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  1. Nitro Cold Brew, i didn not liked it haha
  2. Spotify randomly played a favorite song in piano version. Eargasm.
  3. Nice story, thanks for sharing and congrats on what u've become and what u have coz u seem genuinely happy.
  4. A sweet, sexy and luscious lips.
  5. https://images.app.goo.gl/NCZ2RkwZbuFveoNU6
  6. is contentment in life in general. In mtc, happiness is hmm ... yet to define 😁
  7. The "Goodmorning" The "Happy Valentines ❀❀❀" The "I miss you" Lets see what will happen later, probably more reason to smile 😁😁😁
  8. Game of Thrones sila ngayon Sir. King of the North or Queen of the south.
  9. Seems the less complicated choice for the lady is the sponsor. I mean age is not even an issue and the support is > probably. While with the married BF, time, finances and the affected party will be the difficult metrics. The question is if the sponsor is the easier choice then why the turn down on the proposal. My opinion, true emotion is resilient it will thrive no matter how difficult the situation is. Only the lady can answer your question and she probably needs more time.
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