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Status Updates posted by Botajun

  1. Maluntong na mga banat.

  2. Will always be my favorite match.

  3. The type of arena where I wanna shut my enemies once and for all.

  4. You're gonna pay. 

  5. Mario's First Fight With Bowser.

  6. John Cena Possessed mode.

  7. Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance is another Castlevania that has 2 identical castles one on Earth and one in Hell. The castles were separated caused by Maxim Kischine for the wrong rituals in using Dracula's remains. Not only the castle has split but also Maxim's personality. Encountering Maxim on Earth Castle he was okay but in hell castle he is much sinister. 

  8. Dante Inferno Purgatorio and Paradiso.

  9. Important matters to settle for now. I will get back on ye. 

  10. John Cena may Mensahe hahahah

  11. Andre The Giant May Mensahe raw.

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