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George Estregan Lives

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Posts posted by George Estregan Lives

  1. wow! George Estregan Lives! pisces ka nga. nice haiku! if u can use few words and strong and edit unnecessary words like articles. let the reader imagine what ur haiku means and u did it. u don't need to tell them what it means. pls write more.


    do u dedicate ur work to the victims of tsunami, too?



    Thank you SunflowR. I really meant to honor pisceans with my haiku (the fate of fishes and all), but reading back, you're right, it really sounded like it was written for the tsunami victims. Thank you for pointing that out.


    Thanks for the haiku tips.


    And thank you, too, for the kind words. I always thought kind words holds more meaning than any well-crafted verse.

  2. BTW, since we are on the topic of Pisceans being writers, I tried my luck once more on poetry yesterday. It's been a while (college days pa) since I gave up on poetry (or it might be, poetry gave up on me), but I hope I still have it. Here goes...





    You have me spellbound

    with stories of satellites,

    moons and silent skies.


    Everything spoken casts a blanket

    That keeps me from the cold sky.


    You need not even ask

    “What do you feel when you look at the stars?”

    For I’ll give you my usual

    “I don’t know.”


    Every star seems distant,

    remote as a faint memory

    except for the constant

    constellation of your embrace.

  3. Hi J888Cool. Thanks you welcoming us wandering Pisceans. Happy to be part of of this astrological sibling-hood.


    BTW, I do not know much about haikus and I keep forgeting the the meter required for it. But this much I know, apart from the rules, a haiku was meant to be written very short because by nature, it is supposed to be read as natural as exhaling a breath.

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