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Posts posted by scooby91

  1. To Dr_P and the other Masters in this thread...


    As a newbie investor, wat instruments do u recommend a novice investor go into, given current state of Pinas market.

    From wat i understand, the stock market still has some momentum (some steam left). Can we expect it to be bullish for at elast the next 6 mos.? I also looked at most of the local equity mutual funds, and almost all are in the all time highs..


    thanks in advance

  2. what bank in Singapore fo you have in  mind? How much the minimum to open an account? you can actually invest here, we also have global funds offered by banks and investment companies..


    really? any local bank that offers clients access to: DBS, ABN AMRO, ABERDEEN, FIDELITY, SCROEDER funds?

    i just opened an account at DBS... min initial amt to invest in most funds is SGD1,000 i think.

  3. if you like mutual funds you should divide your money between a group of funds, use investment averaging, and not worry about what others think of your investments. There is no such thing as a mutual fund expert. Just a lot of people who are doing what you are.


    I balance my money between six funds, I do not look at short term performance because mutual funds are medium to long term instruments.



    you maintain six (phil) funds here?

    dont they overlap already?

  4. Is anyone familiar with the PIATCO case?


    - Is there any law/regulation that prohibits the govt from taking-over operations of NAI-3?

    - what are the loophole sof our BOT Law? (build operate transfer)


    Many thanks...

  5. hi guys newbie lang ako sa thread na 'to and i want to take a risk on this trust funds that you guys are talking here...pero di ko alam kung pano mag invest...gusto ko sana yung sa Banco de Oro Unit Investment Trust Funds...hoe can i invest here?...will i just go to the bank and tell them i want to invest on thier trust funds?...any info will be greatly appriciated :cool:


    suggest you read their prospectus dude... trust funds with banks are usually ultra conservative...

    equity funds are more aggressive... depends on your investment objectives...

    the three elements remain - risk, return, time...

  6. take a walk..visit the nearby chapel..be alone and pray.. talk to myself

    listen to music.. watch a movie.. alone or with friends

    go to powerbooks.. read some books

    dance like crazy while alone in a room... den wen im tired..sleep to my heart content..




    solitude.. harmony.. rejuvinate the mind...

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