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Posts posted by tessa215

  1. baby,


    no matter what you are or what you do, (even if you go to the deepest depths of the ocean)

    we already love you unconditionally and will always accept you whatever you want to be.

    don't be scared to tell us how you really feel and we will do so with open arms and listening ears.

    we won't judge you, you are too much a part of us already.


    your mommies

  2. little girl,


    i wish am wrong about you. many like you have passed through our lives, looking like they are so fragile (thus bringing out the saviour complex of men we know) then in the end hurting them in the process. what bothers me is do you really know what you are looking for? because it will always be a vicious cycle if you repeat the same thing every time you try to find the answers in the men you are with. my suggestion is for you to love yourself and find out what your really need maybe then everything will fall into place. you don't have to prove that you are cool or to be one of "the ones", when you try too hard you will always fail.


    i hope you find your way... i really want to be wrong about my first impression of you.

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