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Posts posted by adriane888

  1. Nice meeting Mates Tamago, marc.alan, partykc, MA (plus 2-sorry forgot your handle) and mikhailberis last night sa EB natin. Tindi talaga nyo talaga sa wrestling histories and infos. guys ulitin uli natin....


    Cute pala ni MA (ka-bilib, kc a girl knows a lot on wrestling) see you soon po uli...


    Sa uulitin mga mates.... ano ba ang next summer slam..?

  2. Tamago's Wrestling Chismaks!  :cool:


    Jillian Hall, a WWE developmental talent, could be making a debut on Raw soon as Trish Stratus' tag team partner.


    Lance Storm got into a confrontation w/ Hardcore Holly & JBL. Storm, who is currently a trainer in OVW, told the talent what to expect when they are called into the main roster. He said that hazing & some rubbing occurs within the SD! locker room, w/c he called unproffesional. He singled out JBL & Holly as 2 people whom the rookies should look out for. 1 of the OVW talents paased this information to Holly & several other SD! talent.

    When they crossed paths during the Wrestlemania weekend, Holly told Storm to "f**k off," while JBL challenged Storm to a fight. Storm kept his cool & walked away.


    The Rock's move "Doom," w/c is based on the popular video game, has been pushed back to an October release date. He will also star in a comedy w/ Ryan Reynolds. He will also star in a prison football movie entitled "Gridiron Gand" along w/ rapper Xzibit.


    Roddy Piper has claimed that he has signed a new deal w/ the WWE.


    Muhammad Hassan received some backstage heat because he openly disagreed w/ Sgt. Slaughter, who was giving him advice regarding a match. He wasn't trying to be disrespectful towards Slaughter, but it cam off that way to many wrestlers.


    Rhyno is in Puerto Rico working for IWA. He is there to fulfill his last WWE obligations.


    Colt Canana & CM Punk of ROH were spotted backstage at WWE tapings. CM Punk work a match in a recent taping of Sunday Night Heat.


    The Undertaker might undergo a hip replacement surgery. He might be out for 2-3 months.


    Dr. Death Steve Williams said in a recent interview that he'd love to return to wrestling.


    There are rumors that Gail Kim is engaged to Doug Basham.


    Vince McMahon & The Rock were spotted talking for at least 30 minutes during the post Wrestlemania festivities.


    Shelton Benjamin won the WWE Video Game contest at Wrestlemania 21, while Kane came in at 2nd place. This is the 3rd year in a row Benjamin has won the contest.


    Paul Orndorff was unhappy w/ the WWE Hall Of Fame Ceremony. He is still pissed at Hulk Hogan as it was seen that he moved away from him when he was offered a hug. He was also seen seated during the standing ovations that Hogan received during the ceremony.

    The Undertaker didn't attend the ceremony because he wanted to protect his character, & because he's also pissed at Hogan. They have had a long standing animosity towards each other, w/c started during The Undertaker's early days in the WWE. He heard Hogan telling McMahon that he (Undertaker) wasn't ready for the top spot during that time (when they fought). He also claimed that The Undertaker didn't protect him during their matches, especially when he delivered the Tombstone.

    There were also rumors that Vince McMahon called Stone Cold Steve Austin on the phone to persuade him to attend the ceremony. It is no secret that the 2 don't like each other, but during the ceremony the 2 were spotted talking to each other.


    It is known w/in the WWE that management felt that Matt Hardy was the least marketable among the Hardy Boyz, & that they never thought of him being in a top spot w/in the company.


    Edge has received a lot of backstage heat regarding the love triangle between him, Amy Dumas aka Lita, & Matt Hardy. According to 1 wrestler, no 1 wants to be seen w/ him because of the heat that he has received.

    And ever since Matt was released, things have been a lot worse for Edge. Hardy was well liked backstage, so people have been making it really hard for Edge. Many feel that Hardy would still be w/ the WWE if it weren't for Edge getting involved w/ Lita.


    Edge & Lita have been keeping their distance from each other lately. It is unknown if this is because their relationship has deteriorated or if they're trying to keep a low profile.


    The SD! locker room are said to be more upset w/ Edge than the Raw locker room.


    Chris Jericho commented on the situation, saying that it was "extremely f**ked up," & said that it was bad for the business to fire Hardy since he did nothing wrong.


    Raw wrestlers & staff were happy regarding how the crowd booed Edge & Lita during a recent taping of Raw in Madison Square Garden. Lita was reportedly shaken but tried to mask this, while Edge just laughed it off as it fueled  the heat for his character.


    Sean O' Haire is now w/ K-1.


    The Undertaker & Shane McMahon were spotted attending a UFC event.


    Trish Stratus missed the Australian tour & will miss the UK tour because of a herniated disc in her back.


    Chris Nowinski's bio has been removed from the Raw roster in wwe.com.


    Eric Bischoff's wife will be featured in next month's issue of Playboy.


    Batista has signed a new 5-year deal w/ the WWE.


    There are rumors that when the draft lottery occurs, Shawn Michaels will go to SD!, while Kurt Angle will go to Raw.


    Frankie Kazarian will make his debut in the WWE soon, while Marty Jannetty will return to the WWE next month.


    CW Anderson will be involved in the ECW One Night Stand PPV.


    Kid Kash is no longer w/ TNA. He was fired after he trashed the company in a recent interview. WWE is now starting a petition to get him to join their ECW PPV.


    Trish Stratus gave a very revealing interview to Maxim about sex.


    Chris Jericho has been very outspoken about the WWE for the past few months, & he has sent feelers that he might not renew his contract, w/c expires this year.

    Nice update bro.. See u later!!

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