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Posts posted by Equus

  1. tabata tabata method.. just keep on working out.. and you lose weight and get toned.. look at powerlifters, these groups of athletes are mostly fat.. very bad shape if you tell me..


    problem with people who go to the gym is they keep themself so engulfed with technicalities and theories..  basta buhat lang buhat, at takbo ng takbo!  dont try to believe what these and that person say.. e baka gumagastos ng 30k pesos a month sa nutrition yan kaya mas maganda katawan sa yo..



    i have been with people in the gym who do nothing but try to impress others by lifting heavy weights, then take long rest and chit chat..up to now they still have that same ugly fat body..  :thumbsdownsmiley:


    while me i have made improvements and developed 4 pack abs with only 2 months of cardio training and lifting low weights with 15-20 reps.. and I dont even take those creatine, whey protein etc..


    all i eat is natural foods, fruits, veggies, fish.. thats all..


    lift weights for good health not to IMPRESS..  :D


    Pre, that only goes to show that you have not been reading what was said here in the first place. Olympus has been trying to state that the best way to work out which is based on scientific facts and not some old wives tales, are the ones that he has enumerated.


    The keep working out and running and buhat is fine but as what was previously stated, there is a MORE EFFICIENT way of going about it. And dude, dont believe what those or that persons says? does that include you?


    Lifting heavy weights is not ONLY to impress, there are days when you do have to lift heavy weights kasi there's a goal that yer trying to get to... it may be a self servicing goal, whether for fitness or vanity sake but there is SOMETIMES a goal... and the GOAL of power lifters is to be able to carry the biggest weight in the smlalest amount of time... yun yung pinili nilang buhay eh, yun yung nagpapasaya sa kanila...


    In defense of the fat weight lifters, these guys are fat for about 70 to 80 percent of the year but when competition time comes, BOOM! all fat gone! kasi they can't keep themselves toned and cut for the whole year... its not HEALTHY...


    your improvements from your work out is well and fine and admirable... but then is yer muscular ratio correct? is the size of yer bicep okay in relation to the size of your calves, etc... there are standards here too...


    There are some people who work out.. there are some people who work out foolishly and there are other people who want to take it to the next level kasi there was a point in their lives when they wanted more from the effort that they were doing... That's us... we read, we learn, we look at all sides... What I'm trying to say that your stand is correct but it is INCOMPLETE. that is NOT the ONLY way... and yer assumptions about people are a bit inaccurate... what may be good enough for you is sissy for me... what may be big for me is matababoy for you... ganun lang naman yun eh...


    Back to the topic, having a model body means that you WILL have to take it to the next level kasi pineperahan mo na yung itsura ng katawan mo... You're making a living out of it already... and believe me, there are some god given lucky bastards out there who don't lift a single freaking thing, eat like a pig and still remain like an adonis... then there are the normals, like me, who have to take the extra step kasi if i start letting up, i become a fat pig... :D ganun lang yun bro... In my humble opinion, kulang yung info mo to have a model body...

  2. okay okay okay... My take... Ive read the tabata protocol and it seems very sound.. Its basic principle is a persons capacity to load up on both the anaerobic stress level and the aerobic stress level. I beg to disagree with you Thug, it DOES NOT matter whether yer burning up Carbs, Glycogen, etc.. The point thats being stressed here is,


    1.) to lose weight, you have to be using more calories than what you are consuming..


    2.) calories comes in many different forms regardless whether carb, protein, sugars, fats, etc.


    3.) basic physiology is for any movement whether voluntary or involuntary, energy needs to be used, tis is in its basic form, ATP. ATP is produced via the Krebs cycle by utilizing glucose and turning it into ATP.. Glucose can be accessed via the different energy pathways, glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, etc...


    4.) At the basic of it all, If you perform a voluntary, routinary, muscular function, you need ATP produced through glucose, coursed through carbs or proteins, etc...


    5.) In this respect, i will have to agree with olympus in regards to the Tabata Method. Given the basic physiological principles that rule us all, I am convinced that the work out that can reach the peak of a body's aerobic and anaerobic capacity regardless the amount of time, but can be maintained, is the best work out possible... As long as you don't k*ll yerself or injure yerself in the process...


    Thug, I must admit that your principles are very sound but they are classical in a sense... Its just like that thing with Arnold Schwarzenegger.. he FIRMLY believed in spot training and spot reduction.. If you want to lose yer gut, do abs... you want to lose yer fat around yer triceps, do tricep work outs... Now, we ALL know this to be false... but dude, will ANY OF US TELL ARNOLD THAT HE WAS WRONG? I'm pretty sure wala sa atin may karapatan to go up to him and tell him na mali siya... heheheheh diba.. You are right in a sense Thug but nowadays, there are more efficient ways of doing yer workout to get the best results at the most efficient amount of time....

  3. again i must agree with Olympus here. Long drawn out cardio IS GOOD but it is not the be-all end-all... Short intense cardio work outs, when done correctly(certain amount of experience needed here as well..) reduces fat faster and more efficiently due to a afterburn effect that you submit your body too... I guess a combination of both should do. One of the guys who work oout in the gym does the short intense cardio during work out but once a week he would do a long 10 kilometer run. His body looks really toned and defined as well..


    I am contemplating on the psyche of people who lift weights due to self esteem deficit... puwede yun... but isn't that the basis of all work outs? I mean if we were happy with ourselves and how we look per say, we wouldn't be working out anymore diba? Doing the gym thing for health reasons is sound but that statement also hints that since yer not happy or satisfied with yer health regime, then you would do work out.. isn't that another form of insecurity and low self esteem?


    In any case, i am one of those guys who lift weights because at any point in the day im happy with the fact that I'm basically stronger and more fit than the regular joe..


    Referring back to what Olympus said, to lose fat, you have to be consuming more calories than what yer taking in.. Therefore a fibrous diet with a lot of bulk and less calories is the best way to go. Less sugars, and carbs. Im really still in the dark as to what is the ideal diet.


    In reference to your glycogen depletion, glycogen is the fat stored in the liver... Depletion of that fat is good and when that is done and over, your body will start sourcing into yer other fat stores such as the one that is found under the skin, under the chin, etc... hehehehe


    Again, the simplest way to look at it is calories consumed should be lower than the calories needed by the body to do work.. if that situation happens, vavavoom.. you lose weight..


    keeping your body temperature high will keep yer metabolism up thus make you lose yer fat stores a lot faster..

  4. ahh... ohnga pala... model body.


    Good point regarding people who just want to get fit... however In my experience with people, you never really get to the point of god given proportions unless pinagkakakitaan mo yung itsura mo... like models do... hehehehehe...


    A friend of mine wanted to buy all sorts of supplements from me.. up to the point of steroids etc... i tasked, pagkatapos mo gumastos, mapagkikitaan mo ba yung itsura mo? he said no... so whats the point? them models and good looking people make money off the way they look..


    In any case, i disagree with the bigger people who will never get marathon runner thin. Sure genetics play a role but to a certain extent only. Marathon runners get to be that way because of WHAT THEY DO... they are not that way KAYA SILA NAGING MARATHON RUNNERS. Having a stick thin body is not the cause for a person doing marathon cardio stuff, it is the effect when a person DECIDES to do that marathon running stuff... Yes they have to be thin for me speed etc, but being that way IS A RESULT OF THE ACTIVITIES THAT THEY DO.. IT IS NOT THE CAUSE FOR THEM TO DO THEIR ACTIVITIES.


    I do however agree with you regarding the fat folk who do heavy reps and sets... but then again, some people do have bigorexia... That is their option.


    I guess what Olympus is trying to say is that if you are not there yet and starting from scratch, there was little physiological basis that what you had stated will hold true... The program that you cited are for people who are already there... they are for people who are just maintaining how they look. Tayong mga munting nilalang however still have a FAR way to go... There is a difference in a maintenance program from a developing one. Thats why when you see someone with a body that you like, don't ask him what his program is now... that will never work for you if yer starting from scratch... Ask him about all the s@%t that he had to go through thats why ngayon pa easy easy nalang siya...


    BTW whether Elite or not, they are still human therefore elite athletes still fall inside the same kinesiological and physiological principles that rule all of us... Variances in genetics do occur but the principles are the SAME..

  5. I agree with olympus in terms of the powerlifers. It is integral for them to have a maximum Muscle output in the shortest amount of time. This type of muscle work dictates the final form that they have during their competition weight.


    I guess another anology would be to look at the best athletes at the top of their game. I can easily say that the ones who do the most cardio ie. marathon runners, cyclists, long distance runners, iron man etc suffer from excessive muscle catabolism.. The best physique are the ones who do 50 meter sprints, gymnastics, divers, swimmers, etc. These are the people who can harness a maximum muscle ouput and maintain it for a span of not more than 10 minutes... and are able to keep on doing that... If you parallelize it to working out, does this mean that shorter sets with intense but low reps is the way to go?


    These big fat powerlifters need to be such because of the natural tendency of a to be able to displace more mass if you have more mass as well.. For example, its easier for a big 200 pound guy to be able to bench 200 pounds than for a 140 pound guy of the same height to bench 200 pounds... ganun lang yun


    also i completely disagree in terms of using the weighing scale as a means of measuring progress. It depends kasi on how u gauge yer progess... for example me... I am at 205 pounds but it doesn't seem like it when i do my 12 rep full pull up and when i bench my weight... In fact i am losing inches in my waist but my weight stays the same... it does go down a bit but only if i switch over my training to weight loss. This is when i start to factor in diet and a certain amount of muscle catabolism.. If only mayaman tayo, the best way to really measure progress is Fat loss percentage and strength to mass ratio...

  6. machines have their own thing too. they're good for those days when you just want to get yer work out over and done with... they are no brainers that you can do with little cerebral activity.. di naman tayo araw araw ganado mag work out diba... plus it gives older people and beginners a better chance to start work out without hurting themselves without hiring trainers. FF has a good ratio i think. It gives importance to overall health and not to hardcore gymming. Ive worked out in kalawang gyms, weighted cemento for plates gyms, normal village gyms, etc... lets try not to be judgemental kasi different things nga work for diffrent people... if the machines thing works for them, who are we to say that they are wrong diba? :D


    Again, not all of us have the mental and physical aptitude to do hardcore training. Im sure i can put any hardcore worker outer person on a machine and make his body ache like a bitch more than if he does his routine in free weights... and vise versa.. but at the end of the day, its only experience, commitment and dedication to what you do and your capacity to learn and listen to your body for you to be able to make siginificant gains and progress in terms of you gymming life...

  7. its all about calories... when you eat a lot of high calorie food, it gets stored in the form of fat.. that simple. Carbs and oily foods are high in calories, you can check out the internet for the high calorie food list.


    If you work out more than what yer able to eat then your body will start to turn to your fat stores for extra energy. Also, the higher yer body temp is, the faster yer metabolic rate and thus the higher capacity to "burn up" yer fats. So decreasing yer caloric intake and increasing yer caloric expenditure through work out is the best way to lose weight healthwise...


    another thing, if yer body is more muscular, it will need more energy to operate... so guys, generally the more muscular you are, the higher is your efficiency to burn calories because of a higher caloric body requirement.


    Now, you can do the dont eat diet... that definitely works, but the downside is ulcer, reflax, gas pains, muscle atrophy, generalized weakness, etc... but at least you lost weight... the atkins also works but not very healthy... one of the guys above mentioned to just eat right, thats very sound advice... we know naman basically whats right and wrong for our body... just read up a bit more para pulido yung strategy...

  8. i guess. I'm very happy and impressed with you mr. olympus. hehehehehe... I think that im still taking some short cuts and i completely agree with your outlook.. come to think of it, my gains have not been very good lately... usually kasi pag ganun, tira na ng bagong supplement.. hehehehe...

  9. i agree on the right food, rest, etc... but as i said, there are some of us who want to TRAIN HARD GRRR!!! but still have to work like any normal guy during the day.. in my experience, that is very un achievable if you don't have help. right food, rest and exercise is the backbone but kasi we don't train for a living... nor do we make a business out of how we look... i mean di naman tayo artista o model na pinagkakakitaan natin yung kagandahan ng katawan natin... kasi kung ganun, eh di puwede yung failure workouts tapos bahala na the next day diba... but no... a lot of us have to work normal day jobs para mabayaran yung fitness vice natin... and we want to see reults so we train very hard... but if you do that kasi, lupaypay ka naman during the day... so, i a firm believer in supplements to give you that extra boost...

  10. ei guys.. the blitz has been working out GREAT for me... I do have to watch out for my heart rate though kasi i do get over eager and just pump the s**t out of the weights....


    The problem with some of the trainers here in the philippines is that IT IS A BUSINESS... meaning that ang style ng mga trainers especially sa mga baguhan is that di nila masyado ipapa improve yung mga cliente nila so that they become dependent on the trainers... papa tikman yung mga clients ng konting improvement tapos biglang bibitinin...

  11. couple of questions and clarifications...


    Are you guys serious about the protein shake thang? isn't that just a little too much? I completely agree with the egg whites though... also, too much egg whites gives you indigestion... eeyuck...


    I think the best thing to do really is to give your body what it needs to absorb protein meaning 1, an easily absorbable form of protein.. 2, enough vitamns and minerals to keep your metabolic processes running so that you capacity to perform glycolysis, kreb's cycle, gluconeogenesis, etc... are at an optimum... 3, I prefer the use of vasodilators because these supplements help increase my nutrient uptake creating a very receptive and open vascular environment...


    I guess genetics also play an important role... and if yer really anal, you could have a thyroxine and triiodothyronine exam done to really narrow down your route to fat burning or mass gaining success...


    The thing is knowing your body is the best way to find out how to gain fat or lose mass... this means going to the doctor and having yer check up etc... after that, having a trainer is good as well because these guys will prevent the long term damages that you can possibly incur on yerself from self teaching... And the most important thing about it is really commitment and attitude... If yer the type who doesn't like to push the limits of both yer mind and ody, then yer gains will be none to minimal...


    I love working out because this is one of the few things that you can do in yer life wherein the rewards are equal to the amount of effort that you exert...


    oh well, enough sermon... :D

  12. in regards to diet...


    Carbs is okay but its easier to measure if eating wheat bread.... comlpex carbs dapat thats laced with fiber... kaya okay wheat bread. Tapos, eat all of these... tuna, egg white, chicken breask, pork chops (without fat), steak, etc... stay away from EXCESSIVE sugars... take sugar with your coffee... thats it... fruits are okay for cleansing but is usually tooo sugary for the amount of fiber it can supply.. So stack up on the high protein foods and a protein shake will not hurt... probly only yer wallet...

  13. spitsky, i was thinking about stacking up on roids as well... but I saw some people with certain side effects... one of'em had severe acne... thing is though, if yer really serious about taking the stuff, I can try to hook you up. As far as i know, the secret in taking the roids is in knowing how to cycle it.

  14. guys, m taking blitz cycle... its pretty whacked... I have an increase of muscle strength spikes and I heal a little faster... Have any of you guys used this supplement before?


    Any other reviews? or ako muna susubok nito tapos kung maganda... hehehehehehe... pero kung ako nagkaroon ng boobs....... bahala na si batman.....

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