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Posts posted by tabachoi[-^_^-]

  1. Report for: Smackdown!: April 3, 2003

    Report by: Focks, rajahwwf.com reporter


    * God Bless our heroes overseas as well as their families. For all the POW's and those MIA, you are not forgotten, you are in our thoughts and prayers.


    * They start by showing a lengthy re-cap of the Wrestlemania winners and other highlights from the greatest show in sports entertainment.


    * Stephanie McMahon comes out to kick off the show. She says that Wrestlemania XIX was one of the greatest Wrestlemanias ever. She says every superstar put their body's on the line. She says that Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar are not at the arena tonight. She says Angle is out for probably two months with a neck injury. She then says Brock is out with a concussion and should be back next week on Smackdown. She says that this is the price a Smackdown superstar pays. She then brings up the question of who will face Brock for the WWE Championship. She says that the other Smackdown stars will battle it out in a tournament, which starts now. Undertaker's music hits and he drives out.


    * Undertaker vs. Rey Mysterio (Round 1 of Championship Tournament)

    Rey starts by darting away from Taker's attempts to grab him. Taker is finally successful and rams Rey into the turnbuckle. Rey knocks Taker out of the ring and surprises him. Taker then boots him in the face, knocking Rey down to the mat. Taker takes another shot at Mysterio which brings him to his knees. Rey makes it to his feet only to receive another uppercut from Taker. Rey gets up and hits Taker with a jawbreaker and begins to take it to him with haymakers until Taker locks in the choke slam. Taker raises Rey but Rey counters with a DDT to Taker. Rey hits the 619 and covers but Taker kicks. Rey attempts the West Coast pop but Taker counters it with the Last Ride.. Taker covers for the pin fall and advances to the next round of the tourney. Taker looms over Rey as he lays down on the mat. It looks as if Taker will attack but instead helps Rey to his feet.


    * Backstage Vince enters a set of doors and asks if Hogan is here. The attendant responds that Hogan has not yet arrived. Vince ask if he can be notified when Hogan arrives.


    * Brian Kendrick vs. Jamie Noble w/ Nidia

    Shannon Moore and Matt Hardy are out at the announce table to do some commentary. Matt says he is out to inject Matt-itude. The match begins and Noble stomps Kendrick into to the turnbuckle. Tazz discusses Matt's diet to keep him under weight for the title he holds. Noble is knocked off the top rope by Kendrick. Kendrick hits a cross body from the top rope and covers for two. Noble nails a power slam and covers Kendrick for 2. Noble gets to the top rope again and Kendrick tries to counter, and does with a leg scissors. Noble rolls over Kendrick into a pin for 2. Noble whips Kendrick into the ropes and Nidia pulls them so Kendrick flys right through. Nidia picks Kendrick up and Noble goes for a baseball slide but instead runs into Nidia. Kendrick grabs Noble and rolls him up in the ring for the win. Matt gets in the ring and throws Kendrick out. Matt gets on the mic and introduces himself as the undisputed cruiserweight champion of the world. Matt issues a challenge to Brock Lesnar, the new WWE Champion. Matt says is Brock can get over his concussion, next week it will be Champion vs. Champion. Kendrick attacks Matt from behind but Matt quickly recovers.


    * Tazz and Cole discuss Brock's concussion from Wrestlemania. A clip of Lesnar coming up short on the shooting star press to Angle is reviewed.


    * Chris Benoit vs. A-Train (Round 1 of Championship Tournament)

    AT tries to get a few punches on Benoit, but fails. AT knocks Benoit out of the ring with an elbow. Back in the ring AT takes a shot to AT's gut.. Benoit quickly turns it around by applying the cross face. AT battle out with shots to Benoit's neck. Benoit re-applies the cross face. AT maneuvers Benoit into a modified camel clutch then slams Benoit face first into the mat. Benoit rolls out of the ring fro safety. AT brings Benoit back in the ring and covers for 2. AT kicks Benoit in the neck. AT whips Benoit into the turnbuckle. AT applies a side headlock. Benoit is able to get to his feet and battle out with elbows to AT. AT throws Benoit over the top rope. Benoit gets to the apron but AT flips him over the top rope. AT nails a decapitator to Benoit's neck. Benoit gets to his knees and nails AT with his shoulder. Benoit hits a German suplex, then another, and then another. Benoit signals for the head butt. Benoit gets to the top rope and nails the head butt. Benoit crawls to AT and covers for 2. AT gets to his face and sets Benoit up for the de-railer. Benoit quickly counters with the cross face. AT gets to his face but Benoit continues the hold. AT is forced to tap out and Benoit advances.


    * Backstage Vince is on the phone with someone when Steph walks in. She asks how he is doing and replies that he will be alright. She asks why he is here tonight. He says tonight he will do something in the ring with Hogan that he should have done along time ago. Steph says she wants to make sure he doesn't do anything that he will regret. Vince thanks her and she leaves.


    * John Cena vs. Eddie Guerrero (Round 1 of Championship Tournament)

    Eddie runs into the ring but Cena beats him down with massive punches to the back of Eddie's head. Cena delivers a delayed vertical suplex. Cena covers but Eddie powers out. Eddie takes a couple shots at Cena with his elbows. Cena locks in a bear hug to Eddie. Eddie battles out with punches to his head but Cena rams Eddie back first into the turn buckle. Cena nails a suplex and covers for 2. Eddie head butts Cena out of another bear hug. Cena runs into Eddie's drop toe hold and flies shoulder first into the ring post. Eddie clubs Cena a few times and then clotheslines him. Eddie nails a suplex and then another, and then another. Eddie covers for 2. Eddie goes to the top rope but Cena recovers only to receive a missile drop kick to the chin. Eddie covers for 2. Cena rakes Eddie's eyes and lifts him into a fireman's carry. Cena nails an electric chair. Cena grabs his chain from outside the ring. Eddie drop kicks Cena and grabs the chain. Cena lifts Eddie for a press slam but Eddie counters into a suplex. Eddie gets to the tope rope but misses the frog splash. Cena takes the opportunity to deliver a death valley driver. Cena covers for the win and advances in the finals.


    * In the parking lot Hogan's limo rolls up. Hogan gets out with Jimmy Hart and his kid. Hogan says that this looks like Hulkamania's house.


    * Torrie comes down to the for her Playboy coming out party. Torrie says she wants to thank the fans for wanting to see her naked. She says even though this is her coming out party, she wants to know if the crowd wants a sneak preview. With that statement Sable's music hits and she comes down to the ring. Torrie looks concerned. Sable grabs the mic and says she is sorry to interrupt but she is having her own coming out party, because as of tonight Sable is back in the WWE. She says even thought she has been gone for a while there are some things that never change, she points out that all her men still come to see her and all the women still want to be her. Sable says especially Torrie, seeing as though she was the first diva to pose for Playboy. Sable says she is happy for Torrie. Sable says there are some who say there isn't enough room for both of them to exist on the show, but Sable says they will be the best of friends. Sable then l eans in and kisses Torrie. Torrie is left standing in the ring with a disgusted look on her face.


    * Team Angle vs. Funaki and Tajiri

    The match begins right away with Team Angle clearing the ring. Benjamin and Funaki start the match off officially. Funaki and Tajiri mock Team Angle then they both beat down Benjamin. Funaki hits a drop toe hold on Haas. Benjamin pounds Funaki in the back of the head then tags in Haas. Tajiri is tagged in. Haas clubs at Tajiri then rams him into the turnbuckle. Tajiri hits a spinning heel kick and covers Haas for two. Tajiri knocks Benjamin off the apron with a martial arts kick. Shelton grabs Tajiri's foot as he attempts to deliver another kick to Haas. Haas covers for 2. Haas nails a belly to belly suplex. Benjamin is tagged in and they double team Tajiri with a leap frog. Benjamin covers for 2. Benjamin locks in a Boston crab. Haas is tagged in but Tajiri flips off the ropes and covers Haas. Funaki tags in and clear Benjamin out and nails a back body drop to Haas. Funaki gets to the top rope and nails a cross body and covers Haas. Tajiri kicks Benjamin in the back of the head. Tajiri locks in the tarantula to Benjamin. Funaki goes for a DDT on Haas but Haas counters and locks Funaki in the Haas of Pain. Funaki taps out.


    * FBI says that they need to talk to the Undertaker.


    * Josh Mathews catches up to Cena in the backstage area. He brings up the Undertaker. Cena says his chances of winning are slim but he never gives up. He says that anything can happen on Smackdown. He says he can take the Undertaker.


    * FBI approaches Undertaker. They say they need to talk to him about a problem they are having. Taker mocks them with a mafia joke. Nunzio says that they took out Jones at Wrestlemania because of what they did to Palumbo the week before. Nunzio says they want to talk it out like men. Taker says that Jones should be held accountable for his actions but, they took at Jones at WM when he was his partner, and he almost lost. Taker says they have a problem and Nunzio says that they had no choice. They all stand up when Jones comes in. Jones asks if there is a problem. Nunzio says they have one but they will deal with it when they are ready and when its the right time. Taker says he isn't hard to find


    * Big Show vs. Rhyno (Round 1 of Championship Tournament)

    Show takes a swing at Rhyno but misses. Rhyno gets a few hits in before being thrown into the turn buckle. Show steps on the small of Rhyno's back. Show picks up Rhyno and then delivers a massive chop to his chest. Show then delivers a head butt which takes Rhyno to the mat. Show effortlessly tosses Rhyno across the ring. Rhyno tries to battle back but Show hits a side slam and covers for 2. Show whips Rhyno into the corner. Show tosses Rhyno across the ring again. Show runs into the turnbuckle he exposed. Rhyno hits the gore. A Train comes out but Rhyno takes care of him. Rhyno hits the gore on Show again. Rhyno attempts to cover but A Train hits a bicycle kick to Rhyno. Show is disqualified and Rhyno advances to the next round. A Train holds down Rhyno and Big Show hits a leg drop.


    * Hogan gets in the ring and tells Vince he is listening. Vince says he is a realist, he admits Hogan beat his ass at Wrestlemania. Vince says he wants to put it behind him and let bygones be bygones. He says he wishes he could turn the clock back 20 years. Vince asks if Hogan can find it in his heart to forgive him so they can be friends again. Hogan just stares at him, Vince says he doesn't blame him, and starts to walk away. Hogan tells him to wait. Hogan says if Vince is serious, then he extends his had. Vince shakes hands with Hogan and Hulk's music hits. Hogan calls for his music to be cut as Vince begins to walk up the ramp. Hogan stops him, and thanks him. The music starts again. Vince continues walking, then cuts the music. He says no, no, no, no. Then turns around and thanks Hogan, and the Hulkamaniacs for all the memories, because that's all the fans have, memories because they are looking at Hogan in the ring for the last time. Vince says he is going to k*ll Hulkamania, and Hogan doesn't even know it, sure Hogan beat him in the ring, but Vince McMahon never loses. Vince says this is how it will go down, he will pay Hogan every dime of his contract, but he will be paid to stay at home so the Hulkamaniacs will be denied seeing Hogan every week. Vince says with Hogan sitting home, Hulkamania will rot, day by day and the Hulkamaniacs will forget about him. Vince says when Hogan's contract ends, not only will Hulkamania be dead, but it will have died a slow, agonizing death of leprosy. Vince says if Hogan doesn't like it he will be waiting in the parking lot. Hogan takes off after Vince. Once he gets there he sees Vince standing in front of a limo. Vince says it's not over, and he will smear Hogan in the gravel. Hogan approaches and police officers swarm around him. Vince says he will let Hogan leave in his own car. Hogan's kid is in the car begging him to leave, Vince says he wants Hogan out of his life forever. Vince throws Hulk's bags in the truck and orders the car to leave immediately, the yells for Hogan to stay out of his life. Vince then smiles evilly and says he never loses, never.

  2. WWE RAW Report

    March 31, 2003

    Report by:rajahwwf.com


    - The program starts with a three to four minute video clip showing the highlights of last night's Wrestlemania 19 PPV. Then the usual Raw opening hits and we're live from Seattle, Washington!


    - Backstage, we see the Rock cleaning his sunglasses when a makeup artist (Fernando) tries to apply some makeup. Rock stops him and says that he is fine and tonight is "Rock Appreciation Night". He puts his glasses on and then asks the guy to put a little dab of makeup on the People's pimple. Rock then walks off.


    - Back live in the arena, as his music hits, Stone Cold Steve Austin walks out to the ring. Austin grabs a mic and says that last night he went to WM with a 2-0 record against the Rock. Last night, the Rock was the better man though. Last night, Stone Cold got his ass kicked but it doesn't make him happy to say that. Just because Rock was the better man last night, it doesn't mean he will be the better man tonight. He'd like to appreciate the Rock tonight in his ring. He asks Rock to come down so he can shake his hand.


    - Instead, Eric Bischoff comes out. He says that Austin doesn't want to shake Rock's hand, he wants to kick his ass for beating him last night. Austin won't be kicking anyone's ass anytime. Bischoff says he knows Austin's "secret" - he knows what Austin has been trying to hide. Isn't it true that you spent the night before WM at a local hospital? There was a rumor floating around that it was an anxiety attack. Bischoff says he had his lawyers do some checking and he's found out that there's a lot wrong with Steve Austin. According to Stone Cold's doctors, he has a spinal deformity, his cervical cord is all screwed up. The doctor also says that he won't clear Steve Austin to wrestle at this time due to future injury.


    - Austin responds by saying that he doesn't appreciate him digging up that info on him. He asks Bischoff to come down to the ring so he can tell him to his face. Bischoff says he's fine where he is. Austin says if he wants to beat someone's ass in the ring, there's nothing Bischoff or any doctor can do about it. Bischoff says he's wrong, he's left him with no other choice. Because he's a liability, he will fire Austin. Stone Cold says he can't fire him but Bischoff says he's the GM and a FedEx copy of the termination is on its way to Austin's home in Texas as they speak. Austin - you're fired. Stone Cold has a sad look on his face and they cut to a commercial.


    Triple H vs. Hurricane

    - Accompanied by Ric Flair and 24 hours removed from successfully retaining his World title, Triple H comes down to the ring for his match against the Hurricane. Not sure if this is a title match, but like that matters anyway cause we know who's gonna win. Hurricane gives his mask to a young fan at ringside but Flair walks over and snatches it away before destroying it with his foot. Hurricane tries to stop him but Triple H attacks him and they head in where the match officiall starts. Triple H hits a huge spinebuster and then backs Hurricane into the corner, whipping him aggressively to the other side. Hurricane finally turns the tide with a couple knockdowns/clotheslines but only gets a two count. Tornado DDT by Hurricane gets another two after which Flair interferes but is dropped down via dropkick. Hurricane chokeslams Triple H as Flair distracts the referee so another near fall results. Flair pulls Hurricane out so he shoves him and tries a high-cross body which results in another two count. Match proceeds until Hurricane misses a splash off the ropes, allowing Triple H to hit the Pedigree for the 1-2-3 pinfall victory.


    - Backstage, Kane and Rob Van Dam meet up and talk about their match last night. Kane suggests that it's probably better if they go their separate ways now. RVD says that's fine, but he just came from Chief Morely's office and he has negotiated a rematch for the titles without any interference. Kane says there must be a catch and Van Dam says all he did was agree to join the Bischoff Administration if the two lost. Kane gets angry, asking RVD how he could make such a decision without asking him first. Kane storms off and Van Dam says "dude, we're gonna win".


    - They show a Goldberg promo/advertisement and then shows cameras catching the fans' reaction.


    Scott Steiner vs. Christopher Nowinski

    - Steiner and Nowinski enter in that order. Nowinski has a mask on and says that looks weird but unlike the people of Seattle who look weird without a mask on. He tells Steiner that his doctor has advised him not to get any blows to the facial region or else he'll waste his $20,000. Steiner basically says he doesn't care and he'll beat him up. They head outside where Nowinski tries to escape through the crowd, but Steiner catches him and starts dominating. Nowinski gets some offense in but Steiner catches him with a belly-to-belly, well two of them, and then punches Chris in the face, knocking his mask off. Steiner then puts on the Steiner Recliner and Nowinski taps out.


    - Bacsktage, Terri catches up to Steve Austin. She asks him if what Bischoff said is the truth. Austin says well he just got fired so it must be true. His neck is a pile of trash, that's the truth. He was fired, his neck sucks, that's the truth. Are you happy? Terri says no, but thanks him for his time and then scampers off.


    - Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross talk about Austin's firing. Jim Ross says that Bischoff is a "no good bastard" and that he ruined Austin's dreams and will burn in hell for it. They announce that later tonight Booker T will wrestle Chris Jericho.


    - Backstage, the Dudley Boyz talk about Wrestlemania 19. Bubba says he was only protecting their jobs. If he let RVD win the match, they'd be back on the streets. D-Von says that Chief Morely is crazy. He made himself a tag team champion just because William Regal is injured. He doesn't like it one bit. Bubba says he knows, it sucks, but right now they just have to play by his rules. Morely and Lance Storm approach and Morely says that he has granted RVD and Kane a rematch without any outside interference. But he tells the Dudley Boyz that they will be involved in the match itself because he has made it a triple threat match. Their jobs is to make sure Storm and Morely win. When they eliminate RVD and Kane, he orders them to lay down and get pinned. Morely says after the match, they will help with welcoming RVD and Kane to the Bischoff Administration.


    - Backstage, Booker T is getting his injured knee/thigh taped up when Ric Flair approaches him and teases him for losing the match last night. Booker T snaps and roughs up Flair, shoving him up against a wall and then pushes him away.


    Maven vs. Rosey

    - Maven starts off with punches, but Rosey quickly recovers and levels Maven with a clothesline. Headbutt by the big ma and then he pushes Maven towards the ropes and chopes and chokes away. He then distracts the referee as Rico interferes. Rosey misses a splash and then Maven blows a dropkick spot and then wrestle around confused for a while. Amidst all the confusion, Maven rolls Rosey up for the 1-2-3 victory. This was a messy match.


    - Jericho gets on the mic and asks the fans for respect as they continue to boo him. He says that last night, he had one of his best matches, in fact, it was one of the best matches in history. And for that, he wants to tell Shawn Michaels thank you. Jericho then says Shawn should thank him because he brought out the best in HBK. But even at his best, Shawn was outclassed and everyone knows that Jericho deserved to win that match. But the only thing people will remember is that after that match, Shawn Michaels was crying like a baby while Chris Jericho was walking triumphantly with his head held high. All of you ass-clowns put your faith in the wrong man. Jericho says he proved he was the highlight of the night. As far as tonight goes, he will take his frustrations out on Booker T, who picked the wrong man on the wrong night...and Booker T's music interrupts.


    Chris Jericho vs. Booker T

    - Jericho attacks Booker T's leg right away, working over the injured area with kicks. Booker tries to fight back but Jericho takes him down and then further damages the leg. In the ring, Booker T fights back but Jericho once again fights him off. He tries to turn Booker T over for the Walls of Jericho, but Booker counters it into an inside cradle for two. Jericho hits a bulldog, but misses the Lionsault so Booker T axe kicks him. At this point, Ric Flair comes running into the ring, so Booker T beats him up as the ref calls for the bell. From behind, Jericho ambushes Booker T and they double team Booker T as Triple H too makes his way down.


    - They take turns beating Booker T up with Triple H hitting the Pedigree, and Flair hitting the Figure Four Leglock. Before anything further can be done, Shawn Michaels comes down for the save and cleans house for a bit before the heels subdue him. Jericho ends up putting him in the Walls of Jericho, but Booker T (who JR says is "on one leg") comes in and tries to break it up. He doesn't have much luck as Triple H takes him out as well. They cut to commercial just after we see both Michaels and Booker T frantically tapping out to the respective moves they were put into.


    Steven Richards vs. Jeff Hardy

    - Richards starts off with punches and chops before driving Hardy into the turnbuckle. Jeff does the same and ends up knocking Richards to the floor. He runs the rails but Victoria manages to get Stevie up and out of the way. Back in the ring, Richards with an armbar takedown and a cover but Hardy kicks out before three. Richards puts on another armbar but Jeff slowly makes his way up and nails a jawbreaker. Clotheslies by Jeff leads to a cover, but Richards kicks out. Soon thereafter, Jeff heads to the top but Victoria grabs his leg which prompts Trish Stratus run down. She kicks Victoria to the mat while in the ring, Jeff hits the Swanton Bomb and gets the win. Trish and Jeff kinda embrace after the match.


    - Backstage, Steve Austin is packed up and ready to leave. He shakes hand with a line full of arena or ring workers who say goodbye and wish him luck, etc. Austin then goes up the ramp and leaves the arena.


    - Backstage, Test is on the phone talking to Torrie Wilson about her Playboy spread. They talk about how the magazine is going on sale tomorrow, when Stacy Keibler taps him on the shoulder. Test quickly hangs up and says that it was the wrong number. Goldust, who was in the back the whole time, is called over to assure Stacy that it was a wrong number, but he ends up spilling the beans. Stacy gets pissed and leaves and Test, mad at Goldust, follows her out.


    - Backstage, Rock meets up with the people who were saying goodbye to Steve Austin. Rock tells them to cheer up saying that Austin is gone, but the Rock is here. Rock says he needs them to set up the lights, to boost up the audio. After Rock Appreciation night, he's taking them all to a party with pie all night long. The workers finally cheer up but he tells them that they all won't be allowed.


    - They air another "Goldberg is finally here" ad.


    Dudley Boyz vs. RVD & Kane vs. Chief Morely & Lance Storm

    - It starts off pretty chaotic with all six men in the ring, but RVD and Kane clean house. Van Dam and Kane then take turns flying over the top onto the heels and go back in the ring to acknowlege the audience. RVD is thrown to the outside and D-Von nails Kane with the flying headbutt in the groin area. Kane fights back and tags out to Van Dam. Chaos ensues again when Morely tries to take out RVD with a chair but D-Von stops him. D-Von doesn't like it and gets ready to whack Morely instead but Bubba comes in and pushes the Chief out of the way so D-Von swings and misses. D-Von is left standing in the ring, when RVD hits the Van Daminator and pins him to eliminate the Dudley Boyz. Commercial...


    Dudley Boyz vs. RVD & Kane vs. Chief Morely & Lance Storm

    - We come back to see Lance Storm working away on RVD's leg on the ringpost. In the ring, the legal man Morely suplexes Van Damthree times and then struts around before going for the cover but it's interrupted by Kane. Storm is tagged in and he further works on RVD's leg but Van Dam makes it to the ropes. Storm pulls him back to the middle, but Van Dam misses an enzuigiri but then kicks Storm away, allowing himself the opportunity to make the hot tag to Kane. Kane goes nuts on both Storm and Morely. He hits a sideslam on the Chief but gets only two so follows it up with a tilt-a-whirl slam for another two. Kane then heads to the top rope and nails Morely with a flying clothesline but Storm breaks up the count. This brings Van Dam in but Storm gets rid of him and then distracts Kane enough for him to get a lowblow. Kane recovers though and hits a double chokeslam and tells Rob Van Dam to hit the Five Star. RVD complies and pins Morely for the victory to become the new tag team champions!


    - Backstage, Bischoff is on the phone with someone and talks about firing Austin. He then says that the biggest surprise of the night is still to come and looks down at the clipboard in his hand and says "in fact, the ink is still wet".


    - Rock slowly comes out for his special night, smiling at the fans as he walks down the ramp. Rock takes a mic and after like five minutes he says that it sucks that Steve Austin got fired. In all honesty, he and Stone Cold put on a helluva performance and he has much respect and much love for Austin, so thank you. But he's sure Austin didn't want to leave like that, by getting the Rock Bottom. Rock then tells the fans to know their roles and shut their mouths and watch the screen. A video airs showing various Rock highlights.


    - The Rock then says that when he left for Hollywood and came back, he got booed. The fans start chanting Goldberg. Rock says he has now beaten everyone - Triple H, Steve Austin, Undertaker - there's nobody left. So now at 30 years old, it's over and he tells everyone to kiss the people's ass. Before he can say much else, Goldberg's music hits and backstage, we see Goldberg walking towards the ring. He emerges from the back and steps into the ring. Goldberg and Rock start circling each other as the fans chant Goldberg. Goldberg grabs a mic of his own and says "So Rock, you wanna know who's next? You're next!". He then proceeds to spear Rock, leaving him lying in the Rock. Goldberg walks off as the show ends.


    RajahWWF.com RAW Archives

  3. bad trip no sana may WCW pa rin para may competition sa viewers. dahil kasi sa WCW-WWF rivalry kaya lumabas yung mga storylines such as NWO, D-X, Austin-McMahon, Vince Russo and the New Blood, etc.


    vince mcmahon shouldnt have bought out WCW. parang hinukay nya yung sarili nyang libingan.

  4. excerpts sa Smackdown spoilers na nabasa ko kanina:


    Mean Gene Okerlund gets into the ring and talks about Hulk Hogan and Vince McMahon, saying without these two, there would be no Wrestlemania. Tonight, they will sign their contracts for their match at the PPV, one that is 20 years in the making. Hogan is introduced first and the announcers re-iterate that if Hogan loses, he will have to retire from wrestling. Hogan chants engulf the arena so Okerlund says let's get on with business. Hogan interrupts him and says that these Hulkamaniacs are unbelievable so they start chanting his name again. Hogan finally starts talking and says that he understands what this contract means, but there's no way in hell he's going to let Hulkamania die. Vince McMahon had the audacity to come out here and says that made Hulkamania, but as God as his witness, he is dead-ass wrong. Hogan says that as he stands before everyone, as he lives and breathes, the fans made Vince McMahon. But instead of standing out here all night long, why don't we get Vince out here right now and get this contract done. Vince's music hits but McMahon sneaks up behind Hogan hits him with a steel chair. He nails Hogan several times and then hits him with a shot to the head, busting Hogan open. Vince signs the contract and then signs it for Hogan using Hogan's own blood. After the cameras stopped rolling, Hogan got up and properly signed the contract himself.

  5. Duncan Sheik - Now or Never


    Could I change the way you feel

    Could I make you see there's more than holding on

    Can you ever let your heart believe again


    So this is where we are

    And this is all that life has got to give

    Maybe all that's left is just to live


    Caught up in when or whether

    I didn't want to tell a lie

    But I saw forever there in your eyes


    So what you're trying to say

    Do you really think it's worth just walking away

    Well is it fair to tell me I'm to blame


    Well you know you've got to choose

    And you know you are afraid of what you'll lose

    How can you believe what just ain't true


    Caught up in when or whether

    I didn't want to tell a lie

    But I saw forever there in your eyes

    I know it's now or never

    How could you ever say goodbye

    When you see forever here in my eyes


    Baby forgive me

    Cause I got nothin' left to hide

    Don't ever leave me

    Cause there'll be nothin' left inside


    Could I change the way you feel

    Could I make you see there's more than holding on

    Could you ever let your heart believe again


    Caught up in when or whether

    I didn't want to tell a lie

    But I saw forever there in your eyes

    I know it's now or never

    How could you ever say goodbye

    When you see forever here in my eyes

  6. naaalala nyo pa ba tong kantang to?


    "Sometimes the world looks perfect,

    Nothing to rearrange.

    Sometimes you get a feeling

    Like you need some kind of change.

    No matter what the odds are this time,

    Nothing's going to stand in my way.

    This flame in my heart,

    And a long lost friend

    Gives every dark street a light at the end.


    Standing tall, on the wings of my dream.

    Rise and fall, on the wings of my dream.


    The rain and thunder

    The wind and haze

    I'm bound for better days.

    It's my life and my dream,

    Nothing's going to stop me now."

  7. hmmm kung titingnan mo, parang parehong masama e.


    pag sinabi mong LONELY ka, parang nagre-rely yung buong existence mo sa existence ng isa pang tao. parang bampira na kelangan ng dugo ng ibang tao para mabuhay. mali ata yon. napaka-BITTER naman kasi parang hindi ka makahanap ng kaligayahan mag-isa.


    pag sinabi mo namang FREE ka, parang kulungan ang tingin mo sa relationship. kahit pa gano kasaya yung naging relationship mo, or kahit pa gano mo kamahal yung tao, parang nawalan ng saysay kasi nga KULUNGAN yung tingin mo e. nung nag-break kayo, dun ka lang nakawala sa prison. BITTER pa din.


    if you become suddenly single, PAMPER YOURSELF. maraming tao sa mundo ang namamatay na hindi nagagawa yan.


    don't feel bitter. don't make yourself sad. you have a million reasons to smile. :)

  8. talaga?! napanood ko lang was the one in wrestlemania...

    meron din pala cla sa wcw. question lang was that the real ultimate warrior na kinalaban ni hogan kasi dami sya copycats.


    for those who still watch wrestling now, wwe just signed up stone cold again. he fought with eric bischoff on no way out.


    ang hinihintay ko is once they sign up STING or GOLDBERG to wwe. imagine AUSTIN vs GOLDBERG or ROCK vs STING, MALUFET! :blink:

    Yup. Yung totoong Warrior yung nakalaban ni Hollywood Hogan sa WCW. Si JIM HELLWIG (may narinig akong mga balita na pinalitan nya legally yung pangalan nya from Jim Hellwig to "Warrior")


    Mas ok siguro itapat si Sting kay Kurt Angle or kay Chris Benoit. Magaling ang mat skills ni Sting at sa tingin ko masasayang lang kung itatapat mo sa 4-move repertoire ni Rock hehehe. Astig si Sting lalo na yung mga entrance nya galing sa taas ng arena with matching baseball bat.


    Matagal ko na hinihintay yung pag-sign kay goldberg kaso mukhang maarte tong si goldberg e. ang dapat magkasalubong ng landas eh si undertaker tsaka si goldberg kasi sikat sila sa backstage as "non-sellers". sa wrestling, non-seller ka kapag hindi mo "nabebenta" ng maayos yung mga moves ng opponent mo. for example, pag "sinapak" ka ng opponent mo tapos hindi ka umarte na nasapak ka, non-seller yun. o kaya ginawa nya sa yo yung finisher move nya, pero hindi ka nagpa-3 count, non-seller ka nun.

  9. 1.) You ate all the aratilis in your neighborhood


    2.) You plucked all the gumamelas in the area for soap bubbles


    3.) Your parents forced you to take afternoon siestas with the threat that you will not be allowed to play outside.


    4.) You owned a family computer.


    5.) You know this code by heart UP-UP-DOWN-DOWN-LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT-RIGHT-B-A-B-A-START (select-start for 2 players)


    6.) You owned a superhero costume (especially a superman costume)


    7.) For the girls: You dressed up like Punky Brewster, Madonna and Debbie Gibson

    For the boys: You dressed up like David Hasselhoff's knight rider.


    8.) You had a Figurine Panini sticker book especially their Age of Dinosaurs series.


    9.) You were addicted to rainbow brite, carebears, my little pony, thundercats, bioman, voltes v, mazinger z, daimos, etc., etc.


    10.) You played pc games like tapper, moonbugs, alley cat and prince of persia.


    11.) Ms Word did not exist in your vocabulary but Wordstar did!


    12.) You've climbed up mango trees to catch salagubang, tie a string around its neck and let it fly around in frenzy


    13.) You've spent hours in the afternoon catching tutubi...yellow-green was the easiest to catch, blue being finicky, and red being a rare breed...


    14.) You know Kuya Bodjie from Batibot


    15.) You watch Uncle Bob's Lucky Seven Club


    16.) You used AQUA NET to fashion ur 4-inch-high bangs.


    17.) You watched some of your favorite shows on betamax or even UHF 17 (the channel from Clarke Air Base - or was it Subic?)


    18.) You know all the Bagets and Ninja Kids


    19.) You got to ride the train ride at greenhills shopping center


    20.) Magic Johnson and Larry Bird were the players at the time


    21.) You've collected matangpusa and mongo beans so you can have ammunition for sumpit


    22.) You knew who madam bola and sitsiritsit and alibangbang were .


    23.) You had Mighty Kid shoes and Greg shoes.


    24.) You know what Time Space Warp means (and you know who Fuma Lae-Ar is)


    25.) You sucked all the nectar from the santan plant hence your mother got really pissed at you for destroying the santan plant.


    26.) You played with marbles and text (yung cards ha!!!) And you count cards like this: I-SA, DALA-WA, TAT-LO, A-PAT... walo na iyon!


    27.) You loved cheezels and chicakdees because of the great prizes it had! (remember sticky hands, bear popups, and the stick on tattoos which were banned due to drugs daw?)


    28.) Sosy ka if you bought a Magnolia drumstick


    29.) Twin Popsies were meant to be shared with a friend.


    30.) You know who Alf is.


    31.) You're familiar with the show Perfect Strangers.


    32.) Idol mo si McGyver.


    33.) Six digits lang ang telephone number niyo dati.


    34.) Tatlong .25 cents lang eh makakatawag ka na sa pay-phone.


    35.) Si Amado Pineda pa ang nagbabalita ng panahon


    36.) The most comfortable shoes for you is still Sperry Topsiders.


    37.) You show off your pencil case which have hidden compartments that


    at the press of a button...


    38.) You have Bensia pencils which are refillable...


    39.) Fiesta carnival was the place to be (kumbaga enchanted kingdom sya)


    40.) You know the lyrics ng "Tinapang Bangus" at "Alagang-alaga namin si Puti"


    41.) Bumibili ka ng caramel candy, texas or bazooka bubblegum, tira-tira at tootsie roll sa tindahan


    42.) Naabutan mo pa na korteng flower ang singko


    43.) You're familiar with this song: si nena ay bata pa, kaya ang sabi niya ay um-ah-um-ah-ah. hanggang patanda siya nang patanda at pabastos ng pabastos hehehe!


    naaalala mo pa ba?...

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. dalawang beses lang nagkalaban si Ultimate Warrior tsaka si Hulk Hogan. yung una eh nung Wrestlemania VI, nung nakuha ni warrior yung belt kay hogan. Yung sumunod eh nung 1998 na sa WCW, yung REMATCH OF THE CENTURY hype nila. Warrior vs Hollywood Hogan

  11. ang maganda kasi sa ufc is the fact na totoo sya...pero minsan pag hindi magaling ang naglalaban 10 minutes na silang nagyayakapan wla pa ring nangyayaring maganda nkaka bore tuloy minsan...saka sa ufc you wont see someone FLY WITHOUT WINGS, defying the law of gravity.....and after the fights bati-bati na yung sa ufc eh sa wwe before, while and after the match away pa rin.....


    scripted nga pero you dont know what will happen next kaya may suspense pa rin.....sabi nga nila wwe is the soap for the guys!!!!!


    after the smoke is gone, after all dust settled wwe rulezzzz!!!


    it's true , it's true...


    and that's the bottom line.....


    game over........

    siguro minsan nga nagiging boring ang ufc kapag matagal na nagyayakapan at wala masyadong nangyayari. but "boring" is a relative term. i find it more boring to watch a match that's trying to appear as a real competion.


    the reason you don't see someone "fly" in ufc is because it's a real sports fight.


    after a fight, bati-bati sa ufc kasi sports yon. sa wwe, bati-bati din sila kasi in the first place, di sila magkaaway at di sila nagaway.




    tabachoi, pasensya lang at sumisingit ako dito sa thread mo ha? kilala mo naman ako at hindi ako hanap-away. palitan lang ng salita para mas makulay ang mundo. hehehe! :)

    di naman ako namba-bad trip at lalong di ako naba-bad trip. peace to every wwe fans! :)

    ok lang yon saint. para din tong "Do you believe in God?" thread. para sa mga believers at non-believers hehehe

  12. eto yung mga da best of da best para sa kin:




    BEST "FACE" (BIDA) ROLE: Bret "The Hitman" Hart




    BEST SINGLES WRESTLER EVER: Shawn "The Heartbreak Kid" Michaels


    BEST TAG TEAM EVER: The Rockers


    BEST CATCHPHRASE EVER: "The Rock is gonna shine his size 13 boot real good, turn that sombitch sideways, and stick it straight up your rooooody-pooh candy ass !!!" (hanggang ngayon memorized ko pa rin hehehe) :lol:

  13. There was this documentary showed on HBO. I can't recall the exact title, but it may be "Under the Mat." It concerned professional wrestling . The scripts (they actually have writers), the choreography, etc. Among the featured wrestlers were Jake "the snake" Roberts, Mankind, and Terry Funk. Like I said, you have to be a real athlete to perform, since your athletic ability will most probably save your opponent from life-threatening injury. But I keep wondering. Do these wrestlers get paid enough to undergo the torture that they sometimes suffer as part of the script? In the documentary I cited, Mankind's children were crying as they watched their father bleeding from all those hits to the head with a chair inflicted by The Rock. It was in the script, but explain that to a child seeing his father being beaten up.

    "Beyond The Mat" yun pare. Balita ko in-attempt bilhin ni Vince McMahon yung documentary film na yun kasi it featured the wrestlers as "humans", natakot ata sya baka ma-"damage" yung product nya.

  14. totoo ba ito?


    meron daw isang barkada na pumunta sa KFC para umorder ng barrel ng chicken para dalhin sa loob ng moviehouse.


    tapos sa sine, habang kinakain nila yung chicken, napansin ng isa sa mga magkakabarkada na iba yung lasa ng kinakain nya.


    nalaman na lang nya na naubos na nya yung ULO ng isang malaking DAGA na nahalo sa mga piniritong manok.


    nireklamo nya daw ito sa KFC at nag-threaten ng lawsuit. binigyan na lang daw sya ng KFC ng malaking amount ng pera para hindi lumabas ang insidenteng ito.

  15. so, saan ang telecast ngayon? can u pick it up sa local channels o sa cable lang??

    nasa solar channel sya tol (hindi solar sports ha) dun sa channel na may UFC din. bagong episode ng RAW every wednesdays @ 10pm. di ko alam sked ng sunday night heat nila tsaka wwe velocity e.

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