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Status Updates posted by Botajun

  1. Megaman X6 nostalgia

  2. The 5 Sigmas Battle is epic.

  3. Stay safe Thera buddies.


  5. Happy Halloween Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  6. The type of music when I enter Twitchcon. 

  7. Type of music when I am going to punish brutality the people in my past.

  8. Ahahahahahahaha! 

  9. Feeling good for now.

  10. Hoping for a better November.

  11. Watching L and S Adult Cartoon. Sugar=Coke.

  12. Adult humour cartoons.

  13. Let us watch adult cartoons.

  14. So far so good. This week has worked out for the best.

  15. Yan ang malupit.Bitter si Ms Trunchbull.

  16. One of the childhood shows of mine. That's one stomach turning punishment.

  17. You don't deserve any kid you lowlife dumbbell. You can go to jail for that for being moron. 

  18. A fatherhood of idiocy, you dont need to wreck a gadget.

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