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Posts posted by dixiechiq

  1. Dear Celsius,


    i'm so tired of seeing you around me.


    I know we're in the same field but by God, can you just please leave me alone?


    It's enough that i'm a US resident. You should just stay here and not make any dumb move.

    I do not want you to go with me.

    I do not want you to be with me.


    Hating you,




    Kelvin, Rankine, and Reaumur all wants to be with us...

    I'm just so sick of the entourage :sick:

  2. Bro


    sorry you had to hear me like that...

    i was just at a lost when he started looking at me the same way he first did when i fell inlove with him...


    then he told me things that just broke my defenses..


    i wanted to tell you how i am so confused last night...


    somehow, hearing you say it's gonna be okay made everything BETTER ;)



  3. bat ang harot mo? So akala ko ba hindi ka nandito for "fun" eh kug sino nanaman yang kinakalantari mo? <_<


    eto ang mahirap pag natuturuan ng tagalog... <_<


    alternick lang yan hoy. at kung hindi man, UTANG NA LOOB mahiya ka naman... :angry:


    buti nalang hindi ako uto! :grr:

  4. Go ahead and build up another expectation you effing bitch... <_< btw, you are not even pretty! Not that i'm saying your bragging... But MY GAWD... ur expecting too much! Look, you are SMART. and let's just keep it that way. please?


    to be continued... :D

  5. All last friday at Dencios metrowalk and decades:

    • ^ely^ :*
    • Angel_dust :thumbsupsmiley:
    • Charmingcindy26 :rolleyes:
    • sha79 :hypocritesmiley:
    • Yellowmoon :flowers:
    • ilbe4u2nyt B)
    • spongebob1430 :wub:
    • gerryandrada ^_^
    • Dennis® ;)
    • MA :boo:
    • tinay -_-
    • burn4me :upside:
    • madmaxx? :P
    • Mackee :evil:


    :mtc: :mtc: :mtc:

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