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Posts posted by xays99

  1. Wassup MTC.


    You can call me Jin/Xays or whatever my current username is. I have used these moniker since my early days on the web and people who knows me will recognize me by these. If you do then let me know 😉


    I'm an open minded out going person albeit a little shy at first. Driven but calm in a way, I'll get things done if I say I would. I do smile a lot when I get comfortable with people and thinking about something happy or fun just makes smile before I know it. I'll drink anything alcoholic for social purposes. Lak lak kung lak lak or chill lang. My friends tell me I'm "mabait" but I'm not to sure about that lol 😆. My jokes sucks and I'll laugh on them even if it's just me laughing. People pleaser but far from your yes man. When I get hooked into a TV show, I sometimes procrastinate till I finish the said show(lazy me). My favorite color is red, black and blue(typical I know😁)


    Interested in good music(any genre), books with good story telling, any movies that isn't like The Revenant(sorry DiCaprio) and of course meeting up with people. Meeting interesting people and just plainly hanging out. I like to drive and explore places, sometimes just getting lost and finding out places feels good. I'd like to try sky diving at some point and I'd probably break a leg ahahha. I find collarbones and short hair really hot for whatever reason 👌🔥


    I don't like plastic two faced back stabbing people. Especially mga ipokrito and walang galang sa mga elderly(within reason). Isa pa mga puro drawing sa hangin and mga blackmailers.


    Yan lng po MTC

    Cheers 😆🍻

  2. SKL



    Had my tarot cards read. Wow, just wow.

    "Hard working but a little distant" - tumpak

    "Something is psychologically draining you" - but then

    "You have the strength to overcome whatever is draining your energy or challenging you. Ace of pentacles."

    "You must be pretty healthy mentally." - The cards show it." now this is a little bit contradictory lol


    to believe or not to believe

  3. These are my daily use and are in my kikoy kit in my gym bag.


    I mix Aspen with Fahrenheit some times and Terre de Hermes with Declaration.


    I've never tried mixing scents before but I guess that makes sense. Some last longer and smelling differently when they get close to you sounds fantastic.

  4. Eat less. Your calorie intake should be less of what you burn. Eat foods that are rich in protein and less fatty foods. Build muscle through weight lifting or regular exercises. The more muscle mass you have in your body, the more calories you burn(you can eat more 😂). Fiber supplements does a good job of keeping hunger at bay.

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