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Posts posted by travelmassage

  1. My grandfathers (both side) never mistreated our Lolas physically. My father never lifted a finger against my mother. They would bicker, my mom would nag. My father would say his words for just a few times then would just listen. After that, he'd walk out after the quarrel ( go to our farm).


    Now. I dont see why men makes punching bags out of their gal. I loathe those men who do. And I find it foolish for women to think their man would change after years of beating.

  2. It would definitely be the face. I guy would like to determine if the person in front is male or female. Doesn't have to be attractive though. Syempre this is the scenario kung nakaharap.


    If nakatalikod. First thing we notice is the clothes. Shorts or dress would definitely get our attention. Next would just be the details. Legs and back, maputi ba? Makinis? I find this annoying because I dont have the eye to distinguish a girl na nakatalikod or a ahemmmm..beklush na sexy.. My friends would laugh at me when I say " Uy, ano un?" and they would reply "lalake un tol".


    At the end I'd say.... God Demmmmit! Ndi ko nlang sana nilingon!

  3. With attitude. I find contradictory behavior attractive. Or just in some cases.


    1. Making me help carry her bag (5kg) and yet finds it easy to lift a 20 kg box on her own, and gets infuriated if I try to assist.

    2. Takes it easy on sweets, desserts but kung makasibak ng kanin wagas.

    3. Kala mo pang fine duning but takes her meals under 5 minutes instead.

    4. Can have the patience to walk. Not because she wants to burn calories.

    5. Super malambing magsalita but knows how to yell, at the top of her voice "Kaiiiiiiiiin naaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"

  4. These are my unusual physical traits I find attractive in a girl.


    1. Boyish or short haircut

    2. little bubbles of sweat or (sweat dew, if I may term it as) under the nose and above the lips

    3. again, little drops of sweat forming at the temple

    4. again, haha little drops of sweat at the side of the neck, just under the ears

    5. plump arms not saggy ones. nor not muscular ones

    6. Lorna Tolentino mole


    Its surprising to find someone as weird as mine.

  5. Let me see. Wala na ata ako kbatch dito. Its been a while.


    1. Tekken

    2. Monster Rancher

    3. Biohazard (Japanese version of Resident Evil)

    4. Duke Nuken

    5. Final Fantasy VII

    6. Crash Bandicot

    7. Grand Turismo

    8. Chrono Cross

    9. Lara Croft Tomb Raider

    10. Castle vania

    11. Brave Fencer Musashi

    12. Silent Hill

    13. Bushido Blade

    14. Twisted Metal



  6. Its always like this.


    I say yes when they are fond of me. When I see a little clues (traits and gestures) that she's wife material.


    Everything falls apart when I see both of us quarreling in the future over small things. No more give and takes. When its just me having patience. When the matrimonial part becomes unclear. And when I couldnt imagine both of us having a family and growing old together.

  7. Definitely yes. Any food which contain skin. Good source of collagen without cholesterol. Balbakwa, dinakdakang balat ng baka, kare-kare, kapukan, papaitang may balat ng kambing or baka. Balat ng lechon.






    You should choose 1. Who would you go out for a date? Mommy Dionisia or Madam Auring? and Why?

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