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Posts posted by sago

  1. it would be hard to assess the value of that PC, MARK30. 


    30T i say would be competetive but you need to be able to efficiently convince the would be buyer why s/he have to buy that coz as of these days, no one cares about the brand of your pc- its the internals that matters... 


    buying something more expensive but branded over something much faster but unbranded is hard to decide on for some people...


    but since you did a good job on keeping it, i think you wouldn't have a hard time selling it to older people < aged 35 and above > since that generation <from my experience> still believes in brands. the likes of executives, school principals etc...


    hope this helps...

    i have to agree. its frustrating to sell a 2nd hand computer package for P30K that was bought 2 years ago, unless you can sell ice to an eskimo. young people these days go for speed regardless of brand, hdi ko nman sinasabi n pangit yng compaq presario ni Mark30. pero just as what Mark30 said "the COMPAQ Presario is good to me, but when I bought it I didnt know cheaper PCs can be assembled from scratch, so I bought it at an expensive price". so my advice... lower your price until masakit n s puso.

  2. refered via a yahoo group.


    I discovered it through a thread in peyups.com.  What does it mean when people say I joined "through FHM?"  Thanks.


    el gimikero wrote an article about ManilaTonight.com in FHM's May edition(Juliana Palermo on cover page).HTH.

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