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Posts posted by tessa215

  1. am not suppose to be affected by you anymore, but suddenly little things tick me off. you make things spin in my head. you going sweet for some time now then a mere word in text changes all that and reminds me of the old you. maybe it's better this way rather than disillusioning myself and think you have the potential to change for the better. i don't want to be judgmental and i really try not to be but then my number one hate are liars be it a friend or a lover. i don't know if i should give up on you totally and move on or just keep you for the moment because you do have your moments.


    i should straighten my brain and just enjoy what i get from you. better that way and it keeps me happy because i can't change you but i can change on how i look at things.

  2. am trying to let go of you but it seems that the more am trying to dissuade you the more you want it. i want to say let's just stop it but i can't understand why i can't really say it. maybe because i really like the way you treat me but i also know you can't be mine and i have really no plans to have you. just want to savor the pleasurable yet short moments we have together.


    why can't i just say no and let's stop it?

  3. should i tell you to stop it? for awhile now you have been sweet and am not use to it.

    just when am getting use to our relationship right now i get to see the good side of you, and i don't know if you have an underlying motive. now thats scary. :unsure:

  4. sorry for meddling, i think with my actions i lost more. i wish i could turn back time and make it all go away. just can't help feeling i might be the cause of you going cold. i hope it's just my imagination.i don't want to lose you you are one of my dearest.


    sometimes we have to let go so that some can learn how to fly and maybe someday come back to us.

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