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Posts posted by greenarrow

  1. you know what, i don't care.


    they won and one of the privileges of winning is to make fun of the other teams.



    right, ryan arana? :lol:

    This would be the last time I'd make a comment.


    I agree with all of you 110% on your statements such as, "privileges of winning is to make fun of the other teams", "to the winner goes the spoils". But here's my problem. It's a good thing you mentioned Ryan Arana. How come people were calling him names when he did the now famous, "Arana jiggy". Another post here mentioned about the so-called "team photoshoot". Cause going by your reasoning, "privileges of winning is to make fun of the other teams", "to the winner goes the spoils", the previously mentioned acts by DLSU shouldn't have been a big issue after all. That's the problem with "moralists" & those with "holier-than-thou" attitude.


    I hope this would be the closure.


    Onwards to Season 72!

  2. LOSER LOSER LOSER LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!


    BURN THEM........AGAIN!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!


    ONE BIG FIGHT!!!!!!!






    It seems not only La Salle was the subject of the ateneo bonfire. However, several close-up shots of the wooden planks to be burned, including one posted at the 2bU section of the Inquirer included the following:


    "UP Fighting M0rons" (and yet the Ateneans say that they respect UP people)

    "UST Growling Tigers"

    "Adamson Falcons"

    "NU Bulldogs"

    "FEU Tamaraws"

    "UE Red Warriors"


    Now, given such newly uncovered facts, perhaps ateneans might want to apologize to the entire UAAP community for the unacceptable behavior of some ill-bred ateneans during their bonfire celebration.





    During the UAAP board meeting yesterday afternoon held at Quezon Hall of UP-Diliman, Br. Bernie Oca FSC accepted the 1st runner-up trophy from UAAP president Sergio Cao in a simple ceremony.


    Another thing - WHY is it SO IMPORTANT for certain SENSITIVE OR GUILTY ATENEANS that DLSU-Manila physically ACCEPTS the 2008 UAAP 1st Runner-Up Trophy?


    To "validate" their Game 2 "win" and their 2008 "Seniors "Title"?




    Yet the UNIVERSAL DOUBT regarding Game 2 remains.

  4. 2 October 2008




    De la Salle University System

    2401 Taft Avenue



    Re: Ateneo Bonfire


    Dear Bro. Armin,


    I would like to extend my deepest apology to you and to the La Sallian community for what some alumnus or student did at the Ateneo Bonfire, namely, write the names of the La Salle players on the wood. Unfortunately, none of us saw it ahead of time, because the wood pile was covered by a tarp against the rain until the time came to light it.


    Despite our rivalries in sports, we are both committed to Christian values and what was done is certainly a violation of values we share.


    Once again, my deepest apologies to you and to the La Sallian community. We are trying to find out who is responsible for the act.



    Sincerely yours,








    Letter of Mr. Paredes to Fr. Nebres




    3 October 2008



    Fr. Bienvenido F. Nebres, SJ


    Ateneo de Manila University


    Dear Fr. Nebres,


    I write this letter for two reasons. The first one is to own up to producing the materials with the names of the Green Archers and placing them prominently in the woodpile before the bonfire for all to see.


    Secondly, I sincerely apologize to you for the queasy situation you are in as a result of the backlash it created.


    While the nature of this letter is a personal apology to you, please feel free to extend it to parties you may deem fit to receive it.






    Jesse Paredes

    HS'54, AB'58



    Right or wrong, I think it is a sign of breeding to apologize when you offend a brother.


    It is also a sign of a gentleman to take responsibility for one's actions regardless of the consequences.


    Ang sarap maging Atenista.


    Mr. Jesse Paredes? isn't he too old (HS 54) to be getting himself involved in such juvenile acts?!!!


    In my opinion, it is not the very honorable Fr. Nebres who should "extend (the apology) to parties..." In owing up to this despicable act, Mr. Paredes himself should be the one apologizing to THE ENTIRE LA SALLIAN COMMUNITY!!!

  5. from onelasalle yahoogroups:


    ----- Original Message -----

    From: Bobby Cabral

    To: LSGH_Manos@yahoogro ups.com

    Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2008 12:19 AM

    Subject: Re: [LSGH_Manos] Br Armin's Message to Fr Nebres


    Dear La Sallians:


    I sense another brewing controversy here about our Archers failure to receive the runner-up trophy. Just to set the record straight since I attended the dinner held at Hai Kang Restaurant in Wilson Street right after Game 2 of the Season 71 Finals, let me say that our Archers were in the dugout during the ceremony and no one from the UAAP bothered to call them out. Obviously, they could not hear their names being called out. So, before our La Sallian community gets divided once again due to mere speculation once again, our Archers led by Coach Franz were unaware that the ceremony was taking place and NO ONE BOTHERED TO GO TO THE DUGOUT AND CALL THEM OUT!!!


    In the future, please withhold your opinions on matters based on hearsay or Jasmine Payo of the Inquirer's report (who is incidentally a Blue Eagle). If you support our school, our team and our coach, please get the facts from them first before you jump into any conclusions. We have enough La Sallians writing in the Philippine Star or other media to worry about shooting from the hips without La Sallians in this yahoogroup forming opinions without the benefit of the facts.


    Personally, I wished that they snubbed the ceremony on purpose. But then again, I don't have the spiritual and emotional fortitude of our La Sallian Brothers, Coaches and Players. Even my Atenean friends were not happy with the results because it was clouded in controversy (using their own phrase). I will concede Game 1 to the Eagles, but we will never really know how Game 2 would turn out if the referees had not shown their obvious bias against our Green Archers with the phantom finger ejection of Mythical Five member Rico Maierhoffer.


    On a positive note, the Eagles could not get their bonfire started because it rained heavily last night. And as another consuelo de bobo, at least we don't have to worry about tickets again until next year! On a negative note, we have one year of gloating ahead from our neighbors from Katipunan. GLOAT EAGLES!!! ONE BIG FARCE!!!


    Bobby Cabral

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