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Posts posted by Shambala

  1. doing lotza cardio,....even just for short periods of time,..as long as intense,.....partnered with weight training,..amn sure , we'll all gte the body we want. I heard before that it's not how long we train and work out,..but how intense the work out it,..and ofcourse,..should be done properly..... :cool:


    Keep it up fellow gym rats! :mtc:

  2. I guess the "REAL SECRET" is consistency,...work outs doesnt have 2b very intense, as long as regular and diet? no need for the "model's dite",..juz dont over eat, and as much a spossile, pls stay away from vices, speially drugs n smoking,.....


    for me it rlly works..........and a LOT, LOT of POSITIVE Thinking!


    cheerz :mtc:

  3. WOW pare! small world. Those 2 definitely rings a BELL! I juz dunno if they still know me. Actually, ndi naman ako nagtagal dun eh. The ones that I really know PERSONALLY are "bad boy" Nathan Dominguez and my good friend back in college, si Verlin Magbitang :hypocritesmiley: , who also happens to be a FRIEND of 1 of the moderators here: Tamago :mtc:


    Ur question about Kundalini? YES! We do that in the INternal MA.......actually my former nickname sa myspace is KUNDALINI,.hehehehe



    the focus of the internal ma is mor eon meditation, recitations of MANTRAS( yes I do that 1x or 2x a wekk, even if my sisters say am WEIRD) , a LOT of physical exercises and Breathing.


    Oh, going back to the ARNIS thingie,..I AGREE wid yah! It aint rlly that practical to carry weapons these days,..and it aint Practical to train aNd train with juz weapons :mtc:

  4. Nice thread Corkscrew........


    mine is WTF (Olympic style) Taekwondo( since 1989)........boxing , Muay Thai and basic arnis.


    My lineage in TKD is the Legitimate WTF (World Taekwondo Federation), recognized by the IOC.

    I have instructors in boxing which came from LnM stable, were PACMAN came from,..but ofcorz,..they're far frm Manny,....hehehe


    Muay thai? UNofficial,.....coz I dont train in a Muay tHaI gym,,..a few kickboxers would go into to the gym and teach me some moves.


    I also learned some basic INTERNAL Martial ARts, from a very famous YOGI and "energy healer" in thE US,........his name is Master Del Pe......but the focus is mor eon healing, intense meditation and MAKING one's life and others HAPPY! :cool: :mtc:


    Arnis,..so sad to say that I havent continued na eh,.....I learned some moves from the UP Kali ligthing arnis team,....but that was a long long time ago :thumbsupsmiley:


    PEACE to ALLLLLL!!!!! :mtc:

  5. yeah! SOCCER is the BEST Sport in thw WORLD!


    Go footballers of MTC! :hypocritesmiley: ( Down wid basketball!!!! :thumbsdownsmiley: )



    Oki, now that I have my senses back,......GO REAL MADRID! :cool:

  6. EAT the RIGHT WAY,...LOtza veggies, fruits, fish n carbo,...exercise atleast 4 times a week, with atleast an hour per session,.....dont stay up too late always........( unless ur a "CALLBOY or CALLGIRL" :P :lol: ; wc requuires graveyard)...........


    have a very very POSITIVE OUTLOOK in LIFE! Our emotions also affect our physical and mental over all well being.


    In my experience, mediation( ARhatic YOGA,ZEN,Lord's prayer) and praying to your own religion also helps a LOT in MAXIMIZING ou over all health! :hypocritesmiley: .........


    SERIOUSLY SPEAKING............... B)

  7. For me a VERY DEADLY COMBINATION would be, Boxing/Kickboxing, Wall climbing/Rock Climbing/ Cardio and Weight tRaining. I work out atleats 4 times a week, and atleast 2 hrs a day( THANK GOD for my work sked :hypocritesmiley: )...... CROSS TRAINING would not just trim ur tummy, believe me,......it would give you ur "DREAM BODY"........ too bad, there's still no "magic drug" that could change HEIGHTS. Maliit lng kse me, 5'8'' lng po.


    ALso, trimming the tummy is such a very FUN way to exercise, even minus ab work out( no offence to ABS fanatics, sori poh).....BIG Tummies cld be trimmed in a few weeks to months :) :cool:

  8. it takes juz CARDIO...........well it rlly depends eh. I guess if ever there's a BLESSING THat I could be thankful to the HEAVENS, the 1st thing i wld be tahnkful for is that my tumy never rlly gets big.


    Nywayz, to trim the tummy, no matter how big it is,...CARDIO and DIET would be the TOP 2 shurefire hits. When we say DIET, it doesnt necesarily mean that we shld starve ourselves, it means eat right, and eat the right way and right amount, and right FOODS ofcorz :) :)


    SO? Wats the next thing? Strength training and WEIGHT TRaining. YUP! As we cld all notice, ab exercises deosnt even make it to TOP 3, its top 4th. I got this from fitness mags and from my personal trainer in NJ when I stayed there for several months.


    For me, just do CARDIO, atleast 4 times a week. If ur athlethci enuf, do it more intensely and cross train..............it'll work I assue ya ALL! :)


    PEACE n MORE POWER to ALL! :mtc:

  9. have the pleasure and HONOR of shaking hands with MANNY the PACMAN 2x before. One in 2003, and the other back pa in 2001. It was during a marathon competition in Luneta! He doesnt seem mayabang,....altho, if ever mayabang cya,.I really think that he deserves to be one, Cyempre, magaling cya eh, pinaghirapn nya un, db? AKO nga Ive seen and met a lot of "wannabes" in any field, and even BUMS,..eh cla pa ung mayabang,..


    oh anywayz,..Off Topic na me,..............


    MABUHAY SI PACMAN!!! :cool:

  10. GUYS I need ur help....Ive been working out and been into sports since time immemorial,....am nw 26 btw.


    I rlly am more of the ENDURANCE or CARDIO guy,.......the thing is,..I also wanna have lotza muscle( to attract chicks ofcorz) and yet be veyr CUT, LEAN ,MEAN and not lose my endurance.


    What supplement(s) shld I use?


    Thanks guys,..would rlly rtlly appreciate your help! :) :cool:

  11. I wash my face, PRAY and tHank to HEAVENLY POWER,....then I do cardio. Usually I run 5 to 7km, sumtyms I juz play basketball and do some light jogging or alternate with Sprints. AFter that I rest, meditate for about 20 to 30 minutes, and have a very HEALTHY and HEAVY Breakfast, take a shower then off to work.


    My day usually starts at 4:30 am,..that's Y I quit being a "CALL ( center) BOy!" :lol: :D


    peace DUDEZ N DUDDETTEZ! More POWER!!! :)

  12. Soccer, Basketball, Boxing(for work out only), Muay THAI, Taekwondo, and I join LOng distance running competitions almost every Sunday; usually 10km. :)


    Also am a novice in Wall/Rock Climbing...... :rolleyes: :hypocritesmiley:

  13. I am currently working as a Junior Technical Trainer in a Calle Center here in Manila.


    well, Estwood City Libis to be exact. My first account was Linkn-SYS,..second was Earthlink,..and now,..its DeLL Computers. I really enjoy it to some extent,..though I rlly plan to go to IT department, hopefully within 2 to 3 mos,.thta is, if my Aussie PR visa is not yet finished.


    AS far as the CC industry is concerned,.it rlly is the only "BRIGHT SPOT" in the PINOY Economy these dayz,..............


    if it wasnt for the US,..and now, AUS and UK; outsourcing ,..then what could'v ehappened to most of us? db?


    And yeha,..most customers are sssooo HAPPY dealing with Pinoy agents/tech rather than INdians. AM not being "RACIST".........am juz being pragamtic and very REALISTIC!


    PEACE OUT DUDEZ n DUDETTEZ!!!!!!!!!! :cool: :headsetsmiley:

  14. jojo: patay tyo jan!  :P  so anong pipiliin mo? friends tyo or hindi?


    pra d OT: lahat sila.. sila mike_23, jojo, si shambala... pero sympre paalam muna kyo sa amo ko..


    si alpha_q..lolz



    WOW nama,.grabeeehh, sum1 wants 2 meet me,.hehe, ofcorz d filing is mutual,...I wanna mit yah u,...and I hope kasama mo si ,...si,.....alam mo na,..hehehe :heart: :wub:

  15. Ngyak!!! sis?! OK k lang? hehehehe, mahilig k pala sa mga pangit 2lad ko!?? :lol: :upside:


    hhhhhhmmmmm, dont worry Kiara,..I will look sum1 for you, dont yah worry,....hehehehe :cool: :headsetsmiley:


    Thank you for calling,.....................................

  16. I alos love 2 BOX. I was ac2lly being ENCOURAGED to go Amateur,..but well, I am honestly scared to get my face damaged,..so here I am,.......configuring routers and teaching tech support to agents,.......

    oh well.


    Nywayz,..my spoirts are: Boxing, hoops, some soccer, chess, long ditance running ;which I always participate almost every1 Sunday, some Taekwondo and swimming.


    Look forward to getting in REAL SHAPE by May ..... :cool:

  17. HONESTLY ,...........I DO! A lot of times,..for me kse, Ive learned in LIFE that its ok 2 cheat, as long as:

    1. You're not killing/hurting others,

    2.Ur not stealing other ppl's money n belongings....

    3. U dont,..and NEVER EVER get caught,........

    4. Kaya mong panindigan,........


    Even in some of the IT certifications, I have to admit that some of my teachers give me sum tips,...coz it aint thta practical rlly in real LIFE. As long as kaya mong panindigan ung "cheating" na ginawa mo,...its OK. Ofcorz, its always a "rule" of the "warrior"..........DONT EVER EVER GET CAUGHT!


    PEACE! :cool:

  18. Hello to U BDG and other fellow workout peeps. For me, what realy works is a LOT of BOXING workout, a lot of strength training which invlves weights, push ups, pull ups and mix it with other forms of cardio, such as t** bo and biking. I laos run and play basketball once in awhile.


    Btw, this work out is NOT advisable for those who wanna bulk up. Its for those like me who would want a totally ripped bod, or would rather be labeled "slim" rather than MASCUALDO :D


    PEACE to all health buffs! :cool: Merry Xma sand love ya'all :headsetsmiley:

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