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Posts posted by tessa215

  1. i guess our friendship was fleeting... you didn't trust yourself enough to know that i wouldn't hurt you knowingly

    i gave you something that i don't give so easily.... i would rather lose a lover than a friend but i guess in the end

    you wanted to believe what you thought would be better for you... hopefully your newfound friends will be true to you.


    am already tired of reaching out my hand... i can only do so much, it's a two way street.

    don't worry i wont be bothering you anymore, better as if you didn't exist at all so maybe when we cross paths again it's like meeting someone new.

    what hurts is that you know me enough but then maybe it was me that really didn't know you at all.


    have a good and happy life my friend.

  2. didnt take any in college but am taking lessons in the Italian language now, didn't know it would be this hard everything has a gender in this language hahaha....but it's cool that its not just conversational but they also teach how to write and translate it. i would also like to learn nihonggo, french, german and mandarin.


    as for accents i think God gifted me with that.... have a knack for it both with international languages and domestic dialects :P

  3. thanks for being a part of my life

    you made me stronger just by being who you are

    but sometimes we just have to let go

    to find ourselves

    in the end it will be alright

    and happier... we just can't see it yet.


    i miss you but the logical thing is to forget

    easy to say hard to do

    but lets face the fact that life isn't simple or easy

    but it makes it all the more colorful


    am here, always here


    be happy... always

  4. bs and bears,


    am glad that in this lifetime i got to meet you.....smart crazy people that you are....

    remember that things happen for a reason... if not for us....then for them.....

    how can we be better people if life doesn't give us these problems....we should look at it as a test to our humanity....

    we err like others and we should learn to accept our faults as well as others....

    what is important is that we be happy....being right doesn't make us happy all the time...

    but we must also strive to be good....and happy.... we emanate what we feel.....

    so don't let negativity get in your way....you can sidestep and let it pass like it never existed....

    in the end you know you are happy and you have friends with you.....


    be happy, be good and live life as you want to live it....



  5. wouldn't reply cause you know am on to you and your manipulative ways........

    too scared to show yourself because everything you have done was for selfish old you......no audience to speak of..... tired of your monologues....

    had to bring someone in to cast in your play so your show would be fresh and talked about again.......


    my only fault was to care about somebody like family.....and i am condemned for that, then fine cause in the end when you tire of her (which you keep on telling us) and when she has slit her wrists like you wanted.... we will always be there for her because thats what true friends are......


    oohh and sorry i had to say this.... i want this to end for all our sakes and i know any attention given to you would just make you happy cause at least you would still get people to notice you... cause in the end thats just what you really want.

  6. world war III addicts,


    i think it is time to act like adults and talk this over among ourselves.... because a lot has been said but no clear information or data has been exchanged and speculations have risen from this and has been thrown around haphazardly like bombs being thrown by children.... lets act like adults and meet somewhere where we can vent and rant about what has really been troubling us and if need be end all ties if we cannot resolve this.......and as soon as possible please



  7. you confused insecure person,


    what you did is unforgivable....who i thought was a good friend turns out to be an a**hole of the highest order....

    don't make excuses of it being a practical joke... i know how you think... all because you just want to prove yourself that

    you are the master of your own world.... when you know deep down you are just but a speck of dust that isn't really important.

    if your goal is just to see how you can manipulate people then goodluck.... you have lost dear friends just because you have to prove something

    to your male ego (you are such a loser).... i pity you as time goes by......



  8. because he had so many secrets and he told many lies.......maybe because i was too nice........

    the catalystic event was me catching him with another girl when he was supposedly out of town......taking care of his grandmother ......wanted to go near them and ask........wow your lola looks so young ..........belo or calayan? hehehe.....

  9. i cant say i don't miss you..... but you hurt me not because it was love lost but rather you made me lose the trust i had in you......

    you can never say that i didn't want to work it out.... you gave me lies and had too many secrets......then you made it look like it wasn't working out....

    while you kept me promising me things and wanting to work it out..... you know you had so many shortcomings but you never wanted to work it out...

    i just hope that the girl you were with knows who you really are......i pity her if you lie to her too........you will always be a loser if you cant work out your own problems......

  10. tweedleedum and tweedleedee,


    was sad and mad that things turned out as they should.... but thinking about it and getting mad and be so unforgiving would hurt my soul..... i have to remember that i cannot change how people think but just be a friend and try to guide them in knowing who they really are....... i don't want to wallow in hurt and discomfort thinking i could have done better but then this is the just the female in me....i know am better than this....and i know i have been a very good friend... its sad that you didn't see it that way and you have lost a me......i wish you well.


    big sis

  11. tweedledum and tweedledee,


    treated you like my own blood but i guess you twins would rather be together.....hey am just the big sister trying to look out for the better of everybody even sometimes playing the devil's advocate even if you have been hurting other people because of your egos.... i let God and Karma decide what happens...it just feels like that i am just of use to both of you when you cant understand what you put yourselves in....but then even if i accept your assh*le abilities i didn't treat you any different......i just guess you have lost me....but then with your egos i don't think you would have thought that you hurt me....but then what do you both know......i do hope you both grow up and remember that things happen for a reason so that you can see you have to change things or else you are just going to sink in your own quicksand.....


    big sis

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