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Posts posted by dixiechiq

  1. Demi-God,


    It's been quite a while since i last sent you my praises so here it is, HAIL.


    What's this i heard about you getting back with the mere mortal (who looked like a fugly feet) you once dated? i tried sweetie, i tried but all these nonsense between you and me just makes you the demi god for life. I mean, i'm not even sure why i am sending you a praise on your way. But CONGRATULATIONS for hitting the jackpot. may you have many more winning sessions in your life. I do not miss being around you and the glorious things. i miss you being the friend i can always turn to. Somehow, your position really makes everyone feel they're a few steps lower than you. (Yes even me..)


    Love you. And i hope things work out for the best.






    Sending you a kiss on your cheek,


  2. falling in love's the easy part. making the relationship work, and last, is where the fun, and challenges begin. just relax and enjoy the emo rollercoaster ride while it lasts. if and when it ends, as both of you (try to) move on, the friendship remains...


    :hypocritesmiley: Amen :hypocritesmiley:

  3. Talent,


    Please do not listen to the critics, it is only natural for them to hate you at first but i honestly believe in you. The music you make is unbelievably original and honest. I love the art that you put in the lyrics. Please do not let them get to you. And as for the image, i will ensure you that if you listen to me, if we just let these detractors annoy themselves to death, we'll emerge with the reputation we really do have. class and breeding my dear. Music is an art. And trust me, i know a good artist when i see one. You are amazing and I promise to get you to where you are supposed to be heading. Stardom.


    Love always,


  4. cheesy? no not at all. :)


    as i always say, (whenever my friends or whoever asks me about him) it was fun while it lasted and that's it. :)


    just couldn't work out.


    the between me and my ex then was that there were kidS involved. and walking away from everything was the smartest thing i did in the entire relationship :)

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