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Everything posted by lomi

  1. Most of Stephen Chow’s earlier movies. Dont particularly like the most recent movies after kung fu hustle.
  2. James Bond 007 with the pretty ladies. And I like Sean Connery and Pierce Brosnan’s potrayal of James bond.
  3. Original but a lot of music right now are trash
  4. lomi

    Oldies But Goodies

    My Way - Frank Sinatra
  5. lomi

    90's Revisited

    Bye bye bye - Nsync
  6. Niji - L’Arc~en~ciel
  7. Saltwater fishes. Easy to maintain and a lot of variety of fish to choose from.
  8. lomi

    Martial Arts

    Muay thai
  9. i had a knee injury that didn't fully healed. Can walk and run normally but recurring knee pain during intense workout.
  10. please watch glucose goddess on how to take food the right way to avoid glucose spike
  11. avoid consuming sugars and carbs and intermittent fasting.
  12. No Vax for me as I have some friends and relatives who died after getting a covid vaccine (not immediately mind you)
  13. 150kph madaling araw at walang kotse in sight.
  14. Always stock. But there are times na kailangan imodify para sa comfort o function.
  15. For convinience matic kaso mahal pag may nasirang parts. Unlike manual.
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