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Posts posted by Hekate

  1. When I got my first technical set, I remembered that it was a bit confusing to understand how the pieces work. I can imagine that I would have the same feeling if I get to use one of the currents sets.

  2. Lego has progressed in terms of complexity and how elaborate you can create what you want. I wonder how much a set costs nowadays....

  3. That pic sure brings back memories, I hope you can post more. I found a picture of my first set the LL928:


  4. used to have a lot of the old sets (space station, the airport and some of the old city sets etc...) back in the day.

    lost interest around the time I started losing the pieces.


    just starting over, even if my family thinks I'm regressing for taking it up again.

    what I'd really like to collect as many of the sets I can and mesh them into one city, kinda like this...


    These pictures remind me of my own Lego sets that I had when I was a kid. I started with the space sets, then moved to the intermediate and finally the technicals. All in all I had five sets. I still remember the carpet of my room filled pieces of everything, spending hours following pictures in the catalogs that came with the sets, or creating my own.


    I'd certainly buy this again when I have my own kids. As for regression, I'm into airsoft now so that's keeping me busy. :headsetsmiley:

  5. I found that getting a hobby to put your focus away from work or whatever stresses you out to be a good form of medication. I get to go out and enjoy the sun (no matter how hot it gets), meet new people and have discussions with them.


    Before that, I too was walking with a chip on my shoulder. What made it worse when I started bringing it home. Now, things are a lot better and it made me realize I have more time than I thought I had.

  6. airsoft is better in my opinion.


    I got nothing against paintball enthusiasts, I think they enjoy it as much as an airsofter enjoys using replicas. As others have posted before me, it really depends on what you get out of it.


    Peace to all. :headsetsmiley:

  7. *med well with hollywood booming and distributing films like pancakes to every country known to man...a question pops out...do you guys prefer to read a book or just wait for it on screen?


    Reading is by far more enjoyable. There are no limits to you what you can think of based on what you've read. Though this is not to say I don't watch the movie. I find it interesting because you get to see someone else's point of view on how a book is interpreted.

  8. Hi all,


    I'm looking to build my own PC. right now I'm scouting for the main components. Can anyone advise me on what kind of motherboard I should be looking for?


    My second question would be about the processor. I will be using primarily for work (internet, word documents, excel files, and creating of basic HTML pages) though I do plan to play some graphic intensive games when I can find the time. Which is better, Intel or AMD?

  9. meron pa sila sir, 12months 0%


    Hi bro, I'm interested in getting a mac too pero hindi ko kaya using a credit card. Are there any promos for macs na pwede ang bank loan/financing?


    I've heard from most mac users that they are less prone to virus attacks, the OS is easier to use (sorry I'm no techie so I'm assuming this means it doesn't crash like Windows), i.e., no need to use ctrl+alt+del all the time. If true, then this alone is a reason for me to switch to mac! :D


    Thanks in advance!

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