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Posts posted by wildnutzz

  1. I'm not mad :rolleyes: Consider it as acontructive criticism. If I had it my way, I would take Pro-complex pre/post workout since it does contain whey proteins that enters the system very quickly. Creatine, I'va always adviced people to take it after working out and not before. The reason is that that's the best time to replenish creatine stores when you've actually used up/depleted creatine in the muscles. And since creatine doesn't really absorb that well, don't expect to feel an immediate "kick" when taking creatine before working out. Cassein digests really slow that's why it's ideal for bedtime where you can be sure of a sustained supply of amino acids in your body while you sleep.


    With my earlier post, I'm just pointing out that you seem to be relying on protein supplements so much that you tend to stray away from the basics. Supplements will never be superior to real food because: 1.) Foods re more calorie dense, 2.) Food supplies us other minerals and vitamins to support our body 3.) Food keeps us satisfied for a longer period of time (this echoes food being calorie dense) since it takes longer to digest. Thus, also offers a sustained release of macro nutrients throughout the day.


    so how do you suggest i take my pro-complex, casein and crea? oh... i use dymatize's xpand caplets ;)

    do i stick with just taking casein on non-working days?

  2. on non working days, pro-complex breakfast and casein before bed.


    Teka, what does your regular eating habit look like to begin with? I also need to check into that


    rice person ako, sir.... usually with meat. can't avoid the oil, pero i try my darnest not to eat the fats.

    sa bahay, usually veggies. :)


    cafeterias / canteen food ako madalas, sir.

  3. Bro relax from what I see nagmamadali ka. Now, let's take it easy and get your supplementation in check.


    Since you say you have pro complex and casein, here's what I'd do


    pro complex first meal and after working out.


    before bed, casein.


    Don't take protein before working out since it may dehydrate you, use NO or caffeine pre-workout instead


    hehehe! di naman ako na-offend, sir. :) peace tayo sir jacques! :)

    no pro-complex before workout?

    hmmmm... so that explains why i can't lift my max shoulder press last night. i took pro-complex and crea before working out eh.


    so pro-complex first thing in the morning, crea before workout, pro-complex after workout, casein before bed? tama ba?

    how about on non working days, sir?

  4. Now why would you want to take supplements during meal times? Why wouldn't you eat real food instead during meals? You have a lot of choices. Fish, Eggs, Lean cuts of beef, chicken and etc. I think it would be better to take your whey between meals and maybe pre and post workout. Cassein would be best to use before sleep since it's digested slowly.


    i'm sorry sir, may i stress that i am relatively new at this kaya i ask a lot of questions. wag ka namang magalit... joke lang! :P

    for taking supplements with meals, sorry -- i asked around and mali nga, my bad :) i never intended it to be meal replacements... just with meals. pero mali nga... :)

    yung sa meals naman, lagi nga kasi akong nasa labas kaya i just eat whatever is available... moderately of course ;)


    i have casein at home, and i take it on weekends instead of pro-complex.

    I now take pro-complex early morning before breakfast, before workout, then after workout.

    bibili pa lang ako ng casein for the office. pag nakabili na ako, i plan to them this way...


    pro complex before breakfast, pro complex before workout, casein after workout.


    pero may nagsabi sa akin na i should take pro-complex with casein mid-day, then casein din after workout. (workout is usually 9pm-11:30pm)


    if you have a better suggestion how i could insert casein, please feel free to post. :)


    i am 5'8" and 182lbs.




    oh.. and i took your advise and got rid of the milk. thanks! :)

  5. Sorry to butt in, I just need some opinion about my plan to take NO XPLODE as a pre-workout supplement and Hydroxycut as my post-workout. my goal is basically to gain more muscle mass by using NO XPLODE (have more pump on the weights) and at the same time lose some fat by taking Hydroxycut. would this combination be effective as far as my goal is concerned? Thanks in advance!


    as far as i know sir... di yata pwede... i wanted to do the same thing dati eh... i took my hhc with crea, ang sabi contradicting DAW.

    but then again... i'm still waiting for the answer of the experts on this one ;)


    @hardbodyz: is that you on your avatar? love the arms, bro! stay strong. :)

  6. wildnutzz, yea focus on leaning out since that will give you the look you desire.


    Sir, I went out kanina to buy supplements and saw ON's Pro-Complex... bought 5lbs :)

    I plan to take it 3 times (with breakfast, mid-day / post workout, before bedtime / post workout) a day on weekdays.

    I also bought 5lbs. Casein, and plan to take it twice on weekends.


    Is it ok? or do i have to take more? I usually take 2 scoops of whey per serving. pero sa Pro-Complex, 1 scoop lang siguro. :)

    Oh, and what can you say about Mirrus Creatine Ethyl Ester? It's kinda cheap... :)

  7. If you're trying to lean out, I strongly advice you let go of the milk consumption. You may have the option of taking low fat/skimmed variants but fact is, milk sugar in the form of lactose would make it hard for you to cut on unnecesarry carbs. And from what you posted, your diet seems to rely on whey so much. What about real food? Care to share your eating habits?


    you think my whey is too much? and what do you suggest i should use instead of milk?

    actually, sir... hindi ko pa po ginagawa yang diet na yan... around next month pa pagtigil ko ng hhc... that's why i posted it, to ask your insights. :)


    sir, since i am always out, i usually eat whatever na lang i see... in moderation nga lang, and i prefer meat and veggies. pero if i'm home and i have time to cook, i usually have pasta and eggs :)

  8. Sirs,


    i'm trying to grow big... i've already dropped from 210 to 180lbs. (thanks a lot to eclipse-mabini, of course... :P)

    i'm on hydroxycut hardcore (4 caps working days, 2 caps non-working) and whey (2 scoops + non-fat milk + banana pre & post working day)

    i'm gaining mass, but i want to gain more... i plan to take these for mass gain starting april, can you guys comment?


    Morning: 2 scoops whey + 1-2 bananas + non-fat milk

    Mid-day: 1 scoop whey + 1 scoop casein + non-fat milk

    Pre-workout: 2 scoops whey + 1-2 bananas + non-fat milk

    Post-workout (before bedtime): 2 scoops casein + non-fat milk

    *sorry, i love milk :P


    do you think it's too much? i'm tired of eating eggs eh. :P i'm stopping hydroxycut and inserting creatine on my diet come may.

    i'm also on a lot of noodles and pasta, (complex carbs? - sorry, not sure) cheat days are on weekends. and i workout religiously every other day.

  9. Do you have a rice cooker in your office pantry or a basic single burner stove?


    sir, we don't have any cooking equipment in the office.

    altho, i do plan to buy a blender (for whey, fruit shakes, etc.)

    and a rice cooker (for kamote, saba and chicken and veggies) :D


    pero for the time being na wala, what do you suggest?

  10. Have you considered chikcen breast, saba, veggies as other sources?


    Just a little tip: wheat bread is still bread, it has some trans fat and according to head coach, it has estrogen catalysts ( hope I got that right) which is counter-productive for fatloss.


    i eat those on weekends kasi i can't cook here in the office and i'm here most of the time.

    yung veggies naman na nabibili sa labas, maraming oil.


    i'm starting kamote next week tho ;)

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