of time..."


-By Manuel Perez:


http://www.boxingnews24.com/2009/11/pac ... ocked-out/

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Like HBO, Pacman is... Simply The Best :cool:


Definitely a happy,glorious Christmas for Pacman...aside from wifey Jinkee, he has (reportedly? :lol:) Krista Ranillo? :lol: not Ara or Giselle? :lol: the booze, the groupie girls, beach-es, TV shows, concerts, endorsements.... and lotsa moolah...partyin' fo' sure all night in Vegas...


For 2010... Pacman - Mayweather should be it... no ifs and buts... lotsa moolah there at stake...


Congrats Pac-man :cool:

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