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Posts posted by tessa215

  1. for the hypocrites,


    dearies it wouldnt be so bad if some of you would just keep to yourselves what you want to say... in fairness, fo you to lambast other members when you yourselves have no guts to even show your faces or even participate in events just goes to show that its envy that reigns in your mind and hearts coz you dont have the balls that the other person has...... keep the credo "if you cant say anything nice then dont' say anything at all" instead....... the funny thing is that some of you even do worse by being such a**holes in real life. PEACE!!!!!

  2. sometimes life gives you the weirdest things.......hmmmm and its so hard to actually to swallow it all at once.......

    then you look back and see the humor of it all......then just when you think you can accept it all....BAM!!!! life again throws you a fastball......and me wondering if i can catch it when am still trying to breathe from the last one......what the heck........

    as always everything happens for a reason....hmmmmpppp........


    how does one live in a crazy world?????? hahahahah just taking it one minute at a time i suppose.... and hope for the best hehehe

  3. tik, i dont understand why i miss you..... you almost made me numb with your indiscretions yet i cant help look back with what we had......


    am with somebody who loves me now......cant help but compare.... but i know this man is more worthy than you will ever be.......


    stupid one,


    i wonder why i ever fell for your sweetness, but i guess you have been always true until now,...... hmmmmm giving yourself illusions about


    someone else, i pity you coz she is stringing you along by the nose yet you know and let her...... you wer right kawawa naman ang maging bf nya...


    and arent you the one now.........

  4. i have:


    queen size bed

    tons and tons of magazines : FHM, MAXIM, MARIE CLAIRE, COSMOPOLITAN, MEGA, etc.......

    tons and tons of books: fictional, non-fic, mysteries, horror, etc......

    tons of dvds : too many to count

    tons of cds


    shoes, slippers


    portable dvd player with 11 inch screen

    philips component

    plastic shelves

    masculine dressing table

    cue stick

    industrial electric fan

    stuff toys

    ornamental frogs

  5. gerl,


    i pity you so. you have caused such havoc in a world you just got into. it would have been okay if you just fell for somebody and be happy with it. but as i got to know you better i am finding out that all you have been doing was feeeding your ego, you are a narcissistic bitch, you really are and thats a nice way of saying it.

    you have destroyed friendships and hurt so many people jsut because you want there attention.

    i just hope that the people that are sticking to you right now may see your true colors and get out of your way before you use them for your own benefit.

    i know that karma will come back to haunt you.

    i hope you find peace in yourself. and be happy with yourself.



  6. pokey,


    look what has happened to you, you have gone so far down the road that i dont know you anymore


    you know what is so disheartening is the fact that i though i knew you and finding out that i didnt and you became a part of me yet still i look at you as a person worth saving.

    but then you also have to learn and what hurts is that you might have to learn the hard way coz thats the only way you will learn.

    yet we know that we create our own karma and we cannot be free of it and it has to happen.


    just be aware that no matter what, am still your friend even if you fall so hard that you would rather die than feel the pain you yourself has caused





  7. nowadays when i see my ex with his new girl it actually gives me relief that i overcame my feelings for him. that i was a better person in accepting the fact that i could be a better person without him, that i found out that he is never gonna give up his womanizing ways and he will just keep on hurting other women. in a sense parang nag alkaseltzer ako.... oh what a relief it is.

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