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Status Updates posted by Viola

  1. Lots of phone calls but I can't work in Quezon City if Im coming from the South. Half of my time will be spent on the road lang.

    1. piskiper


      Why not rent an apptmt in QC?

    2. Viola


      because my family is in paranaque...

  2. bored to death.

  3. Intermittent internet connection. Time to read a book.

  4. sick in bed. ouch.

    1. Edmund Dantes

      Edmund Dantes

      Odaijini kudasai

  5. A little tired but a bit more positive than the last few weeks

  6. On the 11th hour na, wala namang hero na mag sa-save. Kaya ko 'to, kaya ko 'to

    1. Viola


      richard gere is too old anyway. kaya ko 'to

  7. Pwede sana kaso may kulang... hays.

  8. Good morning! Job hunting Day #2

  9. pang primetime lang

  10. job hunting uli

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mr.betlog


      medical representative intreseted?

    3. Viola


      no po. no experience as med-rep. thanks anyway.

    4. mr.betlog
  11. I am craving for ice cream.

  12. Hoping tomorrow will be the start of something good.

  13. I don't feel like doing anything much today.

  14. ang init!!!!

  15. I want ice cream!

  16. Lazy Sunday. I just want to stay in bed and read a good book.

  17. Do a bit of research first before asking stupid questions.

  18. When I say I want coffee, I want coffee. Don't ask me how much, I can buy my own damn coffee. Ang aga aga makabad trip. Boys exert an effort naman to seduce the girl. Just because we are MTC members, easy to get na. Mag-isip isip din. Most of the MTC Women are smarter than you, more independent that you and probably earns more than you. Kaya ikaw na nakabad trip sakin this morning. STAY AWAY!

  19. all alone in makati. anyone up for coffee or drinks?

    1. silentsanctuary12345


      hi, im from Makati


  20. Tambay sa Makati today.

  21. i should stay away.

  22. Paranaque people, I'll be at SB SM Sucat later this afternoon. Anybody up for coffee?

  23. taking a hold of the situation

  24. Paranaque people... coffee at SB Soledad!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Alex_Corvis


      awww... next time when you're in Makati area, kape kape :)


    3. Viola


      @alex sure. sana we can hve others join us too. nakaka-miss din ung mga group EBs like before.

    4. 2526hry


      nce tile "alone again Naturally" by gilbert Sullivan


  25. Mahirap ba mag email!!! Argh!!! Im almost out of patience! I cant wait any longer!

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